Chapter 19

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Dave's POV
Walking towards the middles of the museum i cleared my throat, nervously grabbing the microphone
"The reason I built this museum was because I wanted to dedicate something to Ms.Fletcher. I could have gotten her anything in the world but I wanted to get her something that'll last forever, it'll forever be in her history. Ms.Fletcher can you meet me in the middle of the floor, please" I said looking around for her.
    Seeing her coming out the crowd holding Yosohn's hand, handing him to his dad. She walked to me, blushing and then laughing. Causing me to laugh a little
"See y'all this right here is why I did this, I've been watching her smile and laugh all day long. And that's what I want her to do for the rest of her life is smile & laugh. Ariana you came into my life at a moment when I thought I had it all, I had money, I had my brother, and most importantly I had my daughter... Seeing you at the club I just KNEW I needed you in my life for the rest of my life. When Tae asked me to come help with the renovations of the shop, I knew I had to jump on it. I was nervous as hell because I didn't want to disappoint you" I said earning a couple of laughs...
"Meeting your son was like the best, he accepted me with opened arms just like you accepted my daughter with open arms. And for that I love you even more. I always wondered if I was to marry somebody who would it be? What would attract me to them? Will they be a good fit for my daughter? And Ariana Marie you are the answer to all those questions" I say as I got down on 1 knee, looking at King for the box.

Ari's POV
"Ariana Marie... Will You Be My Wife?" Dave  asked opening the box that held the ring in it. Looking at the ring it felt like I was going to faint. It was BEAUTIFUL and BIGGG. Hearing everyone scream and seeing flashes going off. Looking at Dave "are you being serious" I said while tears came out of my eyes.

"Yes, I am. So serious" he said looking up at me, grabbing my hand.

"YES, Yes, a thousand times Yes" I said smiling as he slides the ring on my finger. Grabbing his face kissing him.

"Three, Two, One" I heard Tuson and Tae say

"HAPPY 26 BIRTHDAYYYYY ARIANAAAAA" everybody said yelling. Some people was crying, some people was dancing. Everyone was in a good mood. Even Herbert he was smiling and that made me very happy

"Happy Birthday Mrs.Brewster" Dave whispered against my lips, kissing me one last time before putting me down

"Also before y'all crowd around her, 1 last surprise this museum isn't just for the night, it's for the public as well, so it'll be open Monday - Thursday 8am-8pm, Friday - Saturday 8am-10:30pm, and Sunday 12pm-5pm. And tonight everybody will be going home with a custom picture made" Dave said
    I looked up at Dave and kissed him.

Getting pulled away looking back I saw Tae, Tuson, Dream, Caresha, and more of my family and friends.
"I's married now" I said before showing my hands "I got 2 ringsss" I said smilingg

"I can't believe this, You just gonna cheat on me" Tuson said fake crying causing all of us to laugh

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"I can't believe this, You just gonna cheat on me" Tuson said fake crying causing all of us to laugh

"It's okay, because you still are my rock" Tuson said before pulling me into a hug, and I hugged him back

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