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The next day, Allan and Joseph took their seats as students filed into the classroom. Near the start of the first period, Allan remarked, "So, you've been spending a lot of time with Morgan lately."

Joseph retorted, "Yeah, got a problem with that?"

Allan confessed, "Actually, yes. You don't hang with us anymore. The boys think you're soft now."

Joseph turned to Allan, stating firmly, "I don't care what the boys think of me. I'm going to spend time with her because I love her."

Allan chuckled, retorting, "Does she love you?"

Joseph replied defiantly, "Well, it's none of your business, is it?"

Allan quipped, "That's what I thought," and they exchanged sharp glares.

Reon was escorted by Rehina near his class, and they faced each other. Rehina reassured him, "Don't worry about Alex; we will deal with him." Reon smiled confidently, saying, "Do I look worried?" They shared a kiss, and as they parted, an odd group of students observed from a distance.

Entering the class, Reon locked eyes with Joseph, who smiled in disgust and shook his head. Reon remained expressionless as he found his seat.

Morgan entered the class slowly, walking to her seat without acknowledging Joseph, leaving him confused. Meanwhile, Allan couldn't hide his smile after witnessing the incident.

As the lecturer, Mr. Lee, walked in, the tension in the classroom lingered.

Mr. Lee, their laws teacher, announced, "Today's subject requires you to be in groups of four. Select yourselves." After groups formed, Joseph found himself denied entry into Allan and his friends' group. Reon, being antisocial, couldn't join any group either. Morgan and Yuri, unable to find an open group, sat together.

Mr. Lee observed the situation and said, "Well, the four of you can join to form a group." Reon, noticing Joseph, muttered, "Shit." Both Joseph and Reon sat uncomfortably beside each other, and Morgan felt the tension.

Mr. Lee continued, "I'll send a random question to your tabs. Discuss and have the answers by the end of the session." As the tabs received notifications, the students began discussing.

Yuri suggested, "Guys, we have a question here. Let's discuss it." Joseph interrupted, asking Morgan, "Why didn't you even look at me when you entered?" Morgan replied, "I don't know; I was supposed to. I'm sorry."

Reon, taking charge, said, "Give me the question, Yuri; I'll answer it because, like most of us in the group, some take the assignment seriously." Joseph, holding the tab, questioned, "What do you mean by that?" Morgan interrupted, "Joseph, stop it." But Joseph persisted, saying, "No, I want to hear what he has to say."

Yuri, confused, nervously smiled, asking, "Guys, what's going on?" Reon, looking at Joseph, responded, "Do you even know what the question requires?" Joseph retorted, "No, obviously, but don't think yourself higher than us."

Reon smiled, saying, "Very well, I'm sorry. Now let go of the tab." Morgan held Joseph's hand, pulling it away from the tab, while Reon took control of it. The expressions in the room shifted, revealing a mix of tension, confusion, and subtle defiance.

Reon carefully examined the question, and Yuri asked, "So, can you do it?" Reon replied confidently, "It's a tricky one, but yes, I can come up with answers. Mr. Lee isn't stupid; he knew we would go directly into the question, but he kept a trick here. If not careful, we may have written the advantages of the law used by the company to settle its investors' disputes. The trick is, we need to write the assumptions and why it's a risky law."

Yuri, puzzled, looked at the question and said, "Dude, this question is so short. How did you see all that?" Reon smiled, saying, "Well, I don't know; I just have a hunch."

Joseph, skeptical, smiled and said, "A hunch, really? So you expect us to answer according to your hunch?" Reon, looking at Joseph, replied, "So what would you answer?" Joseph insisted, "Advantages, obviously. Morgan, back me up here. This is complicated." Morgan, looking at Joseph, later turned to Reon and said, "Uh, I'm sorry, Joseph. I'm with Reon. That would make it too easy."

Joseph, disappointed, folded his arms and lay back on his chair. As Reon explained and wrote answers, Yuri and Morgan's faces were filled with amusement at how well he explained, making Joseph unsettled. Especially how Morgan looked at Reon, as if it was not just amusement but admiration, annoyed him. He stood up and took off, passing Mr. Lee, who asked, "Hey, where are you going?" Joseph replied, "Lavatory. I ain't feeling great," as he left the room, leaving the group in wonder.

After they finished the assignment early, Yuri asked Reon, "Dude, that was amazing. You are very smart." Reon, blushing, said, "Uh, thanks. It was a team effort, really. You guys had nice examples as well, especially Morgan. You were amazing." Morgan smiled, blushing, and said, "Thanks, Reon." They locked eyes, and a moment swept among them. Reon staring into Morgan's blue eyes felt a sense of weakness and intimacy, and so did Morgan, who looked at Reon and noticed his pink lips that felt inviting. Yuri, noticing the two of them, said, "Oookaay, what's going on here?" bringing them back to reality.

In the art class, Gray sat with Elsa, designing a character on their computer, both laughing and enjoying the moment. Stacy couldn't help but look at them with a jealous face. Grover, noticing her, said, "Stacy, you've got to move on. The more you hold onto him, the more it hurts. Besides, you and John look like you enjoy each other's company."

Stacy turned to Grover, replying, "John? Yeah, right. The only thing he cares about is rugby and games. Lately, he hasn't even looked at me. It's like walking with a ghost." Grover advised, "So, thinking about Gray is a solution?" Stacy replied, "I don't know. I just find myself thinking about him. When he was with me, I felt him. He gave me all the attention I needed, and our chemistry was off the charts."

Grover gently held her hand and said, "Well, when someone loves us, we don't love them until we lose them. But that doesn't stop us from learning from our mistakes and finding someone else." Stacy responded, "No, I can't date anyone else. I'm done. All I want is Gray, and Elsa, whatever her name is, took him from me. Without her, he would be with me now, laughing as we design our baby." Grover advised, "Stop. That will only hurt you more. Now focus with me, and let's create the man of our dreams on this frigging computer," both of them smiling.

Tynab was at the principal's office, and the principal asked, "So, you say George isn't in school; he just decided to leave, and you believe it's because of Morgan?" Tynab replied, "Yes, they went through a tough time, and maybe it may be the cause, but all I want to know is where he is."

The principal responded, "Well, I have looked at his gate pass, and it says temporary. So, it means he will get back. The only thing he needs is time. About his location, it says he is at a hotel in town, not far." Tynab, breathing heavily, said, "Thanks, Grandpa. I was so worried about him."

Mr. Ruzev, the principal, replied, "Grandpa? I haven't heard that in a long time. Tynab, if you still have a crush on George, don't let it overshadow you. That boy has issues, and he will only drag you down." Tynab insisted, "Again with this. He is great; you just need to know him more, Mr. Ruzev."

The principal responded, "Whatever you say. And before you leave, don't ever call me Grandpa in front of the other students, okay?" Tynab smiled and said, "Don't worry."

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