Chapter 35

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Dave POV
King is funny, he telling me all the business that's going on at the spot and how he was thanking about opening up another club and he just dropped a song. I'm proud of my brother. We came from Harlem, NY and we are UP! And ain't never looked back.

But I want to give my brother a shop down here, he doesn't know it yet but I want him to have a barber shop in Houston, he talent and it need to be shown, so I've been looking at a few places that looks nice & upscale and I've been sending them to him as if I'm looking for something but honestly it's for him.

Phone Conversation Starts

King: so when are you coming back to the A, it's been so long. And Ma said we need to visit home.

Me: I'll be in the A soon but I need you to come to Houston to help me pick out a store. And I'll go back home if you go back home.

King: Truth be told ion really want to go back but I know we have too. You know mama isn't getting on no plane at all.

Me: right which is sad. She need to get out of NY and see the world.

King: Now you know mama ain't trynna hear none of that but I'm about to get ready for the day. I love you and I'll call you later.

Me: I love you too.

Phone Conversation Over

"Daddy why doesn't my mom love me" Amoura asked causing me to look down. I grabbed the remote pausing the movie Daddy Little Girl

"Baby girl your mama loves you, what are you talking about? ARI-" I started to yell for Ariana who was upstairs doing Miracles hair

"No daddy, not mama. My real mom Gmama Linda's daughter, that's my real mom why doesn't she love me." Amoura said about to cry

"Awww mamas. She loves you, she just had you at a young age, truthfully she wasn't ready to be a mom and-" I got cut off again

"But she has another kid. I have a baby brother and she's in his life but she want in mine. Why? What did I do?" She said fully crying

"BABYYY LOO-" Ariana yelled coming down the stairs but stop once she seen Amoura crying in my lap.

"Sissy cry. She cry" Miracle said running to Amoura, climbing up on the couch. Reaching for Amoura

"Awww baby what's wrong" Ariana said rubbing Amoura's back

"Yo-yo isn't here and why doesn't my mom love me? What did I do wrong? She is able to be in my new baby brothers life but not mine, what did I do, mama and daddy?" Amoura said looking at both of us. Who are looking dumbfounded.

"I fight, I fight them sissy" Miracle said balling her little fist up and putting her stands up as if she was about to fight somebody making us laugh

"Well at least we know she got her sisters back" I said to Ariana, who was smiling but I knew she was hurting. I could see it in her eyes.
  Ariana tried getting up and walking away but I grabbed her in time making her sit back down next to me.

"How about we have a movie night, and no school tomorrow? Everyone go out their pjs on and meet back in the living room." I said causing the girls to smile and run upstairs.

I just sat on the couch, I hate that my baby was feeling that way, and I hate that she know has a little brother that gets the love and attention that she needed from their mother. I don't like seeing any of my girls cry, it rubs me the wrong way, especially knowing that I can't do anything about it. And my sonson isn't here, and I really don't like that, it's only been 4 days and it's killing me. I think I'm going to have to make a trip back home after all.

Ariana came down here first and she looked so sad. "Baby don't be sad, everything is going to work out for its own good" i said as I hugged her

"I know but I know how she feels and it just hurts I have a son who says I work too much, and then I have a daughter who doesn't feel loved by her biological mother, and then I have a 3 year old who is trying to fight people" she said hugging me laughing a little

"I don't like the baby girl feels that way either, I felt like that with my dad, even though I have King. I still feel that way. Especially knowing I have other siblings out here who was able to experience having a dad" I said

"Well what movie are we watching?" Ariana said to me looking up

"What ever y'all want to watch baby. What pizza y'all want and from where" I said rubbing her butt

"Mmmmm I want extra cheese with pasta and cinnamon bread" Ariana said smiling with glossy eyes

"Why you look like you about to cry? Pizza Hut pizza & pasta and you want cinnamon bread from papa John?

"I'm just sad and in my feelings and yes please" Ariana said looking down towards the floor.

Picking her chin up making her look at at "Never ever put your head down around me and I got you fat ass. Go look for a movie and I'll place the orders" I said kissing her. I tapped her butt hearing footsteps  and beads coming down the stairs. I looked up seeing Amoura walking towards the couch with her pillow and blanket and I saw Miracle about to jump from the top step.

"Miracle you better walk down them steps" Ariana said before pecking me on my lips one last time before turning around

"Mmcht" miracle said grabbing before walking down the stairs

"That's your daughter" we both said causing us to look at each other before laughing

"I love you" Ariana said to me

"I love you too mamas"I said kissing me forehead before moving from behind her. Walking in the kitchen I grabbed a water and called Pizza Hut ordering the pizza & pasta and then called Papa John's ordering cinnamon bread.

"Dada eat eat" Miracle said running to me. I picked her up flipping her upside down, while tickling her. She went into a fit of laughter

"Food coming any minute hungry lady. Go jump on your mama and give her a wet kiss" I whispered in miracles ear, putting her on the floor. Watching her run towards the couch, jumping on her mama and giving her a wet kiss I just laughed almost crying

"AHHHHHH get off of me. Why is your mouth so wet" Ariana said laughing. Trying to wipe her face but Miracle just kept kissing her. Making everyone laugh. Once Miracle had enough she layed back on the couch trying to catch her breath. I heard the doorbell knowing it was already the pizza delivery, I grabbed $50 out of my wallet before walking and opening the door. I opened the door and saw both deliveries, I paid for Pizza Hut first and then Papa John's shutting the door I heard Amoura screaming "MAMAAAA GET HERRRRR" I just laughed because I just know it's Miracle.

"Whose hungry" I said walking into the living room

"Meeeeee" Miracle said running to me but Ariana grabbed her pulling her onto the couch, Miracles eyes got glossy and her lips started shaking.

"Aht Aht you better not cry. Dada is coming with the food"'Ariana said wiping Miracles face

"Dada is coming alright" I said smirking at Ariana, who was blushing

"Food I want food" Amoura said semi catching onto us

I finally sat the food down, I placed Miracle on my lap giving her 2 slices of pizza, Amoura grabbed 2, and Ariana grabbed 1 slice and the whole pan of pasta. I grabbed 1 slice of pizza. Turning the movie Johnson Family Vacation on. I sat back as my girls leaned into me.

I wish my sonson was here, I thought to myself. I may pay him a visit tomorrow and see how things are going.

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