Chapter 15

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Daves POV

I look down seeing Ari scrolling n her phone, I started thinking about how lucky I am. Like we have grown so much hand I couldn't wait to make her Mrs.Brewter. Like she was made just for me. Now my baby is Publishing her first book "You saved me". The book is about how she got through her journey of postpartum, when she gave birth to Yosohn. My baby is solider. She is now working on her 2nd book; she doesn't have a name for it yet. I'm wanting to throw her a celebration party, for all the things that she has accomplished. I'm going to give her a bag full of money, so she can get whatever she wants. And i booked a photoshoot for Ariana, so that way I can blow up some pictures and out them around. I'm making the invitation now. the theme is 50 Shades of Ariana. Yes, it is dress coded, if you don't like it then don't come.

I got out the bed walking into the bathroom starting on my morning routine. As I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush, I turn the shower on. I started brushing my teeth walking towards my clothes seeing what I was wear today. It's been cold outside, so I'm putting on a sweatsuit and my all black tims, I finish brushing my teeth, taking my clothes off an getting in the hot steaming shower. letting the steam fill the shower up. As I let the hot water hit my front side, I feel a cold breeze on my back side, letting me know that Ariana has the shower door open "Close the door mama, if you are getting in" I said with my back still facing her. I feel her small arms wrap around my waist "why you get in the shower without me" Ari said laying her face on my back "You was scrolling, and the phone and I didn't want to disturb you, plus when I get out the shower, I'm taking the kids with me, and you are going to shopping. I put my card in your purse it has 30 bands which I know that you won't use it all but get yourself something nice. Tae is going to meet you at the photoshoot to do your hair Also, you may have an interview." I said turning around finally looking at her. "You are so beautiful" I said kissing her lips, letting my hands roam on her naked body. Pulling away I grab the dove bar soap, lathering it up on the rag, putting the bar soap back down washing my body, watching as Ari did the same thing. Putting dove body wash on my wash rag, washing my body again, and Ari did the something I did. "So, you just copying me" I say laughing as I step out the shower. "Nope, I just want to be up under you right now" Ari said while walking in front of me. I lifted her on to the counter smashing my lips into hers, moving to her neck. "You are so beautiful" I whispered into ear, as I kissed her ear. "Why, are you so nice to me? when we first met you didn't make me pay for the renovation for my beauty bar, and you immediately took my son in as your own?" She said while holding me close.

"Because you were like a breath of fresh air. When I saw you at the club, I knew you was going to be mine. You were so classy and well put together, I just needed you a part of my life. And as far as Yosohn , that my little man, he reminds me of myself when I was little. So, he just clicked, and he makes my daughter happy. So, a win is a win" I said kissing her collarbone. "Mmmmm well I thank you honestly, for everything. I thank not only you but King as well he treats me like a little sister, and I love that. So, thank you" Ari says looking me dead in the eye. "You are welcome, Miss Brewster. Now we have to get ready" I say going in for a kiss.

Tae's POV

Watching my man cut hair, turns me on! Like yesss. So I've been working on something, and I want to throw him a surprise party. But I need Dave to help. "Bae I'm about to meet Ari at her photoshoot. I'll be back let me know if you need anything I love you" I said kissing him. King turned around and kissed me saying "Be safe, I love you. Cal me if you need anything." I walk out the house, getting into the car facetime Ari.

<Facetime Call START>

Ari: Hey Bestieee

Tae: Heyy baby mama. Are you in the car?

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