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"There you are" Kira said with a sense of relief, finding Jaehyun beside Johnny after escaping a painfully long conversation with Krit about the new sound cloud beat he was thinking of dropping

"Enjoying the party?" Jaehyun asked, snaking his arm around her waist, bringing her into his side

"It's great Jae, but listen—"

"Hold on, Johnny show her" Jaehyun chuckled and Kira sighed turning to the man who balanced the empty red cup on his nose

"Out of all the things you can do Johnny, put this at the top of the list" she joked, poking his abs and making it fall off his face instantly

"You're girlfriend's mean" Johnny said, faking his seriousness and Jaehyun chuckled

"You're just jealous" Jaehyun teased, loosening his hand on her arm as he felt the vibration of his phone in his jean pocket

"It's my Mom, I'm gonna take this incase Jihye needs something" Jaehyun said, furrowing his brows at the call that came later in the evening than usual.

"So, Bali huh? You guys gonna get one of those little honeymoon huts?" Johnny asked with a smirk, leaning against the wall

"Yeah, just like the ones you and Doyoung got" she smirked and he rolled his eyes

"We got separate huts. Okay? Separate!" He exclaimed making her laugh, not believing a single word

"What?!" Jaehyun's voice pierced through the air as he shouted into the phone making everyone's heads snap towards him

"Dude you good?" Johnny asked, seeing his best friend's eyes widened as he spoke on the phone to his mother

"Okay y-yeah...I'll be there in an hour" he sighed, loosening his grip on the wine glass before he could crack it.

"Jae what's wrong? Is Jihye okay?" Kira asked with slight panic, walking over to him and he let out a shaky breath which only worried her even more

"She's back." He whispered, still in slight disbelief as he raised his eyes to look past Kira's and meet the worried ones of Johnny and Taeyong.

"Hyesun...she's back." He said, and if a pin was to drop Kira swore she would've been able to hear it

"And she's with Jihye" he answered, a little more panicked this time wondering how his daughter must be so confused right now without him there

"I-I need to go and—fuck what is she doing here?" Jaehyun said with panic and Kira turned her head to Taehyun, feeling her heart clench in her chest. He only shook his head in response, telling her to not say anything now. And if only the drunk Kai who stumbled into their apartment knew to do the same thing, things might've been different.

"Jesus, what's with the energy in here?" Kai asked with chuckle, his arm resting on the shoulders of a drunk Haerin as well as they made themselves known to the group, only to be ignored as everyone remained too focused on Jaehyun's rising temper

"Well, the palpable tension sure is lovely" he added, looking over to Kira's extremely guilty face.

"Like I haven't heard from her in...years and n-now all of a sudden she's just...here?" Jaehyun mumbled to Taeyong, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to comfort him

"Oh...did you tell him?" Kai asked, piecing the dots together in his drunken state, and Jaehyun's head snapped towards Kira in an instant. She let out a sigh and wondered why twin telepathy decided to not work today of all days.

"Tell me what?" Jaehyun asked and Kira nervously ran a hand through her hair as she felt everyone's eyes on her now.

"Tell me what Kira?" Jaehyun asked, stepping closer to her as her eyes welled up with tears from the tension

"Y-your ex...Hyesun...she called your landline and I didn't mean to turn it on—it just turned on by itself and— and...she said she booked a flight to Korea—and then the message deleted, I have no idea how b—"

"Wait...hold on" Jaehyun said, cutting her rambles short as he looked down at her, pupils shaking slightly as he saw her glossy eyes

"She called and...you never told me?" He asked, shaking his head as if he almost didn't believe it himself

"No Jae, I swear I've been trying to tell you but—"

"How long have you known?" He asked, taking a step back, watching the salty tears escape the confines of her lower lashes

"Like..two days-"

"Two days?" He asked with a low voice and his chest heaved slightly from the frustration and anger, but most importantly disappointment

"You couldn't have found a second in those two days to text me o-or even give me a heads up about it?!" He asked, raising his voice at her making her flinch.

"Jae, I'm so,so sorry I...I didn't know how to tell you" she whimpered, rubbing her teary eyes

"Since when did we start keeping secrets from each other—"

"Never Jae... I didn't know how to tell you because you would freak out" She cried, not even worrying about everyone around them in the room

"Of course I'm going to freak out! You would do the same if you had a child" he said with a scoff, running a hand through his strands

"I know but—"

"But you dont!" His words hurt a lot more than he had intended. They both knew that. But fighting with each other seemed like a double edged sword and with each word they were just hurting themselves by hurting each other.

He let out a sigh, walking past her into the hallway and then into his room, not having the patience to deal with the situation any further, he had bigger fish to fry.

"Dude i'm so sor—" Kira shoved past Kai, making him stumble slightly into Haerin as she followed Jaehyun into his room.

"I didn't know.." Kai said with a visible frown on his lips and Taehyun, who was the only other person that knew the full situation, didn't seem too happy with him

"Well you would've if you both showed up tonight like planned instead of getting piss drunk by yourselves" Taehyun said with a low voice, scratching the back of his neck as more shouting could be heard from the two down the hall.

"Let's just clear out...give them some space" Mark suggested, a little shaken by the side of Jaehyun he didn't ever really see

"Yeah let's leave" Johnny nodded and the two friend groups decided to quickly exit the apartment, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of the arguments.

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