Chapter 2

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"So, Ari did you like any of the open spaces we had seen today" I said sipping on my water.

"I actually really loved the warehouse, my only issue with the warehouse is its would be an all in one, like a beauty bar. Hair salon, Makeup side, Nail salon, and Clothing. How do you think I should lay out the floor plan, for like the hair salon part" Ari asked looking a Tae

"Well on one side it should be only clothing, build a wall up dividing the salon & clothing. And your office is upstairs, so you have an overview of both side from your office and put cameras up as well and have security guarding all doors" I say looking at Ari.

"Mmmm I like that, well I say we about to have use a The DON Barrrr opening very soon AHHH I'm soo excited" says Ari who is smiling hard.

"I say we go celebrate let's call everybody up."

Ari's POV
5 hours later...
"Stop moving so I can make sure your part is straight" Tae says.

"Ughhh hurry up I still got to put my clothes on damn" I say.

"Well, you should have gotten up when I was trying to wake up but noo your wanted to sleep so I let you, but I'm done now, go get dressed" Tae says as I roll my eyes laughing.

I walk into my room putting my dress and heels on, walking over to my mirror making sure my dress looks smooth on me, I turn around doing a lil twerk. "DAMN A BITCH LOOKS GOOOOD"


"You don't have to yell damn finna blow my ear drum out but come on and guess what, Dave East is in townnn" Tae says.

"What that got to do with me, I've heard of him but never met him so" I said.

"Well, you know he own a construction company on top of he's very known in NY soo y'all need to become friends" Tae says.

"How you know of him anyway? You have never been around him" I say.

"Don't worry about all of that, but the club we are going too tonight. He is the owner, which means he got moneyyyy" Tae says laughing, closing my door to the car.

"Okay I got my own money and be I guess I'll meet him. What's the club called again?" I asked.

"It's called The Spot" Tae says.

"Mmm well to The Spot we go, and Jayda said she going to meet us there, but she is riding back with us" I said.

"Mmm my driver is taking y'all home, I'm leaving with a friend tonight" Tae says.

"Mmm okay, your location better stay on, and call me when you wake up so I can come get you in the morning we have a photoshoot" I say.

"I got this he going to drop me off at the photoshoot" Tae say.

"Mmmm okay" I say.

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