Chapter 5

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Tae's POV
"Wake up sleeping beauty" a deep voice called out, opening my eyes 1 at a time, turning my head towards the door, there he stood. 6'4, nothing but boxer underwear, with a cup of orange juice and a bowl of fruit.... My KING.

"The way you are staring at me makes me want to go another round" I said fully sitting up in the bed.

"Nah lil one, you got a photoshoot to do. And lil miss mamas isn't going to get on me because her friend wants to be late" King said, smirking walking towards my side of the bed.

"I know you not about to kiss me and I got morning breath" I say covering my mouth.

"Baby I'm a grown man, fuck out of here with that and give me, my kiss" King said leaning forward. Our lips touched and it was the softest kiss I've ever had in my life.

"Okay you got about an hour until you have to get ready" King said.

"Well do you mind getting in the shower with me, no funny business" I say smirking.

"Go ahead and start the water I'll be in there in a second" King said giving me another kiss while pulling me on top my feet.

I walk in the bathroom, and it is nice, way better than mine. I turn on the shower letting the water get hot, I turn around seeing a naked King licking his lips while rolling up, sitting the blunt on the counter. As he walks towards me, I get nervous, and a chill through my body.
"Why you so nervous before as if I haven't seen you naked" King said to me.

"I don't know I just am" I say nervously.

"Well let's shower, I'm not going to do nothing you don't want me too, unless you want me too" says King winking at me, pulling me in the shower with him.

After our shower we brushed our teeth and washed our face and got dressed. It was really chilly outside. So, we bundled up. On the way to the photoshoot, I was just thinking about to event that took place last night, biting my lip remembering how his hands touched my skin, remembering the way he made me feel, and his lips, he most definitely knows what he is doing in the bedroom, which he should because he's 30 yea-
"What you are thinking about over there" King said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all" I said clearing my throat.

"Well then why you on hard and you're biting your lip hell of hard" King said.

I put my bag over myself as my eyes got wide. "I'm so sorry" I said nervously.

"No need to be sorry my love. I like that you get nervous around me. That's means I'm doing something right but we about to pull up" King said.

"Oh okay" I said checking myself out in the mirror.
We pull up at the venue where the photoshoot was being held and parked already seeing his group of friends outside talking and laughing. As I reach to open my door

"Aht aht don't touch your door I got it. For future references when you with me, you don't touch doors" King says.

"Ouu so you see a future with me" I say blushing.
King gets out the truck, and comes to my side and opens the door, grabbing my hand and also grabbing my bags from the backseat.

"Wassup y'all, Hey Tae, King that nigga" could be heard as we walked pass everyone.

"Im Rey go and help him set up really quick I'll be back out" King said.

We walked through the venue, and it was nice. We got to the room where King set all my hair tools out and plugged everything up for me.

"You must really like me, because you are doing everything. You didn't have to do all of this. Thank you" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Mmm I should know how to set your things up by now. So, I got it. And you're welcome. I'm about to go back outside if that's cool with you" King says wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.

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