Chapter 22 Pt 2

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Walking into the party it was a lot of A-List celebrities in the building making me nervous. But truthfully I was ready to go home and have dessert ☺️

Seeing Beyoncé walk up to me I smiled "Hey I'm so glad you could make it" she said giving me a hug.

"I'm happy to be here. Thank you for inviting us" I said smiling at her.

"Hey Dave, do you mind if I take her for a second" Beyoncé asked Dave while grabbing my hand.

"The pleasure is all mine" Dave said smiling at Beyonce.
As Beyoncé pulled me away from Dave, I noticed we was going towards the middle of the floor and people started making a way for the 2 of us to walk upfront. We walked onto the podium and Beyoncé grabbed the mic

"I would like to thank everybody for coming out tonight to celebrate my birthday with me. As y'all know I'm not the only birthday girl in the house, Ms.Brewster is in the building and I'm so thankful she is here. Now everyone asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I kept saying "I want a lap dance"" Beyoncé said making people laugh including me.

"Now yall thought I was playing but I was dead serious, and the person I want to give me a lap dance is here... Ari the DON would you mind giving me a lap dance for my birthday" Beyonce asked looking at me, causing me to freeze up in that moment. The Queen Herself Wants Me To Give Her Lap Dance!!! I thought to myself. Coming back to reality I looked at her abs smiled before nodding my head "Yes"

We walked towards the middle of the floor as somebody pulled out a chair for her to sit in. I was so nervous, I looked at Beyoncé, she was just smiling but she signaled me to come here. Walking over to her she said "you don't have to do this if you don't want to I promise"

"No I'm doing it, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm just nervous that's all but once I started dancing i should be okay" I said looking at her

Looking into the crowd everyone has their phones out and was recording, people were screaming and hyping me up but I was still nervous. I looked and saw David looking at me smiling all big causing me to laugh. Hearing the music the lights went out and the beat to Church Girl came on and I went crazy... Adter the lap dance money was on the floor and Beyoncé was fanning herself, she stood up and gave me the biggest hug ever while whispering in my ear "thank you. That was one of the best gifts ever and I'll have someone pick this money up and give it to you. When you are ready to leave" pulling away she kissed me on my cheek. Making me blush and smile walking over to Dave.

"Baeeee did you see. I just gave Beyoncé a lap dance" I said jumping up & down

"Yes mama I saw and I loved it and I recorded it. When we get back home I'm putting that on our tv. So I can look at it everyday day" Dave said looking at the video on his phone

"You are crazy, creep" I said laughing

.5 hour later ....
"Alright mama, we Rey get up out of here. You still have 1 more surprise left" Dave said to me

"How many surprises do I have. This is the best one"I said looking around at everyone
I looked for Beyoncé wanting to tell her bye, seeing her by her reserved table walking over to her.
"Thank you so much for inviting me, I had an amazing time and happy birthday once again" I said to Beyoncé.

"Thank you for coming. I appreciate it so much. This is the best birthday party I ever had in my life, thanks to you" Beyoncé said to me, winking at me making me blush.

As Dave and me walked outside waiting on our vehicle to be brought to us. I wrapped my arms around his neck smiling at him.

"Thank you so much for today and all my surprises. You made me feel very special today and I appreciate you and I love you very much Mr.Brewster" I said looking up at him, kissing his chin

"You are welcome Ms.Brewster, anything to make you happy. My baby. Now tonight when we get to this next surprise, it's all about you. I can't say too much buut I hope you enjoy every bit of it" Dave said kissing me.
Before I could respond the truck had pulled up causing me turn back around facing the truck. Dave opened the door for me and helped me get inside the truck, before getting in shutting the down behind him.

Dave POV
"What is the surprise babe" I heard Ari say making me turn towards her

"Mmm I can't say but I know you will enjoy it" I said sipping my cup, noticing it was almost gone.

"So we are keeping secrets now, that's what we do" she said folding her arms and pouting

"Mama relax, trust me you're going to be fine. Now lean back and relax. Also while your at it finish my cup" I said as I handing her my cup.
       She looked inside the cup and looked back at me hesitant to take it but she did anyways. Holding the cup looking inside it again causing me to laugh.

"Babe just drink it" I said looking at her.

"I ain't never had this before. So I'm kind of scared" Ari said

"All it is is cough syrup, you drink it when you are sick. It'll just give you a body type of high. Like you are floating on cloud 9" I said putting the cup up to her lips. Watching her open her mouth allowing me to pour the drink inside her mouth, pulling the cup away as she swallowed.

"Good girl mama, see I knew you could do it" I said smiling at Ari.

"Do I have to finish it" Ari asked me. Looking nervous

"No baby you don't. Imma finish it for you" I said taking a large swallow, finishing the cup. Sitting it down

"Just have fun tonight and enjoy the moment" I said to Ari kissing her before getting out the truck

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