Chapter 21

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Ari's POV

So, it's the night of my birthday and we are now getting ready for the Beyonce concert. My day has been all about me, just me and I love it. It has been filled with so many surprises and nothing but love and laughter. I'm so thankful for all of my friends and family. All the gifts that I have received and the love that has been shown for me, is amazing i feel so special. Now we are getting ready for this concert.

"Baby, are you ready because I am" Dave said walking in our bedroom holding a double cup.

"Yes, pa I am. Just making sure this is really what i want to wear" I said looking in the mirror. Turning around looking at him "Do you think this looks good on me? You don't think this is too much. I don't want to disrespect you and all."

"Everything looks good on you mama. But yes, this outfit looks lovely on you. And hugs your body just right. And I love the cut of in the back, it gives me hand access to your pussy, and you could never disrespect me, I know how you dress it don't bother me." Dave said standing behind me humping up and kissing me neck. 

"Well in that case lets go" I said pushing my ass up against him, meeting his thrust.

"Mama you better stop before we miss this concert, and I got a special surprise for you when we get back." Dave said moving from behind me coming to the front of me. Looking me in my eyes

"Ouu what is it?" I asked looking in his double cup to see what was in it

"You got to wait until we come back to see" Dave said sipping his cup before kissing me.   Tasting the cough syrup mixed with Strawbery lemonade on my lips from our kiss making me moan. going in for another kissing causing him to grab my throat, sliding his tongue in my mouth. Making me wrap my arms around his neck moaning into the kiss.

Pulling away looking up at him "Can we just stay here" I asked in a daze. I was ready to strip from my clothes. Mmmm this man, this man. the things I'd do to him I thought.

Dave just laughed before grabbing my hand walking me towards "You have everything you need? because we aren't coming back here" he said looking at me, smiling.

"See you always up to something, what we are doing nigga" I said laughing walking out of our room, waiting for him to shut our room door. 

"You will see mama, just vibe with me" he said while locking our room door, kissing me on the lips.

Walking down the stairs I noticed everyone was already dress and looking nice. "Damnn y'all clean up good" I said.

"You know we had to come hard for your birthday and its Beyonce. THATS OUR HOMEGIRL NOW" Tae said making everyone laugh.

"I get to see my wife while my husband is by my side. this is a dream come true. And David I'm going to knock you out, why didn't you tell me see was here this morning" King said, making Dave laugh.

"Not the government name" Tae said laughing.

" Yall just don't know. His dream is finally coming true of seeing Beyonce. He been in love with since forever, I'm taking pictures of her all over his room and shit. And I didn't tell you because you would have acted a damn foo, Ari and Tuson times 1000" Dave said laughing.

"Maaan you not right, I thought you loved me" King sad faking crying.

"Well come on y'all we got to get going" Ari said while walking out the door leaving Dave and King behind

"DAAAAAMN ALL BLACK 2023 CHEVERLOT SUBURBAN SUV!! I LOOVE BEYONCE. THAT BITVCH GOT MONEY" Tuson said before getting in making us all laugh.

"ARII GET IN HERE YOU GOT A GIFT" Tuson yelled causing me to run to the suv. After we all got in here, it was a handwritten letter from beyonce saying Happy Birthday twin, Thank You for having me on your cooking show I had an amazing time. and I got you another gift as well. - Beyonce Knowles Cater.   Sitting the note down and opening the box, I saw her new perfume that hasn't come out yet "AHHH, I was going to buy thisss" I said. 

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