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December 12th 2024

"Like..he's not gonna walk me down the aisle and she's not going to be there when I have the baby it's just... I feel like I'm all alone" She choked, wiping her face of her hot tears making Callie anxious at the fact that they were running out of time to finish her makeup for the wedding.

"But you have us sweetie, you're not alone" Haerin pouted, wiping her tears away with her hand

"I know's just so embarrassing to not have them here like—they were meant to be my parents you know—"

"I know, I know...but you can do this without them okay?" Kai said, hugging his sister tightly and letting her lean her head on his chest

"Just like you've done everything else. You can do this without them. You don't need them, you never have" Kai whispered and she nodded

"I just...can I just go see him?" She asked with a sniff and Kai hesitated slightly, looking at his watch but ultimately replied with a nod, he knew better than to stop his sister.

"Hey! What are you doing here? It's bad luck—"

"I just...I need to see him Johnny" She sighed, wiping the tear that fell down from her eye and he nodded his head, widened the door to let her in

"Delivery for Jae" Johnny said, catching his attention and interrupting the conversation he was having with Jungwoo. He swung his head around to see the girl in a beautiful ivory dress, a smile planting itself onto his lips as he looked at her but faltering when he saw her distraught face.

"Maybe we should leave you guys alone" Jungwoo said, patting his shoulder before leaving the room with Johnny, leaving the two alone.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jaehyun asked with worry, taking long strides towards her and she welled up with tears at the sight of him in his grey suit.

"Just nerves, can I have a hug?" She asked, looking up at him and he nodded quickly, not taking a second longer to embrace her into a warm hug

"You sure it's just nerves? Is it the baby you not want to get marr—"

" of course I want to marry you I just..." she trailed off, distancing themselves again and caressing the side of his cheek as he looked down at her worriedly

"I'm just like...upset" she said with a sigh

"And stressed and tired" she sighed, sniffing back her tears as he dragged towards the vanity chair, sitting her down and kneeling down before her. He took her shaky hands into his, pressing a kiss onto the ring on her finger before intertwining his hand eith hers.

"Talk to me" he said, squeezing her hand reassuringly, letting her know he was here to listen and she bit her bottom lip that quivered

"I'm mad that my parents can't be here for it—I know I didn't invite them but—jesus like they had to be so horrible that I couldn't even ask them. Like my dad's not here to walk me down the aisle and my mum won't be here for my first birth" she sighed while he listened intently

"And I'm nervous about being a mom—what's new?" She chuckled dryly and he smiled

"You'll figure it out baby, we will, together" he reassured and she nodded

"And I'm upset that'll never be just you and me again. I mean don't get me wrong I want to have a baby so much and I know there's going to be a lot of sacrifices but like—like we're not even going on a honeymoon" she sighed, shaking her head

"Sorry I'm being stupid and selfish I—"

"No you're not baby, I understand" he said, kissing her hand and she pouted

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