Chapter 18

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Dave POV
So I'm assuming people are wanting me to be mad about Ariana going over her bd house but I'm not. It's no reason too plus they have a child together.
Walking into the museum making sure everything I sat up nicely and put together I was very shocked. But only if I could fuck Ariana in the room. Seeing pictures of her makes me in love ever more. I just hope she loves tonight.

Hearing King walk in "damnnn this shit is sexy" he said

"Thank you thank you. Did you pick up the ring" I said looking at him

"Yes I did, that shit is craaazy, but we going to need an ambulance near by because I just know she's going to pass out" he said causing us both to laugh.

"You are crazy" I said taking the bag from him before asking him a question.

"Do you think this is the right thing to do" I said looking at my brother for help

"Listen I basically raised you my whole life. I know you, if you feel like you are doing the right thing then go through with this, if not it's okay. But don't hurt yourself or her. I love you kid" King said looking at me

"I love you too" I said hugging my brother. "Alright enough of the mushy mushy shit" King said backing up, making me laugh.

1 hour & .5 later

Seeing people walk in and look around is amazing, It's only Family, Friends, and some celebrities here. Some people have never seen Ari in other ways. "50 Shades of Ariana Marie"  gives them a chance to see her outside of work. I have different type of pictures set up of her that nobody has seen before. "SHES HEREEEE" I heard causing king and I to walk upfront

"Girl walk up the stairs dang" Tae said yelling at Ari causing me to laugh

"Uh uhnn don't talk to my rock like that" Tuson said to Tae
I know they not about to argue walking in here...

"Okay okay y'all come on. Tae where are we at, I thought we was going out" Ari said laughing

"Just walk through the door"Tae said

Ariana POV
Walking in the building I smelled the scent of vanilla. Causing me to smile, walking down the hall alot I was nervous because I don't know what's going on and I see a curtain with shinning lights on the other side causing me to stop.

"Tuson go in first" I said hiding behind Tae

"Why I got to go first, Tae you go first" Tuson said laughing

"Damn y'all get on my nerves, I'll go" Tae said walking through the curtains

"Come on y'all" Tae yelled

Tuson and I looked at each other and busted out laughing, "come on boo, I got you" Tuson said walking ahead of me really fast

"Hold on my legs ain't long like yours" I said running to catch up. Watch him move the curtains back I was blinded by the lights. "Damn bright ass light" I said

"KING" I said opening my eyes. I saw it was a lot of people standing looking at me. My family, my friends, even Yohson & G-Herbo, and Amoura, causing me to smile. I see celebrities as well and I also see a camera crew. "What is all this" I said looking around
Look behind you, on the curtains" Dave said

I turned around seeing "50 Shades of ARIANA MARIE"

Turning back around seeing Dave with a microphone in his hands.
"I'm glad everyone could come out tonight to celebrate Ariana with me, as y'all know her birthday starts at Midnight. So I wanted to do something a little bit more intimate instead of going out. So as you see this is a museum called 50 Shades of Ariana Marie. This gives everyone a chance to see said of Ariana that you really don't see. Everybody knows Ariana the business lady but here she's much more than just a business lady. So I hope as y'all look around you love what you see. And you may even see yourself in some pictures. Also this is Ariana's first time here as well. Enjoy" Dace said. Cutting the microphone off

"You made a museum of meee" I said while hugging Dave

"Yes, only the best for the best right? You like amazing" Dave said kissing me

"Thank you, really" I said while walking towards the other set of curtains. "ON THREE!" I say yelling

"ONE, TWO, THREE"everybody says as the curtains pull back.

Seeing pictures of me on every wall with small meanings below. What stood out to me was, my pictures was a time line of my life. From the time I was born to right now. My eyes got watery. And in the middle was different waxed figures of me. And also it was a case of my clothes. Dave really shouted out for meeee on my birthday. This is probably one of the best gifts ever.
Looking around seeing people stare at pictures of me laughing and having different conversations. I looked to my left and saw Yosohn and Herbert, looking at a picture. The picture was of me at my baby shower and along side of it was the dress the I had on, I smiled because G never got to be at the baby shower and when he got out of jail I completely stopped talking to him because I was so angry at him, for leaving me so late in our pregnancy. Herbert was smiling at it, and it made me smile

"Go over there" I heard a whisper causing me to look up and it was Dave

"I don't think that's a good idea, I don't wa-" I was cut off by Dave "go over there and enjoy the moment, I know you are mines and can't nobody take you away from me. Herbert is your family so go" Dave said kissing me.

Walking towards Herbert and Yosohn standing next to them. "You looked amazing, I'm soo sorry I couldn't be there" Herbert said.

"It's okay, I forgave you. So it's coo" I said

"Mama I was in your belly" Yosohn said looking at me

"Yeah you were" I said looking at him, noticing Herbert and Yosohn had matching suits on.

"So how I get in your belly? How is Dad my daddy then" Yosohn said causing Herbert and I to look at each other and laugh, as doing so I seen a few flashes go off.

Turning around I see Dave smiling at us, and it made me smile. I got a real man on my hands!!!!

Dave POV
Seeing everyone enjoy the museum I couldn't do nothing but smile. I was truly happy that everyone was loving it and getting along. It was 11:30 very close to 12:00 which means we are all bringing in Ariana's birthday and hopefully she'll be an engaged woman. I was shocked myself seeing how the pictures lined up and created a time line. It was beautiful just like her. She looked absolutely amazing.

"Are you ready?" King said looking out into the crowd

"As I'll ever be" I said looking at Ariana, who had the biggest smile looking at a picture of her and Kyle 🕊️

I'm going to have a separate page for the museum.
If somebody was to ever really make a museum of just Ariana, y'all better tell me😂 so I can get my money !!

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