Chapter 30

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Dave POV

Waking up to Amoura in my face

"Daddy I'm hungry" she whispered.

"Where mama and yoyo" I asked while stretching before sitting up.

"I don't know when I woke up, they were gone" she said leaning on my chest.

"Looks like we going to have daddy daughter day" I said picking her up carrying her to the kitchen island. Today is going to be all about her, we really don't get to spend time together due to her going to school now. So, she not going today. Pulling out the ingredients to makes pancakes, pulling out a pack of chicken, and some cut up fruit for her to eat. I poured the flour in a zip lock bag along with adding seasons to the bag, and then I cracked 3 eggs into an empty bowl, dipping the chicken in the bowl before moving it over to the zip lock bag, closing the bag and shaking it, I opened it and put the chicken in the hot oil waiting for it to cook before turning it over. After 10 minutes of cooking our chicken, it was done, I washed the pan.

After about 15 minutes everything was done, and the fruit was cut up and we were eating. Looking at my daughter she reminded me so much of her mom. The sweet Samantha is all I saw in my Amoura, and I loved it. I think I may let her see her mom briefly today, a hi and bye type of thing. I don't ever want my daughter growing up thinking I kept her biological mother away from her. I just don't want my daughter hurt, that's all.

"Babygirl, you want to go by Ms. Linda's today and get some flowers" I asked finishing my glass of water.

"Can I pick out my flowers" She asked with syrup on her chin. causing me to laugh at her.

"Yes, you can whatever you want, it's yours" I said grabbing her plate putting it in the sink along with mine. Picking her up taking her to her room ruing her bath water putting her in the tub, i went to her closet to see what she is going to wear. It's really cold, I thought to myself. Since it was the middle of November, I decided on putting her in fluffy jogging suit with pink sparkly boots, and a Sequin Jacket that was pink, purple, and blue. Thank God for Ari who already had her hair done. I grabbed her clothes putting them on her bed, I walked back in the bathroom, I started washing her up.

After her bath, I brushed her teeth and got her dressed

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After her bath, I brushed her teeth and got her dressed. I sprayed a little bit of perfume on her, not too much, she is still my baby. Taking her to my room I turned on The Proud Family for her (MY FAVIROTE SHOW) and then walked to my bathroom turning the shower on, washing my body. After showering I brushed my teeth and washed my face, walking in my closet I grabbed a HDIGH sweatsuit with some Forces. putting it on, I grabbed a black puff coat and sprayed some cologne on me. Turning my light out I walked in the room to see Amoura dozing off. Turning the tv off I picked her up carrying her downstairs into the garage putting her in the truck. I got in the front seat starting the car.

 I got in the front seat starting the car

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