Chapter 31

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Yosohn and I had a date day, and it was wonderful. I love spending time with my son. It's the best feeling ever. Now Yosohn is laid out on the couch with the polar express playing on the tv. I decided to start on dinner early tonight and I'm thinking about making chili. Something easy, not too much work. I just put the meat in the pan so it can get cooked while doing that I heard the garage opening meaning Dave and Amoura are back. 

"MAMAS" Dave yelled. 

"MAMAS" I heard Amoura yell causing me to laugh before turning around, looking at them walk into the living. Yosohn was still sleep, I already had Amoura's pjs down here.

"Yall better not wake my son up, and I got Amoura's pj's do here already babe" I said as I drained the meat into the sink. After that I put the meat into the pot that already had the noodles, sauce, and beans in it.

  (How do y'all eat y'alls chili? With or without the noodles) (In Louisville we eat our chili with noodles, some people eat chili without but that mostly older people.) BACK TO THE STORY!!!

"I'm about to wash her up and then we will be right out" Dave said kissing me, before walking away into the bedroom that is downstairs. Placing the table amts on the floor for the kids and grabbing their small bowls of chili, I walked over to the mats placing the chili bowls on the ground. Walking over to the couch I shook Yosohn lightly.

"YoYo wake up baby" I said. He didn't move making me laugh a little

"Yosohn wake up it is time to eat" I said a little louder. He opened one eye keeping the other eye shut looking at me.

"Boy get up shit. Your eye is going to get stuck" I said, as we both laughed at each other. As he got up and sat on the ground with Amoura who was waiting on Yosohn. I saw that Dave had their drinks on the coffee table already and Dave was walking in holding our bowls of chili in one hand and our drinks in the other. 

"Thank You baby, I could have helped you. You didn't have to do all of that" I said taking the chili bowls out of his hand, placing them on the coffee table sitting on the couch.

"You cooked, sit down and let me help you mamas" Dave said slapping my butt, as the kids laughed at what they saw. Making me laugh a little before turning around towards Dave biting my lip and winking at him.

Dave had turned they stove eye off and turned the lights out in the kitchen, only leaving the lamps on walking back to the couch. I noticed he had on red, white, and black basketball shorts, with his matching shirt open, matching hat to the back, and black socks.

 I noticed he had on red, white, and black basketball shorts, with his matching shirt open, matching hat to the back, and black socks

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"Baby why you change into a whole outfit" I said looking at him as he sat on the couch propping his feet up onto the table.

"I got to look good eating baby" he said winking at me. I just know my face is red.

"Y'all want to watch the Grinch or Home Alone" I asked looking at the tv.

"The Grinch" everyone said. making me press the movie.

As everyone ate their chili and was looking at the movie, I couldn't help but to smile. This is really my family. I got my son, I have a daughter, and I got MY MAN. This is all I ever wanted honestly. Every since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a wife and have my own family. Also, I'm running my own Beauty Bar which I am in love with, and I plan on opening more in the future.


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