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Neo College Therapy (ft. foreign swaggerz)

Kai: who's in the library?

Haerin: aren't you meant to be in class rn?

Kai: yeah.

Kai: And what about it? 🙄

Taehyun: me bro

Kai: is there any seats left?

Taehyun: near the front but the back is filled

Kai: damn babe you didn't save me a seat? 🤨

Taehyun: sorry shawty 😔🙏

Haerin: i have a study room booked for 12 if anyone wants to come!!

study 🤨🤨

Taehyun: study?!? 😨😨

Eunhye: is it okay if Sora joins?

Krit: yall fr just woke me up

Krit: can't you guys make a separate gc for uni stuff??

no bc then that's excluding u 🥺


Kai: ur with us in spirit Krit 😚

Haerin: Yeah Sora can come!!

Kai: omg Sora 🥵

she's so hot 😫😫

Eunhye: back off yall she's mine 🤭

Taehyun: i just threw up.

Haerin: so ur homophobic?

Taehyun: I-

Haerin: You what? 🤨🤨


read by Haerin, Taehyun

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read by Haerin, Taehyun


Tucking her phone back into her pocket, Kira looked back at the computer screen in-front of her, displaying the scan of a tooth abscess.

"What does it look like?" Chaeyoung asked her. Chaeyoung was a very sweet girl, not exactly the closest friend that Kira had but she was thankful for the extra company during many of her classes that her other friends didn't take.

"Abcsess in the gum under upper right four...there's a ruptured vein as well...the surgery for this one will be tricky" Kira said with a hum as she joined the rest of the class who tried to depict the image on each of their screens before the professor switched to the next slide showing a different angle of the scan.

"The axial view of the tooth here is showing the giant abscess, and if you look close enough the ruptured vein underneath as well, close to the jaw so it will require a surgical stitch" he stated and Kira quietly rejoiced in victory as she got her answer right, they didn't come to her often and her grades were definitely not at the level they should be.

With the loud sound of her stomach growl, but not loud enough to the point where heads turned, Kira looked towards Chaeyoung before a guilty smile took over her face.

"Right, I'll see you later" she said as Chaeyoung rolled her eyes before pestering her to eat breakfast before a 9am lecture next time.

There was a small number of people who chose to go in for the 9am lecture on dental surgery, and for a topic about dental abscesses leading to brain damage, her brain was sure as hell not paying attention. She practically crawled out the room to avoid being seen by the professor they call 'the hawk'.

A small dance of victory was made with her feet happily as she successfully exited the room without getting his attention, but the growling in her stomach grew even louder. Studying dentistry was a prestige of course, let alone at the top university in Korea. She was grateful for it all of course but she wasn't too fond of the whole thing.

Kira was blessed with artistic talent, her twin brother Kai on the other hand was all brains and not one cell of creativity in his body. Which is why he got stuck with economics and finance in University. Kira was always a quieter type, rebellious in a different way than going out to parties every night when she was 16.

She often argued a lot, questioned her elders and wondered why people think the way they do. She always had a different perspective, it was a gift but also a curse. She was adaptable, too adaptable that sometimes she forgets what she really wants.

"I'm so screwed" she said, looking at her bank account balance from the app on her phone, realising she didn't have enough money to buy a proper meal if she wanted to pay her share of the rent this month.

"This is why you need to pack lunches Kira" she said to herself as she rerouted towards the library, only to be stopped by her brother who was ghosting behind her as he skipped out early on one of his own classes.

"No, this is why you need to budget like I've been telling you for the last five years" he said in an annoying tone.

"It's not that easy for me, maybe for you it is" she scoffed, attempting to steal a bite from his subway only for him to extend his arm to get it away from her prying fingers.

"Okay miss financially burdened artist, first of all, you quit your job at the café two weeks ago-"

"Working at the cramped Cath Kidston looking place inhibited my creativity" she mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest

"Not my point. What did you do with all that severance pay huh?" He asked with a judging expression

"I-I needed new brushes and..and a new canvas, you know... creative process and all that" she said, trying to justify it.

"So that air fryer, your new sony headphones and that stupid hula hoop thats been untouched since it got delivered was for your creative process right?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, knowing he was fully right.

"You know how expensive our rent is too?" She asked with a slight pout

"Mom and dad are already helping with the deposit so you can't even complain about that. Just admit that you have no sense of savings" he said, poking her forehead roughly making her scowl at him

"That's the least they could do for us. But you're right, I need to find a job" she said, defeated, realising there was no way out and if she whined any more she would be next in line for an inflation lecture from Kai.

"And i hope you do, if you make me pay your share of the rent one more time i will actually kick you out for good" he warned in a joking way but of course, he wasn't really joking. The last thing she wanted was to beg her parents for money, knowing it would only result in a lecture of how immature she was for her age.

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