Chapter 7

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As i make my way into my house I yawn "weew I need a nap" I said laughing. Walking to the kitchen I grabbed a cup and went to my ice maker and got some crushed ice. Walking towards the living room I hear Yosohn yelling at Loyal.
"JAYDA" I yelled, a few minutes later I multiple footsteps coming my way first Yosohn, then Loyal, and last but not least Jayda.
They came running towards me jumping on me making me fall "MY ICE MY ICE HOLD ON" I yelled laughing at them.
"Mama you just left this morning and didn't say nothing, that's what we are doing now" said Yosohn

"Boy I am grown, and I had to take care of business" I said.

"You are my business" Yosohn said with his chest puffed out.

"Okaayyy Yosohn you got it" I said laughing.

"Mama Ari, can we watch movies today" Loyal asked me.

"Yes, baby we can, later on though. Right now, Yosohn and you need to go get dressed. Y'all clothes is sitting on in the bathroom" I said.

They ran off towards Yosohn's room.
"Where are going" Jayda asked.

"We are taking the kids out, it's a circus in town so we are going. So, you need to change your clothes and get ready" I said.

"Mmmm okay well I'm going shower first, the boys already been in the shower" Jayda said before running off to my bedroom.

I swear you would think Jayda and Loyal live here the way that they always over here, which I don't mind. But anyways let me go get ready, today is about to be a long day.

Dave's POV
"Amoura baby we go to get you dressed" I say as I'm picking her up from her nap.

"Daddy where we going? I want to sleep." Lana asked.

"You are the laziest little girl I know, but we are going to a circus" I said while handing her, her toothbrush. Staring at her she looks just like me, but I see her mom as well. My daughter is truly my angel, I'd move mountains for this little girl.

"What you want to dress like today, you want to match me, or do you want to dress girly" I said.

"Hmmmm girly girly, like a princess daddy" Amoura said smiling back at me.

"Okay, when I get you dress go sit in the living room, it's apples and caramel on the table waiting for you. Uncle King should be here any minute" I said while putting her clothes on her.

"Ouuu Uncle King coming this going to be a fun day. I love you daddy" Amoura said looking at me grinning kissing me on my cheek.

I just smiled at her, she is really my light and joy. She makes my life whole and worth it. Daddy's baby foreverrr.


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