Fitting in

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The next day Reon and Gray used a cab to head for the Business and art department in Utopia where the classes were located.the departments in Utopia are normally kept in pairs foristance Business and arts,Science and technology and many more departments but because Reon takes business major and Gray studies about acting they belong in the same department but different sections so when they arrived they went apart and promised to meet every break

Reon followed his tablet to the assigned class and when he entered in the class all the back seats were taken and only front seats were left open

Reon went on the front sit at left column besides a window with the view of the department garden and fountain and just took out his note book and kept it on the table

Gray on the other side he arrived in the acting class and as soon as he got in he saw Stacy wilberry and Grover spencer the girls he encountered at the apartment's cafeteria and decided to go and sit behind them

Gray being Gray he tapped Stacy's shoulder and said looking good gorgeous

Stacy turned around and looks at Gray and says you see that buff guy over there in the group of the boys with the caps?

Gray turned and looked at the boy and says yeah what about him?

Stacy smiles and says well his name is John Palmer and he is my boyfriend so if you want your hand ripped let him see you touch me

Gray looking scared he says thats guy is your boyfriend the one like a rhino why didn't you say so woman come on look forward before he see's me

Stacy laughs slowly and says but your kinda cute with your afro then she slowly turns forward and kept on looking at Grovers phone

Reon sat all alone at the front and he said to himself well this kinda sucks the first row im all by myself i hope Gray has better luck than me

A man in his 40's entered the class and stood at the front he was in a blue suit and he says Ahem! attention class

But the people in the back kept on talking,shouting without noticing the lecture inside

He then used a louder tone and says Ahem attention please can everyone pay attention

The class became silent and looked forward

The man kept on by saying iam lecture Van Hudevert and i will be your accounting teacher so can everybody introduce themself by standing and saying their names, begining from the first row

Since i was the only one infront he starred at me so i stood up and say my name is Reon stagfridd and when i was done the people behind me took over

As the students kept on introducing themselves i heard a voice say MY NAME IS MORGAN TANNER so i turned around and noticed she was the beanie girl the one who took my breath away in the van

She was so gorgeous,brunette with blue eyes she was an angel among demons in the class

when she was through the guy who wore a suit in the van stood up since he sat besides her in the class aswell and he says MY NAME IS GEORGE HOVER THE THIRD

The lecturer astonished he says the Hovers well we are in the presence of loyalty welcome mister George

Reon so astonished he turned forward and says well he is royalty no wonder he walks with a goddess i'd never compete with him its over for me i dont want to be arrested

After the rest were done with introduction the lecturer started introducing the subject and i normally find myself lost in the presence of knowledge because i like reading

This time it was different despite having all my attention to the lecturer ,my mind also was lost in the ocean blue eyes of Morgan she is perfect

When classes were over the lecturer got out and Reon stood up to leave the class but a folded paper was thrown at him and when he turned around there were a couple of guys who threw it

One of the guy with earings looking at me he says what are you looking at?

Being a man of silence and zero conflict policy i decided to leave and the guys just kept on laughing at me

As planned i met with Gray near the department fountain and we headed for the dining hall for our breakfast

When we arrived in the hall as usual people of Utopia like to sit in groups and when i gazed around i noticed the rich kids had their own side of the hall where its well mannered compaired to our side

As Reon looked around at the hall he saw Morgan sitting besides George at the fancy area with other couple of friends

Gray noticed and he tapped me and says you must really fancy that girl bro you starred at her in the van and now at the hall

I looked away and say yeah she really is in my head

Gray smiles and says well its cool but dont ever try to approach her. In this school the tall and the stunted dont get along very well

whats the tall and the stunted?Reon asking

Gray like to explain without settling his hands he says the tall are the classic or rich people in utopia and the stunted are like me and you the middle and normal class so better stay away from them if you still love staying at Utopia

Shaking my head as a sign of understanding i heard a voice shouting my name and when i turned around it was Latti trying to get my attention

I turned to her and she says well you two look like you dont know where to stay wanna join me and the girls?

Gray replying before i did he says will there be rhino guys around? while Stacy looked at him making a face

Latti looking at Gray she says i dont know about any rhino guy

So i accepted her offer before Gray made a fool of us both

As we went to sit besides them latti smiles at both of us and says you guys need to be more attentive

But when we were conversing the group that their leader hit me with a paper entered the hall and as they were passing by they noticed me and Gray sitting with Latti,Stacy and Grover

So bullies being bullies they came and sit at the table and start taunting me and Gray

The guy with earings he says to Latti well my name is Joseph quinn and how did fine ladies like you end up sitting with this two loosers what are they even wearing? while holding my polo shirt

Latti looking at Joseph she says leave them alone and beat it we have nothing to do with you

Joseph smilling he takes a cup of smoothy that his friend held and poured it on my head but being a no violence person i just stayed without any sign of resistance

Gray decided to push Joseph away from me and says the hell man whats wrong with you beat it

Stacy holding Gray to avoid more problem Joseph says i will be seeing the both of you,the pretty faces wont help you for too long and they left

Latti looking at me as i was soaking wet she says why did you let him do that to you? as she handed me her handkerchief

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