Chapter 6

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So today Tae and I are going to the warehouse and meet with a construction company to see about changing the layout of the warehouse.
As we pull up it was a truck already parked outside waiting.
As we Tae and I step out the truck, we are greeted by the rest of our team.
"The 2 owners of the construction company is already inside, looking around, but they are ready whenever y'all are" said Lisa (my assistant)
We walk into the warehouse, and I just get so happy, like this is mine, Tae and I are actually getting a warehouse of our own.
"So, Tae what are you thinking let me know because I know your brain is putting things together" I said.
"Uh uhh that's why we heard a construction company. Where are they at anyways" Tae said looking around.
"Well look at this the famous AritheDon and Arrogant Tae" King said smiling.
"You mean Ariana Fletcher and Dionte Grey" Tae said winking at Ari.
"Tae you knew about this" I asked shocked.
"A little birdy around the way, told me that their company was the BEST in Atlanta, so I had to see what's up" Tae said.
"So, I'm going to walk around with Deonte and how about David and Ariana walk around?" King said looking at me.
"That's fine, but can we start out in my office first David? I asked looking at him.
"Yes, whatever you want we can do" David said licking his lips at me.

Dave's POV
Damn she looks so good, so beautiful and natural. Now that I know that this is her establishment, I'm going to take my time but I'm going to make sure this is main priority.
"So, Ariana if you don't mind me asking what made you want to do a beauty bar" I asked as we walked towards the elevator going up to her office.
"Ummm, I have a swim wear and my own beauty cosmetic line, and I like to do hair not professionally, but I just hate going to different places to get ready. So, I thought of the idea to come up with a beauty bar, you got clothes, make up, hair, lasher all in 1 spot" Ari said as we know walked to the middle of her office.
"Okay I like that idea, I'm trying to get King to come up with something like that but knowing him he isn't going to do it" I laugh putting my hands in my pocket.
"So, what's is the vision you see for your office" I asked looking at Ariana.
"Honestly I don't know, lol. Umm all I know is I want to be able to see what everybody is doing from up here and I want an open floor plan." Ariana said looking at me.
"I can make that happen for you. Do you have a date that you want this done by?" I ask walking up to her backing her up to the wall.
"I um- as soon as possible" Ariana softly said looking down at her shoes.
"Uh uh I need you to say that to me and look at me when you are talking to me" I said lowly staring at her.
Ariana slowly looks up at me and said, "I would want it done as soon as possible, within a month if possible."
"Okay, no problem. Your wish is my command. You know the moment I saw you at the club I knew I had to have you. You are beautiful, fine like wine, I bet you taste good too" I said smirking at her.
Ariana just blushed and said "I think it's time we find the others" walked away going back towards the elevator.
"You are nervous, you don't have be nervous but just know I'm dead serious and I'll have your shop done very fast. I have something in mind, and I know you will love it" I said looking at her.
"O-o okay thank you, do you mind giving me an estimate of the cost" Ariana said playing with her hands.
"Don't worry about all of that, think of it as a gift from Me to you. Partner" I say winking at her before walking off the elevator leaving her stuck.
"So, I think we are done here, we will be here tomorrow to start preparing for the renovation around 3:00 am" I said while King nodded for approval.
"Okay that'll work just fine, do y'all want us here as well? If not, we can give y'all the keys" Tae asked.
"We are going to be here; I want to see something tomorrow so we will be here with you guys" Ariana said as she walked over to us.
"Alright then I'll see y'all tomorrow, it was nice meeting everyone" King said.
"Hold on before y'all leave... you know we got to do a SHOT O'CLOCK" Tae said laughing.
"let's goooo" Ariana said laughing.
"Cheers to The DON Beauty Bar" Tae said screaming

Everyone took their shots and went their separate ways.


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