Chapter 8

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Jayda POV
We finally made it to the circus, it's so many kids I'm ready to go already.
"So, boys what y'all want to do first" I asked.
"It's so much stuff mommy" Loyal says.
"Loyal let's get on that ride" Yosohn points to a ride.
"AHTT, don't be running off, hold each other's hands and walk to the ride, stay where we can see y'all" I said.
"Now go have fun and be careful" Ari said.
Watching them run off was funny, Loyal got short legs trying to keep up with Yosohn. Yosohn just pulling my baby along with him.

"Sooo, what is going on with Baby & You?" Ari asked sitting leaning against the rails of the ride that our kids was on
"Girl not shit, he can't get his act together, so I'm letting him be. He claims he want his family back but every time I look up, I see something about him be— GIRL there go Dave & King with a little girl!!! Hold on I know King is gay but is Dave" I said.
Ari looked where I was looking, and she started blushing "Girl I think they is brothers; they look just alike and I'm pretty sure that's one of their daughters" Ari said.

Narrative POV
And just like clockwork Dave saw Ariana staring at him and he smiled at her which caused her to blush hard. King saw who Dave was looking at and started walking his way over to where the 2 girls was standing...
"I feel like y'all just following us at the point and where is my bae at" King said pushing Jayda.
"Dannng, knock me over and I'll have my sons beat you up" Jayda said.
"Hey Ariana" Dave said smiling.
"Hiii Dave, who is this little cutie" Ariana said smiling at Amoura.
"Tell the nice lady your name baby" Dave spoke softly to Amoura.
"My name is Amoura Dream Brewster" Lona said blushing.
"Hi pretty girl my name is Ariana" Ari said to Amoura.
"LOYAL AND YOSOHN COME HERE PLEASE!!!" Jayda yelled out for the boys.
"Yes mama" they 2 little boys said in unison.
"We want y'all to meet some people this is Dave, King and Dave's daughter Amoura" Ariana said looking down at the 2 boys.
"This is my son Loyal, and this is Ariana son Yosohn" Jayda said

 *Hours later*

Aris POV

"What do y'all say to these nice gentlemen" I said smiling.

"THANK YOUUU" Loyal & Yosohn said.

No problem I'm glad y'all enjoyed yall selves" King said.
"Lil mama you have fun" Dave asked his daughter who was walking between Jayda and I.    "Yess daddy I did I did. Can we do it again please pleaseee" Amoura said smiling up at her dad.   "Yes, we can if their up to it" Dave said.
"YAAAAY" all 3 kids yelled out in excitement.
As we walked towards our vehicles Amoura was getting sad, "what's wrong pumpkin" I asked while picking her up to hold her.
"I want to go with y'all" Lana said with a pout on her face and lip poking out.
"Well how about this, maybe in a few days I can call you dad and if it's okay with him, you can come over and spend the night" I said looking at her.
As her eyes lit up, she said "Daddy can I, can I?"
Dave chuckled and said, "yes you can lil mama and I'll take the boys".
"Shiiit you want to take them now? You can." Jayda said making me laugh.
"No, he can't. They have school in the morning" maybe another day" I said.
"Whenever is fine with me just let me know" Dave said.
"Aye I'm sorry to cut the family bonding time but we got to go Samantha acting a foo at the house" King said about to reach for Solana but Dave stopped him.
"Well Ariana and Jayda if y'all don't mind can y'all's take Lana with y'all for a few hours. Until I handle a situation" Dave asked
"Sure, that's fine but who is Samantha?" I asked looking at Dave with a concerned face.
"Samantha is her mom who is no longer in her life, put pops up in and out when she wants too, and I don't coo with that" Dave Said truthfully.
"Well, she is safe with us, and we got her, but I need your number" I said.
"Don't worry about that I know where you stay, and I already got your number" Dave said pulling me into a hug.
"Stalker and how I never gave it to you" I said looking up at him.
"Tea gave me all the information I need on you. But lil mama be good for Ari & Jayda. I love you" Dave said to Amoura.
"I love you too daddy" Amoura said before giving Dave a kiss.
"Alright I'll hit y'all later" Dave said before walking away with King.
"Girl that was sooo cute" Jayda said looking at me.
"Girl come on we got a house full of kids" I said bring into the car pulling off. To home we go...

Sooo, I just made it to the shop to see the progress. And as I'm looking around. It's a lady outside cracked out banging on the window "LET ME IN NOW. LET ME INNN" the lady yelled from outside the window. So, I immediately lock the front doors, while also calling king

<Phone Conversation>

King: Hey, what are you doing?

Tae: Hey, can you come to the shop like ASAP, it's a crazy lady outside banging on the windows for me to let her in.

King: Did you lock yourself in? What do she look like? And do she look like Amoura?

Tae: Yes, I locked myself in. And she looks nasty not to be rude. Her hair is long but matted, she looks like she hasn't tokened a bath or shower in daaays. And yes, she does look like Amoura Can you just please get here fast?

King: SHIT ITS ALWAYS SOMETHING WITH THIS BITCH!!! Yeah, we are leaving the circus now. So we will be there in no time, but you get away from the window. Go upstairs or something. Until we get there. I love you.

<Phone Conversation Ends>

I hope they get here fast because I don't deal with things like this, the GHETTO, lol. and if this is Dave's baby mama then what did he see in her. 

Do yall like this story so far?? I'm writing this while I'm at work, so please bare with me if it's any mistakes, ill fix them when I get home.

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