The crash

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Morgan, glancing at Joseph, implores, "Please, Joseph, if you care about my well-being, just leave me alone before the drama starts all over again."

Joseph, holding her hands with a pitiful expression, pleads, "Morgan, please, I love you, and I can't take my mind off you. Who cares about other people's views?"

Morgan asserts, "I don't care about other people, but I care about my dignity."

Joseph, with watery eyes, insists, "Give me at least one day to prove how much I'm willing to do for you."

Morgan replies, "It's not a crime to love me, Joseph, but we never get what we want. I'm still in love with George, so please leave me alone."

Meanwhile, George is in the elevator with girls behind him, blushing as hell.

The two girls behind George exchange glances, using their hands to fan themselves, clearly impressed by his looks. George, for the first time since arriving in Utopia, smiles as he gazes at the flowers, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the elevator.

*Ding* – the elevator arrives just as George strolls through the hallway, searching for room 515. Meanwhile, Morgan firmly tells Joseph, "No, Joseph, I can't be with you. I'm in love with George, so in love that I would die for him. I can't love you."

Reon, eavesdropping on their conversation, listens closely. Joseph, having grasped Morgan's true feelings for George, resigns with a touch of sadness, "Well, it's fine. There's no harm in trying. Maybe in another universe, we are together."

Expressing gratitude, Morgan acknowledges, "Thank you for understanding, Joseph. It's really nice of you." A pitiful expression on Joseph's face, he makes a request, "Before I go, can I ask a favor?" Morgan agrees, "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Joseph asks, "Can I at least get a hug and a kiss on my cheek before I go, just for good luck?" After a moment of contemplation, Morgan agrees, "Uhm, yeah. Sure, why not?" They share a tight hug. Meanwhile, George arrives at that precise moment, witnessing the intimate embrace.

Observing Morgan's affectionate hug with Joseph, George is visibly taken aback,morgan raising her legs to reach for Joseph's cheeks so she kisses him george looking the whole process pulling his hair back in disbelief. As Morgan releases herself from Joseph's embrace, George notices her holding a bouquet of flowers.

George, dropping the flower in disbelief, attempts to turn around, his shoes making a sound that catches Joseph and Morgan's attention. They notice him standing there, and the red flower lies on the floor. In shock, Morgan's eyes well up with tears, realizing George might have misunderstood. Reon peeks out, noticing George's reaction, and looking at Joseph and the flowers in Morgan's hands, he utters, "Oh dear."

George, clenching his fists, walks slowly towards them. Morgan rushes to explain, reaching in front of him, "George, it's not what you think." However, George can't contain his anger any longer. Furious, he pushes Morgan aside, causing her to knock herself against the wall and fall to the floor. Reon rushes from the room to help Morgan, who appears in pain.

Joseph, noting George's anger, warns, "You don't want to do that, pretty boy. You'll get hurt." Ignoring the warning, George swings a punch at Joseph, sending him crashing into Latti's door. The impact wakes up Latti, Stacy, and Grover, who rush to find out what caused the loud noise.

Meanwhile, George and Joseph continue exchanging blows, but George's strength prevails. He pushes Joseph into Reon's room, following him inside.

Reon, reaching out to hold Morgan, asks, "Are you okay?" Morgan, holding her head, replies, "Yes, I'm okay," but as she removes her hand, it's red with blood from her forehead. Reon, alarmed, says, "You're bleeding!" Morgan, in shock, starts to cry as Reon holds her tight. Latti opens the door Reon, focused on Morgan's injury, urges Latti, "Give me a med pack now, please!" Latti, not fully understanding, asks, "What happened?" Reon reiterates, "She's hurt, bring the med pack!" Latti, now grasping the urgency, rushes back to her room. Stacy and Grover assist Reon with Morgan

Meanwhile, in Reon's room, Joseph pushes George against the wall, landing a punch. George retaliates with a hit to Joseph's ribs, creating a gap. George then shoves Joseph at Reon's closet, breaking it, and mirror glass shatters everywhere. Amid the chaos, people from the surrounding rooms emerge to witness the unfolding confrontation.

Two apartment assistants and one doctor rushed from the elevator after being called by students. The assistants hurried to Reon's room, while the doctor arrived to help morgan and realise reon has disinfected Morgan's wound and covering it. Simultaneously, the assistants intervened, stopping George and Joseph from fighting.

Amidst the commotion, one assistant with apartment authority confronted George and Joseph, "What are you thinking, fighting in an apartment? What if someone was badly hurt?"

George, still seething, pulled away when the assistant touched him. "Don't touch me," he snapped, wiping himself with a black handkerchief from his pocket. With a defiant tone, he added, "Put the damage bill on my tab."leaving joseph and the assistants as he walks away

As George walked away, the students nearby exchanged hushed conversations, ensuring the details of the incident were well explained and widely known. As George walked across the hall the students created a gap for him in fear.

George stood for a moment, his gaze lingering on Morgan, who was receiving treatment. His eyes reflected sadness as he looked down, and then, without a word, he walked towards the elevator. The doors closed, and he descended downstairs.

Morgan, in tears, cried out, "George, please don't leave me alone!" Reon, comforting her, reassured, "It's okay, don't move." The doctor chimed in, "You'll be okay; there's plenty of time to talk to George. He's just mad at the moment."

Amidst tears, Morgan confessed, "I love him," hugging Reon tightly. The doctor, glancing at Reon, remarked, "She was lucky you were here; otherwise, she could have lost a lot of blood."

Latti suggests, "Reon, it's been two hours. Let's go get something to eat or some fresh air." Reon, looking annoyed, responds, "I'm not hungry." Latti reassures him, "Why not? She's okay." Reon, feeling guilty, admits, "This is all my fault. I insisted she come to the apartment for studies, and now she's hurt. I kept her at risk." Latti tries to comfort him, "No, it's not your fault. The only person to blame is Joseph." Reon shakes his head, "No, it's mine. Please leave me alone. Go wherever you want. I'll wait here until she's awake, then I'll leave."

Latti stands up briefly but then sits down again, saying, "No, I'm not leaving you alone. We'll wait here together." She lays her head on Reon's shoulder. Meanwhile, Gray, having heard the situation from Stacy and Grover, remarks, "Damn, that's bad, isn't it? I can't believe that jerk Joseph keeps ruining Reon's moments. If I were Reon, I'd have pounded him for sure."

After some hours, the nurse announces, "She's awake. You can go in now." Gray, Stacy, Grover, and Latti stand to go in, but Reon stays seated, saying, "You guys go ahead. I think I'll be heading out." He stands and leaves. Gray sighs, "Poor guy can't face her," and they enter the room.

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