Chapter 17

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Dave POV
Finally being able to get the pictures blown up and ready to put in the museum, I'm super excited because what Ariana doesn't know is she will be getting proposed to. It's about time and a nigga ready to make some more mini me's. Amoura & Yosohn are both 6 so it's about time to have some more, but I know she wants to do it the right way. After I finish making sure everything is right, I'm going to my jeweler to pick up the custom necklace, I got made just for her. I know she's going to love it. It's so beautiful. Im doing 50 shades of Ari on her birthday September 4th. It's only right. Now that I picked up her jewelry, I'm in the way home to relax and take a nap.

My birthday is Friday... I'm excited but nervous, I'll be 27, with 2 kids, an amazing boyfriend. I'm living the life. Right now I'm going to Herbert's house to see Yosohn . As I get in the car, I just hope this goes smoothly. Ringing his doorbell I hear a dog bark, "since when did he get a dog. He don't even like dogs" I thought to myself. Hearing the door open I see a naked G-herbo
"AHHHH PUT SOME CLOTHES ON" I said covering my eyes, hearing him laugh.

"like this ain't nothing you haven't seen before, I'm just ficking with you. I'm Rey put some clothes on" Herbert said while walking away from the door, as I close the door I got a look at his back side

"so so so you doing the bending " I said laughing "Mann shut up" Herbert yelled from his room.
Coming back down fully dressed

"now that's better, where my son" I said looking around

"He sleep but I'm about to wake him up so he can give you your birthday gift" Herbert said walking to Yohson room.

Herbert has a nice house, I love that it's open, ughh why couldn't he be the man he is now when we was together 🙄 Hearing Yohson and seeing him and his dad walk out I smiled they are everything together. I truly adore the relationship they got together l, it's one of a kind. Pulling my phone out getting on instagram live.

"Hey my Donssss, I'm at her-" getting caught off by Yosohn.

"HAAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMAAA" Yosohn yelled running to me jumping into my arms .

"Thank you papa" I said kissing his face.

"Okaaaay mama okay enough" Yosohn said pilling away from me.

"Boy act right, where is the bag" Herbert said, while I laughed

"Oops I forgot it" Yosohn said looking at his dad. I laughed so hard bc they got the same face expression

"I wonder about you sometimes" Herbert said walking off to his room

"Mama you look pretty, where you going" Yosohn said looking at me

"Thank you papa and I'm going out later" I said while running my fingers through his hair

"Okay I'm back. This is for you from Yosohn and I"Herbert said while carrying 2 big bags and 1 little one seating them in front of me while taking Yosohn away.

"Awww y'all didn't have too, this is nice" I said while trying tiny to cry

"Open it mama" Yosohn said, while Herbert was looking like a proud father.

"Okay okay where do I start. This is a lot of stuff y'all" looking back at my phone seeing I had 2.6 million people on my live, my eyes widened

"Yosohn pick the first gift for your mama" Herbert said while putting him down.

"Here mama do this one" Yosohn said pointing at a bag with a pink ribbon around it

"Okay let me see" I said picking the bag up, opening it seeing a Louis Vuitton box, I looked up at Herbert who was smiling and Yosohn who is grinning.

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