Chapter 49

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Dave POV
"Maaaan the ladies out here are BADDD!!" Jay said as we sat in the living room

"Ayee it was a lot of ladies in the crowd and I wanted to take all of them home" Domi (another artist)

"Alright now, if y'all catch something that's on y'all" I said shaking my head laughing

"So what's up with Jerrika, why she got so much animosity towards Ariana and then Asia came dressed ready to go to jail like wtf is that about" Jay said

"Mann I don't even know. I can't even tell you how the beef started.and that's why I try to keep them away from each other as possible" I said

"Well my money is on Ariana. I know she turn Jerrika every way but loose" Domi said. Making everyone laugh. We stop laughing as soon as Jerrika and Asia walked into the living room

"What is funny, we want to laugh" Jerrika said sitting down next to me and Asia sat on the other side of me. I rolled my eyes

"Why you roll your eyes, you don't want to sit by us" Jerrika asked looking at me

"Because I can" I said with an attitude

"And why are you all in his face, back up. Y'all know that man got a whole wife who is upstairs. When she come down here swinging I'm not breaking up nothing"Jay said irritated as well

I began laughing some because it's true, if Ariana start swinging I'm not breaking up nothing

"Speaking of where is Ariana" Domi said

"She is sleeping. I'm going wake her up soon because she got invited to a fashion show out here"I said looking up at the clock on the wall. I got up and stretched before walking to the kitchen grabbing a water out the refrigerator

"Where are you going" Jerrika asked me but I ignored her and walked towards our room. I walked in and Ari wasn't in the bed but the bathroom door was closed. I put the water down on the nightstand and made the bed up, and got my clothes out for the day.

I heard the door open and Ari walked out looking for gorgeous as ever

"Damnnn you not making it to the fashion show" I said walking towards her

"And why not" Ariana said looking at me smirking

"Because I'm about to fuck you" I said pulling her close to me

"See no. No move before I'm late" Ari said laughing as she pushed me back

"Let me walk you out wifey" I said grabbing her purse, and her slides, and her hand. Making our way downstairs.

"Let me get a drink and some snacks before I walk out" Ariana said, as she toke her purse from me walking towards the kitchen

"I hate to see you leave but I love to see you walk away" I said making us both laugh.

"Daaaaamn sis you killing all these bitches" Jay said making her laugh

"Thank you Thank you. Do y'all want to take a shot before I leave" Ariana said as she closed her purse

"You ain't said nothing but a word" Domi said as he walked towards the kitchen and Jay followed right behind him.

Ari's POV
The girls stayed seated which I was glad as we toke our shots of Hennessy

"Aye make sure you bring some bitches back with you" Jay said as he put his shot glass in the sink

"It's 2 females in the living room. One for you and one for Domi" I said being funny

"Ewwwww I ain't trynna catch nothing wtf" Domi said, as we all laughed

"Well I gotta go. If them hoes get anywhere near my man, shoot them" I said in a joking but serious way

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