Chapter 11

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Aris POV
The moment them doors was pushed opened I was in aweee. Dave & King showed the fuck out in here, it's so me, so girly, and perfect. When you first walk in the building it's a big pink desk, if you walk into the back, you go towards the left you run into SwimbyRemdy, but if you got to the right, you step inside of RemdyCosmetics.. But stepping towards the back is the hair RemdyHair. Everything things was perfect, everybody was enjoying themselves, but products, clothing, and hair. This is what I've been waiting for!!

"Do you mind following me really quick" a deep whisper filled my ear, turning around to see Dave standing behind me smirking. I nodded my head yes and took his hand. We walked towards the break room, but Dave unlocked a door and told me to walk up the stairs.
Making our way up towards the stairs sits my entire office, from wall to wall. With pictures of me all over the wall.

"Dave this is amazing; how could I ever repay you guys. Y'all did exactly what I wanted AND more. What can I do to pay y'all back" I asked crying.

"You don't have to pay us back, just make sure this business doesn't go downhill!! Nah but foreal, you don't have to do anything, just keep shining like you been doing. The world is yours you just got to gra-".
       I pressed my lips against his, we were fighting for dominance, but he won, which I didn't care. Feeling his lips on mine, feeling his hands roaming my body. Moaning into his mouth, I had to pull away I was getting out of breath, lol.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me that was so unprofessional" I said as I pulled my dress down and whipped the smeared lip gloss off.

"It's fine, I don't mind at all, plus I been wanting to kiss you for so long" Dave said grabbing my face, pressing his lips back into mine.

Dave POV
"What are you doing after this" I asked looking in her eyes.

"Umm ummm I don't know, Tae and Jayda haven't told me nothing" Ari says as she stares back at me.

"Well, we all are leaving here and going back to my place to change and then celebrate. You are staying with me tonight, understood" I said looking at Ari.

"What what about the kids, I have to pick my son up from his dad's tonight, and your daughter is at home waiting on you" Ari said with glossy eyes.

"They are good they'll be at my house as well, they will be sleep by the time we get back from celebrating, don't worry I got you" I said as I kissed her lips again, pulling away grabbing her hands as we make our way downstairs.

"Y'all ready" asked by King who was high asl.

"You got to ask the lady if the hour, we on her time tonight? Are you ready to go" I said.

"I'm yea... Yes, I'm ready but what about here" Ari asked looking at everyone mingling with each other.

"Hello everyone, we would like to thank each and every one of you, who was able to buy something or even just showing up showing your support but at this time please exit the building Ari loves y'all and please be on the lookout for more to come" Jayda said into the microphone.

As everyone was walking out leaving, I looked over at Ari who was living in the moment, just glowing and I loved that.

"Alright everybody is our of the building, Ari the money that you made is in your office, we can come back tomorrow and put it in the money machine, but now it's time to get fucked up" King said while holding Tae's hand walking towards the front of the building.

Narratives POV
As the group walked out of the "THE DON". Ari locked the doors and made sure the alarm & cameras was on.
"SO, THIS THE BITCH YOU BEEN WITH INSTEAD OF ME, DAVID" some girl yelled coming from across the street looking crazy.

"How the fuck. You know what not today goodbye, and don't disrespect my lady" Dave said back to the girl.

"Samantha get on somewhere before I knock you out" King said.

"Shut yo gay ass up" Samantha said while walking forward, putting her hands in kings face. Getting a closer look at her, she was actually pretty but Ari had noticed that Samantha had a missing tooth in the front of her mouth, with a whole lot of tattoos.

"Papa, can we leave please" Ari said looking at Dave pouting, hugging Dave.

"Yes, mama we can go" said Dave who was looking at Ari with so much lust in his eyes.


"Just let me cut her 1 good time, just let me do it, I'll split her throat" King said getting angry.

"No, Tae can you please take him & Jayda to the car we will be there in a few" Dave asked Tae.

Tae nodded his head pulling Jayda and king towards the car.

Dave turned back towards Samantha while pulling Ari by his side "let me tell you this, when it comes to Ari, you WILL respect her. She hasn't don't nothing to you so don't go there. You WILL NOT see MY daughter at all until you are 1,000% clean and then maybe even then probably not. Also don't forget you left us, you left me, most importantly you left your daughter. So, I don't want to hear shit about shit. Now get the fuck out of my face Samantha and DONT let me catch you around here EVER again" Dave said straightening his suit jacket, smiling at Ari and kissing her on the lips. "Mama you ready to go, because I am".

"Yes, papa I'm ready to go" Ari said grinning.

THIS IS SAMANTHA, (Don't do too much on me I love chrisean)


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