Chapter 40

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Waking up I looked at the tv seeing it was 5:55pm, I got out of bed walking towards the bathroom doing my routine. I walked into myself closet deciding on what to wear. I just decided on a simple 2 piece outfit, I switched my hair. I walked downstairs and saw everyone was outside, music was playing and the kids was running around outside

"Look who is alive, girl I was about to do CPR on you" Tae said sipping from his cup

"Y'all leave my baby alone, she was tired" Dave said looking at me smile, I smirked at him before looking at the kids. They was laying on a towel, in the grass on their iPads. I sat down beside Dave and enjoyed the weather. I felt Dave staring at me and I blushed feeling nervous, I saw him reach towards the table pulling the hookah stand my way. I thanked him while putting the mouthpiece into my mouth inhaling the hookah and then I blew it out.

"That shit sexy as fuck. Do it again mamas" Dave said biting his lip while looking at me. I know I'm red as a tomato, I thought to myself. But did it again and I looked at Dave and he winked at me.

"King how would you feel about opening up a barbershop" Dave asked him

"I would feel happy but I just don't want to fail. That's all I'm worried about is failing" King said, I saw Tae grab his hand.

"Why do you think you would fail" I asked King. King is really good when it comes to cutting hair, and I know it's something he truely loves

"I don't know. I just don't want to fail, in life. I have a club full time and that is doing me amazing so I'm good with that" King said before drinking is ice water

"Well, I have a proposal for you. You are my brother and you pushed me to be better everyday. So I opened a barbershop for you in Houston, I've been running the shop for you, it's been 3 months. What about if you came to Houston and stay for 2 months and just see how you would do and if you don't like it I'll take over but if you like it, it's all yours" Dave said while looking at King.

"I'll try that. Thank you lil nigga. I love you" King said smiling, making everyone smile

"I love you too big nigga" Dave said smiling back.

Everyone drifted off into our their own conversations, King and Tae were hugged up and I was laying on Dave's lap.

"You are so beautiful baby" Dave said looking down at me smiling

"Thank you baby" I said smiling. I sat up grabbing my drink taking a sip, seeing a instagram notification I opened my phone seeing that Dave had tagged me in something

 I sat up grabbing my drink taking a sip, seeing a instagram notification I opened my phone seeing that Dave had tagged me in something

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