Chapter 33

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"Papa, get your ass down here RIGHT NOW" I yelled from the kitchen island.
This boy is going to be the death of me, ain't no way he has 3 D's on his report card

"Yes mama" Yosohn said as he walked down the stairs.

"What is this" I said sliding his report card over to him.

"My report card" Yosohn said as he looked down at the report card.

"Boyyy the damn grades what the fuck is it" I said getting irritated

"My grades in school, A, D, D, D" Yosohn said looking at me.

"Yo fucking sohn, HOW THE FUCK YOU GOT 3 D's. WHAT THE FUCK YOU BE DOING. Go upstairs and bring your game systems down and bring me your phones" I said shaking my head.

"But mama, that ain't fair" Yosohn said looking sad

"Boy I'm about to tell you what's not fair. Your father and I send you to a private school and you got 3 D's. You don't be doing shit, so why tf you got 3 D's?" I said.

"Maaan Ight" Yosohn said walking away.

"Yosohn bri-" before I could finish my sentence I heard Dave come in the house

"Aye lil nigga, turn your ass around and walk back to your mama. Don't get disrespectful" Dave said to him, while putting his keys on the key holder but the door.

"I'm going upstairs like she told me, to give her my electronics. If that's okay with you" Yosohn said looking at Dave in the eyes.

"Yosohn don't worry about it. I'm calling your dad to come get you since you wanna be disrespectful and bring home 3 D's. Your dad is going to handle you. So come sit at the island" I said as I pulled out my phone texting Herbert.

Phone Conversation Starts

Baby Mama: come get your son before I hurt him!!

Baby Daddy: what that lol nigga do now?

Baby Mama: he grunt home 3 D's and walking away while I'm talking to him

Baby Daddy: Ight, I'm 10 minutes away. You want me to keep him for a while?

Baby Mama: Do whatever you want to do.

Phone Conversation Over

"Your dad is 10 minutes away. I'm not playing with you anymore Yosohn. I try to give you a great life. You don't want for NOTHING. Anything you EVER ask for I give it to you. All I ask is for you to do good is school!! THATS IT" I said as tears ran down my face while looking at Yosohn

"Well I didn't ask for this life and I definitely didn't ask to be here" Yosohn said looking at me

"Let me tell you something. As long as I'm standing here don't ever talk to your mother like that. I'm not even going to do much because your dad is coming but just know when you come back home, it's you and me. Do you hear me? Your mother does a lot for you, so you don't have to grow up like me or her. You get EVERYTHING you ask for." Dave said walking over to me hugging me. As I cried in his arms

"Like I said I didn't ask for this. All she care about is money, and her shops. She don't ever spend time with me. It's always money money money. This is the ONLY way I could of gotten her to pay attention to me" Yosohn said as tears rolled down his face

"That's not true. And I'm sorry that you feel that way. But You like nice things, I just want the best for you. I want you to have everything you want. I want for you to grow up not worrying about night. So I'm sorry that I work so much b-" I got interrupted by the doorbell

"Go answer the door" Dave told Yosohn.

I looked up at Dave "what am I doing wrong"

Hearing Herbert walk in, I turned around facing him and Yosohn

"Hey y'all, so what's going on? Because Yosohn told me that he had good grades a few weeks ago" Herbert says while looking at Yosohn

"Well I don't know what happened, but I got his report card and he has an A and 3 D's and he started being disrespectful" I said handing G the report card. By his face expression I could tell he was HOT!

"Well I can take him with me and we most definitely going to get this straightened out. And I'm saying Yosohn infront of your mother and Dave, No sports, No games, No electrics, No going outside, No nothing. I taking you to school & picking you up. If you need to talk to your mom or Dave, my phone works. And since you want to be disrespectful I got something for you. I bet you aftwr this you won't pull no shit like this" Herbert said to a mad & crying Yosohn

"Well the school wants to schedule a meeting for us to come up there and observe him and try to get to the bottom of this" I said looking at Yosohn.
My feeling are truely hurt right now. I don't like to see my baby in trouble, I thought to myself.

"Whatever you want to do. I'm free. And before we leave Yosohm you got something you want to say" Herbert said looking down at Yosohn.

Yosohn stayed silent. Looking around. I shook my head while looking down, crying even more

"You light skin nigga I will slam you so hard on those floor right now. STOP fucking playing with me. I'm going to ask one more time do you have something you want to say to them before we leave" Herbert said to Yosohn

"Sorry" Yosohn said walking towards the door. I saw Herbert lift his arm reaching towards his shirt about to pull him back.

"G it's okay. It's okay. Please don't do that" I said to Herbert because I just know he was about to do something damage to Yosohn.

"I'm going to wait but Yosohn you better count your fucking days. You are going to wish that I wasn't your dad, You got me all the way fucked up. And when we get in the car sit in the back." Herbert said before looking at us

"I love you Yosohn" I said looking at Yosohn

Yosohn didn't say anything back to me, that crushed my soul. Looking at Yosohn I shook my head and made my way upstairs.

I hearing the door shut and Dave yelled out in frustration. I just got under my cover. What am I doing wrong? I don't work a lot, I just want my kids to have the best, I want them to work up and do what ever comes to mind. What am I doing so wrong, I thought to myself. Before my eyes closed.

Dave POV
Sitting on the couch I heard small footsteps, I saw Amoura and Miracle coming down the stairs. They are so beautiful, my girls
"Daddy Yoyo not in his room, where he go" Amoura said.

"He went with his dad, he will be gone for a little bit but don't worry he'll be okay" I said picking up Miracle who gave me a wet kiss.

"Hi mamaaaa, you look like yo mama" I said looking at Miracle.

"Is he coming back daddy" Amoura asked me sitting beside me.

"Yes baby girl, he'll be back. He just has to improve on something's. But you don't worry about all of that. Are you hungry baby" I said pulling her close to me leaning back on the couch.

"No daddy I'm not hungry. Mama made us a chili cheese dog earlier, it was so good daddy" Amoura said while looking up at me, before she laid on my chest. Miracle was already sleep on my chest.
  This is the best feeling ever. Having my girls by my side, I thought to myself before drifting off to sleep.

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