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"Jaehyun...you're just being mean now" Kira said with a sniff as she closed his bedroom door behind her, giving the two some privacy.

"You know what's mean Kira?" He asked, looking up with a scoff while his hands continued to pack and fold some clothes into a duffel bag

"Not telling someone that the mother of their child, who practically disappeared for the last three years, is back. That's pretty mean" he said, shaking his and continuing with his actions of folding and shoving shirts into the bag

"I tried to Jae...I was trying all day" she sighed, folding her arms over her chest, trying to calm down her erratic pattern of breathing

"We were on a call yesterday. You could've told me" he said defeatedly with a sigh

"You were tired and...fuck—I know. I should've said it as soon as I found out" she said, biting her lower lip as the hot tears stained her cheeks

"I'm sorry okay? I'm new to this kind of stuff and it's just a little too much these days—"

"If you can't handle it...then what are you still doing here?" Jaehyun asked, finally looking up at her with a sigh, feeling upset and betrayed to say the least

"Jae that's not what I meant" she breathed out, walking towards him and approaching his side of the bed

"Baby I'm sorry." She said, sitting on his side of the bed as he tried to keep his eyes trained on packing instead. She never really called him baby, and he any other day it would've melted him to the core, but today it only seemed to make things harder

"That's not enough" he sighed, gulping the lump that had begun to form in his throat as he zipped his bag close

"Well what do you want me to do?" She asked with a helpless voice, gripping his hands in hers to stop him from moving around. He but the inside of his cheek as he watched her fingers desperately trying to interlock with his tense ones

"Kira..." he sighed, taking his hands away from her shaky ones

"Right now...I just want you to leave" he breathed out, moving away to find his jacket


"Kira. Please. I need you to leave." He said sternly, his back turned to her, keeping his mind focused on seeing his daughter, disregarding the tightening feeling in his chest.

Kira bit her bottom lip, breathing out a shaky breath as she stood to her feet. He was in a rush to leave and if she was to stop him any more they would only keep fighting. She hated that they were fighting in the first place. She hated that it all could've been avoided. She hated that he was pushing her away.

"Jae?" She called lowly and he hummed, slowly turning his head to see her by the door, letting herself out as he ordered.

"Drive safe" she said, worrying for him like usual. He stood frozen for a second, eyes glazing her glossy ones, cheeks pink from sadness and a trail of dried tears on top. But his sense of betrayal was far more greater than usual. Of all the people he could've been let down by, he just never anticipated her to be one of them.

He nodded his head firmly, turning back around to his closet and letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he heard the door shut.

She walked into the living room to grab her phone, eyes scanning the decorations that were still up, the glasses with drinks left untouched and more than a good bit of the pizza still there. She wanted to clean up, help him out in any little way she could, desperate to just not be pushed away by him. But she knew it was best to leave.

She left his apartment, the bouquet of lilies in one hand as she rode the elevator down to her own home, unlocking the door to see her friends in her living room. The silence was deafening the second they heard her step into the room, eyes narrowing to the film of tears that had dried up on her cheeks.

"What are you...guys doing?" She asked, clearing her throat, placing the bouquet on the dining table along with her keys before approaching her friends

"You okay?" Eunhye asked and Kira shrugged, eyes scanning over Haerin and Kai who were on the balcony before heading in their direction

"Hey" Kira breathed out, stepping out onto the balcony, making the two turn to her immediately, both looking remorseful

"I'll leave you guys alone" Haerin said, smiling sympathetically, patting Kira's arm before closing the door behind her.


"I'm so sorry. Like I seriously—fuck...I had no idea" he immediately rambled, hoping to not get a chunk of his hair pulled by his sister that he swore had more strength than him

"I know, I know" she said with a sigh, sitting down beside him, smelling the fumes of his lit cigarette as they looked to the night sky as their 24th birthday approached an end.

"I guess twin telepathy doesn't work as well for test tube babies" She chuckled, leaning her head onto his shoulder and he tensed up at the sudden sibling interaction.

"I think it's working again" he said with a sad smile, reaching his hand over to pat her back comfortingly, feeling a greater sense of sadness wash over him as he heard her sniff beside him.

"You okay?" She asked, noticing the dip in his mood as well

"Yeah...me and Haerin...broke up" he said and she breathed out nervously, hoping she'd never have to say that sentence for her and Jaehyun

"Because of—"

"No" he said immediately, reassuring her

"Well... Taehyun was...very vocal with his thoughts on how it's tearing the friend group apart so...we just thought it would be better to stay friends" he smiled, resting his head on top of hers as she patted his knee

"Is she still coming to the wedding?" She asked with a sniff and Kai hummed in thought

"Probably...we're still chill" he answered simply

"Is Jaehyun still coming?" He asked with caution but only heard a sigh in response, followed by a shrug

"What a great birthday huh?" He chuckled and she groaned, feeling her puffy eyes start to burn from the sting of tears

"I love y—"

"Okay, that's enough sibling bonding time" Kai quickly said, distancing himself from her making her laugh, following him into the living room with a smile on her face.

"Wanna play uno?" Taehyun asked with a smile and she nodded, taking a seat beside him on the couch to take her mind off the war in her head

And it was always the same, no matter how many tears, screams, fights they all had. They were always there. Through all the break ups, constant bickering, and mental breakdowns, she still had her best friends.

"I love you guys!" She pouted, making them all grimace slightly at the sappy words that no one had the energy for

"Just shut the fuck up and shuffle the cards" Taehyun sighed, passing her the deck of cards.

She smiled, chuckling at their reaction before shuffling the cards, distributing it around the table to each person. And while it was only temporary, they were able to get her mind off her problems like good friends always should when you need it most. And while she wished Jaehyun was there in the last few minutes of her birthday to make the day even more special, she hoped he okay regardless of their fight.

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