Him and her 2

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In the quiet, dimly lit room, Reon traced delicate patterns with his hands, casting illuminated shadows on the ceiling using the soft glow of his phone's torch. Morgan, captivated by the dance of shadows, listened intently to the unspoken story unfolding above.

In the gentle glow of Reon's phone torch, shadows painted a poignant story on the ceiling. His hands, moving with a mixture of tenderness and melancholy, wove a tale that resonated deeply with both him and Morgan.

"These shadows," Reon began, his voice carrying the weight of untold emotions, "tell the story of Melina and Sama-a love that bloomed in the shadows but could never fully step into the light."

Morgan listened intently, sensing the ache in the narrative. "What happened to them, Reon?"

Reon's hands shaped a silhouette of two figures, dancing but never quite touching. "Melina and Sama were bound by circumstances that kept them apart. Their love was a delicate dance, a yearning that couldn't find its resolution."

As the shadows shifted, Reon continued, "This shadow," pointing to a separation between two figures, "symbolizes the distance that fate imposed on them. A love trapped within the confines of what could have been."

Morgan's eyes reflected a mixture of sorrow and curiosity. "Did they find happiness in the end?"

Reon's hands created a shadow of two hearts, seemingly connected yet apart. "Their love endured, Morgan. Though separated, the hearts remained intertwined, finding solace in the knowledge that some connections transcend the physical realm."

The shadows played out scenes of shared moments and missed opportunities, capturing the essence of a love that persisted despite the barriers. In the quiet room, the story unfolded, leaving an indelible impression on both Reon and Morgan-an ode to a love that lingered in the shadows, forever etched in the dance of light and darkness.

Morgan says well thats kinda sad Reon.with her low tone voice Reon's gaze lingered on the shadows, and a hint of melancholy touched his eyes. "It is," he admitted, "but Sama believed that the essence of their love wasn't confined to happy endings. For him, every shared moment with Melina was a victory, a defiance of the circumstances that kept them apart."

Morgan, absorbing the bittersweet revelation, whispered, "So, they found happiness in the fragments of time they shared?"

Nodding, Reon replied, "Exactly. Sama cherished every stolen glance, every whispered word, as if each moment was a triumph over the forces trying to keep them apart. Love, for him, was a rebellion against the fate that sought to dictate their story."

In the soft glow of the shadows, Reon continued to craft their tale, the room enveloped in the quiet acknowledgment that not every love story follows a conventional path. The beauty, it seemed, lay in the defiance of adversity and the celebration of love in its purest, unspoken form.

As the room held the weight of the poignant shadows, Morgan decided to lift the somber atmosphere. With a mischievous grin, she raised her hand, creating a playful figure with her own shadow.

Reon, still immersed in the melancholic tale, glanced over and attempted to decipher the shadowy creation. "Hmm, is it a cow?" he ventured, his tone reflecting the lingering sadness.

Morgan burst into laughter, her voice cutting through the heaviness. "No, silly! It's a bird! Look at the wings," she teased, pointing to the imaginary feathers in her shadowy masterpiece. "You're so mean for thinking it's a cow!"

Reon, caught off guard, couldn't help but join in her infectious laughter. The room echoed with their shared amusement, the shadows momentarily forgotten as joy took center stage.

In the midst of laughter, Morgan playfully nudged Reon, "See, not every shadow has to be sad. Sometimes, it's just a goofy bird with wings."

Grover slipped out of Latti's room to talk to someone, curious about the laughter echoing from the corridor. Catching wind of Reon and Morgan's joy, she hurried back inside, interrupting the music that Latti and Stacy were enjoying.

With a mischievous grin, Grover halted the tunes and announced, "Hold on, you two! Pause the music for a sec. Listen to those laughs."

Latti and Stacy exchanged puzzled glances. "What are we listening to?" Stacy inquired, her brow furrowed.

Grover nodded toward the corridor, emphasizing the laughter in the air. "That's Reon and Morgan. They're having a good time out there. Let's eavesdrop a bit."

Grover says i have never heard Morgan's laugh seems she's having a great time with Reon,latti annoyed she says well let them have their fun who cares

Morgan looking at Reon she says wow this is fun i have never really laughed this much especially from shadows amd Reon smilling he says well you are fun too,Morgan lays on her right side to look at Reon and she says your bed is really small at this point we gonna cuddle

Reon says well if you're uncomfortable i can move to the couch and she enterrupts and says noo! that's the last thing i want you being closer makes me feel less lonely,Reon turning his head at her he says yeah this is nice

Morgan notices Reon's glasses so she decides to take them off and say i have never seen you in this glasses before,Reon says that's because i put them on when im alone to study they make my head look small.Morgan looking at him she says i think they look fine on you

she puts them on the light stand and says here we go for safe keeping and turned back,Reon looking at her blue eyes he says your eyes are pretty and she smiles and says well it's among my treasured features

Amidst their conversation, Morgan felt the first drops of rain, and her realization was met with surprise. "Is it raining?" she questioned, turning her attention to the sudden downpour.

Reon, acknowledging the weather, replied casually, "Well, I suppose it is."

Caught off guard, Morgan contemplated the idea of heading back to her place in the rain. Determined, she thought aloud, "Maybe I can time it right and make it back before it gets worse." With that, she started to climb over Reon to move toward the edge of the bed.

However, Reon, a hint of concern in his eyes, gently held her, preventing her from moving further. "Driving in such heavy rain can be dangerous, Morgan," he cautioned, his touch conveying both care and a subtle plea for her safety.

while ontop of him she heard the rain get worse and says well i suppose so, she slid herself back to her position and kept on saying i suppose im sleeping here today

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