Chapter 12 (LONG)

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I'm so happy for my best friend like this is a dream come true for her and she is finally living in her dream. Now she's only up from here!!! "Kiiiiing what are you doing" I yelled from the bedroom.
In walked a smiling King holding 2 canvases, paint supplies, and water. "Awwww you love meeee" I said cheesing all hard
"Come on don't do that. You know I'm not good with my emotions but I'm trying. I just thought we could do something romantic and at home" King said setting the supplies down.
"I'd love that, but what we going to eat. I got to eat" I said laughing. King just shook his head laughing.

Jayda's POVI'm going to my baby daddy house, I got a text from him saying "we need to talk, meet me at my house at 10:00

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Jayda's POV
I'm going to my baby daddy house, I got a text from him saying "we need to talk, meet me at my house at 10:00. Don't be late"... like boyy you not my daddy lol. Pulling up to Dominique's crib I say a silent prayer before getting out the car and locking it. Walking up to the door, I knock on it and take a step back looking at my surroundings. Hearing the locks on the door turn and on the other reveals the one and only Dominique...
"Wassup" Dominque says as he opens the door all the way letting me in.
"Hey" I say looking around to see if anything is out of place or if something was added.
"Follow me and we can start our conversation" Dominique says leading Jayda into the living room, they had once shared, seeing that it was new furniture. "You want some water or anything?" Dominique had asked. I shook my head no and then said, "so what do you want to talk to me about?"...
"Well, I was thinking maybe it time for you and I to really take a break. On some grownup shit, we been going back & fourth for a long time, and I just think it's best if we co-parent the right way and maybe sometime down the line we could get back together if we both want that" Dominique says looking nervously at me. I just stare at him trying not to cry.
"So why now? I been asking for us to leave each other alone for some time and you just ignore that. And now all of a sudden you want to officially take a break?" I say looking at him as tears roll down my face.
"Jay please don't cry you know you will always have my heart always. You have me one of my greatest gifts, I truly still love you I ju-" as Dominique was talking, I saw out the corner of my eyes a matching pink lace underwear & bra set thrown to the side. I wanted to go off so bad, but I couldn't because I love him too much. "So, I just think it's best that we stick to Loyal and Loyal only." Dominique said looking at my holding my hands waiting for an answer... "umm yeah that's cool that's cool. If it's not about Loyal then we don't have nothing to talk about. Yeah, that's fine" I lied right through my teeth, knowing I need him in my life, knowing I'm nothing without, knowing another female for my heart. The tears started falling and I couldn't get them to stop. "No JayJay please don't cry, I'm sorry I really am. I just feel like it's best for us so we can grow I promise" Dominique says as he tries to wipe my tears away... "it's coo, imma just go alright. You take care. I love you" I said to him getting up turning to leave, only to feel my body get pulled back into a tight hug that's made my cry even harder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" was all I heard as I silently cried...
Dominique picked me up bridal style and walked me upstairs to his room, shutting and locking the door, and laid me down on the bed, kissing my tears away as the just kept pouring from my eyes.

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