Darkness looming

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Time flew by, and Reon found himself in the classroom, staring at his completed exam. His gaze couldn't help but linger on Morgan, who sat in front of him with her beautiful hair resting at the back of her coat, wearing the beanie he first saw her in. Holding a pencil, he casually drew Morgan's face on the table, the scent of her lingering in the air. Suppressing his feelings, he rubbed the drawing, then stood and walked out of the class after handing in his paper. Students wondered how he finished the tough exam so quickly, and Morgan secretly stared as he left.

That night, while lying on the bed with Rehina, who was peacefully asleep, Reon looked at the watch on his hand. As he gazed at the bare back of Rehina, memories flashed in his mind. He recalled how Morgan had once slept on his chest during a rainy night. Another memory overlapped, featuring Rehina's lips near his, saying, "Nobody in this world understands me like you do. You would be the last person to hurt me, that I'm sure."

Returning to his senses, he placed the watch back in the drawer. Tightening his arms around Rehina, he turned off the lone lightstand, kissed Rehina's head, and then drifted into sleep.

As Morgan examined her exam the next day, she noticed a question that Reon had taught her. Despite George's ego preventing them from asking him, confusion lingered, especially considering the weight of the marks. Morgan strained to recall the day Reon explained, picturing him sitting beside her, writing with a cute smirk covering his face. His lips moved as he explained, and Morgan tried to grasp the lesson, hearing his voice in her head saying, "The trick is to use differentiation." Calculations flowed on the book Reon used, and she remembered the solutions.

Turning around in the room, Morgan saw Reon at the furthest side, engrossed in calculations with that same smirk. Blushing, she placed her pen on her mouth, smiling to herself. George observed her gaze, noticing her direct look at Reon. A memory flashed in his mind, recalling Morgan smiling at him the same way on his birthday as she licked a lollipop. Uncomfortable with the realization that Morgan had a thing for Reon, he found it hard to accept.

George remarked, "You seem quite fascinated with Reon, Morgan." Morgan, caught off guard, stammered, "Oh, no, it's just... I was remembering his explanation from the other day." George, skeptical, replied, "Sure, Morgan, whatever you say." Morgan sighed, feeling the complexity of the situation as the invigilator says no talking during exams direct at them.

After the exams concluded, Reon stood outside the classroom, waiting for Morgan to emerge. As she stepped out, he took her hand and gently pulled her aside. Morgan, facing him, greeted with a smile, "It's nice to see you."

Observing Reon's eyes, she sensed a heaviness and asked, "What's wrong?" Reon, looking somewhat sad, took his hand out of his pocket, holding the watch. He breathed heavily and confessed, "Morgan, I found this watch in my pockets, and I thought it was only fair to return it to you, considering how much it cost."

Morgan, holding his hand, replied, "It's yours. I gave it to you as a gift. Do with it as you please." Reon's eyes seemed watery as he admitted, "Truth be told, every time I see it, the only thing I think of is you, which only hurts me more. Considering we both chose who we are with, it wouldn't be fair to them."

Morgan gently pulled her hand away, looking into Reon's eyes. She said, "I don't care how you think of me or how it hurts, so long as I know you do think of me. That's gift enough for me. Please, Reon, keep it. And to make things fair, I have the clothes you gave me, so we both have souvenirs. But please, just hold on to it, okay?" Reon shook his head in acceptance, slowly walking away, leaving Morgan standing, acknowledging the weight of their shared memories.

Morgan sat on her balcony couch, clutching Reon's clothes for a moment before returning inside. In the adjacent house, George stood by his window, watching her. Eventually, he left the window and settled on his black bed with red silk spreadings. Removing his tie and shirt, he sighed, running his fingers through disheveled hair. On his bedside table, a picture frame captured a joyful moment with Morgan.

Meanwhile, Reon and Rehina enjoyed their date. Reon, in a sleek black long-sleeved shirt, adorned with a necklace and a silver watch, paired with well-kept trousers and stylish shoes. Rehina donned a vibrant red blouse, leather pants, and boots, radiating beauty.

Rehina nervously chuckled, "Our first date in the middle of midterms, I'm so nervous." Reon grinned reassuringly, "Don't worry about all of that. What you need to focus on is how beautiful you look right now, Rey. You're breathtaking."

Joseph and Alan sat in a car across the street from Morgan's house, observing her situation. Joseph, with binoculars in hand, commented, "Things don't seem to be going well with them." Allan sighed, reminding Joseph of their initial plan to pursue Stacy, not Morgan. Joseph, tossing the binoculars on the backseat, admitted, "That was the plan, but I'm deep for Morgan. I don't see myself with any other girl here. This might be my only shot."

Alan questioned if it was taking advantage of Morgan, but Joseph insisted, "No, it's me going after my dream. I don't care if I'm in a black book, as long as I play it safe and make George look like the villain. I might actually pull this off, so please, I need your support, not doubts." Alan, sighing, reluctantly agreed, "Well, okay, but don't escalate things. If she still loves George, we leave it at that, okay?" Joseph promised, "Yeah, sure, I promise."

In a private room, Alexandre Leblanc discussed with the Beaumonts. Alexandre straight to the point, "My dad wants me to marry Rehina by the end of this semester. I don't care about who she's with; I don't want to ruin my dad's plan."

Etienne reassured, "Of course, and to make you at ease, know it's not your fault. It's ours to allow her to slip and leave with that boy, and we will fix this."

Alexandre, unmoved, responded, "Well, you better. Besides, your family has the worst stakes. If you don't pull this off, I don't know what will happen."

Romain, defensive, said, "Look, we don't need threats from you, okay? All we need is to make the wedding happen. Intimidating us won't make it easy on us to work for you because we are equals here."

Alexandre smirked, dismissing the notion of equality, "Equals, such a dumb word. Knowing that equality is a myth, so please don't waste my time. I expect my bride by the end of next week." He stood and left the room.

Morson Monsoon gathered with influential figures in Utopia for dinner in his mansion. During the meal, Morson expressed his frustration, "You know, I was humiliated by the principal, saying I'm doing a lousy job. All this time, I've been against the stunted joining our ranks, and one night, I lower my guard, and a fight breaks out, tarnishing my name."

Tynab, seated at the table, attempted to downplay the incident, "It's just a fight, Morson. Students fight all the time." Morson silenced her sharply, "Don't start with me, Tynab. You made me soft that night, and I almost lost my position. So, my fellowships, what should we do about the stunted?"

Papa Cliff, a man at the table, suggested, "We should go back to the good old days when the school was a haven for people of our ranks. I have a plan; we should manipulate the stunted to reacte and cause havoc, deeming them dangerous and getting them easily kicked out in a series of events."

Morson, looking at Papa, grinned, "I like your thinking, Papa. So cheers to that plan!" The whole table stood, clinking their glasses in agreement, except for Tynab, who sat there, clearly not on board with the plan.

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