series of unexpected events

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After accepting Latti's hug, Reon gently reciprocated. Latti's words hung in the air, "I'm sorry, Reon. I didn't mean to hurt you. You have to understand, I can't be in love right now. Can we just be friends? I don't want to lose you." Reon, touched by her honesty, nodded in understanding.

Reon, looking into Latti's eyes, replied softly, "Latti, I could never hate you. I might try, but it's just not possible."

Latti, comforted by Reon's words, smiled and tightened her embrace, enveloping him in a warm hug.Reon responded to Latti's hug by wrapping his arms around her, returning her warm embrace.

Can i sleep with you,i dont feel like i should be alone right now.But its okay if you wont be comfortable.Latti speaking to Reon

Reon, understanding her need for comfort, replied, "Of course, Latti. I'm here for you."

Reon sprang into action, quickly tidying up the bed and clearing away the scattered books and pencils. He gently assured Latti, "You take the bed, I'll be just fine on the couch."

Latti protested, "No, this is your room, I should be the one on the couch." But Reon, firm yet gentle, insisted, "I won't have it any other way. Come on," as he guided her towards the bed.

Once Latti was comfortably settled in the bed, Reon retreated to the couch. "Goodnight, Reon," Latti called softly. Reclining on the couch, Reon responded with a warm, "Night, Latti."

The following morning found Reon strolling through a vibrant garden with Gray, the air alive with the melodies of chirping birds. Gray, curiosity piqued, was keen to hear about Reon's night spent with Latti.

Reon, a smile playing on his lips, replied, "Well, it was pretty simple. She came over to talk things out. We hung out, I took the couch, she took my bed. That's about it."

Gray, a smirk on his face, retorted, "Well, that's a bit dull. You two are quite the pair. I had a hunch something more happened, but hey, I'm not complaining."

Suddenly, George appeared, clad in a sleek black suit. The suit was impeccably tailored, hugging his frame perfectly. Over it, he wore a long coat, its dark fabric cascading down to his ankles, adding an air of mystery. He approached Reon, "Come, walk with me." Gray watched, puzzled as to why the affluent George sought out Reon.

Once Gray was out of sight, Reon fell into step beside George, curiosity etched on his face. "So, what's going on?" he asked. George, his gaze fixed ahead, replied, "I'm just trying to understand why my tutor, Morgan, is so persistent."

George, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm, remarked, "You inviting us over to your place for tutoring... Is it some kind of flex on the less fortunate? I mean, I totally get it. Trying to grab attention by using us."

Reon, taken aback, exclaimed, "Is that what you think of me? No way, I would never!" George pressed, "Then why suggest it?" Reon replied, "It's more comfortable, and classes don't exactly inspire study vibes. Plus, I can't afford to waste money every time you need tutoring."

Morgan was perched at a café in the heart of town, sipping an espresso while engrossed in her phone, waiting for George . Joseph, cruising by in his vehicle, spotted her by the roadside café and decided to park.

After parking his vehicle, Joseph quickly checked his reflection in the car's front mirror, making sure he looked his best. With a casual air, he strolled past Morgan, feigning surprise as if their meeting was purely coincidental.

"Oh, hey! You're Morgan, right? What a surprise! What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" George said, feigning surprise as he approached Morgan.

Morgan, recognizing him, flashed a smile and said, "You're the guy from the concert! I remember you."

Joseph slid into the chair beside her, a playful smile on his face. "Well, what's not to remember?" he said, then added, "Can I get you anything?"

morgan says uhm no im good im just waiting for someone

"Oh, alright then," Joseph responded, nodding understandingly. "Just thought I'd offer."

Joseph, captivated by her beauty, couldn't resist asking, "Would you like to go out for dinner sometime?"

Morgan responded gently, "I'd really love to, but I have to respectfully decline. I'm with George and it wouldn't be fair to him if I went on a date with someone else."

Joseph, nodding, asked, "Well, will I see you again?" Morgan smiled and replied, "We're in the same class, you know. Feel free to say hi.but i admire your confidence"

Joseph, grinning, suggested, "No harm in trying, right? May I try your espresso?" Morgan agreed, "Yeah, go ahead." Joseph then moved the cup closer, used the same straw that bore the mark of Morgan's red lipstick, and took a sip of the espresso.

After sipping the espresso, Joseph exclaimed, "Wow, this is the best one yet!" Morgan smiled and responded, "That's why I like it."

George and Reon arrived on the other side of the street, spotting Morgan sitting with Joseph, her smile radiant as she played with her hair. Meanwhile, Joseph noticed a speck of dirt on Morgan's cheek and offered to remove it.

George wasn't typically the jealous type, but seeing Joseph, someone he considered a nobody, touching his girlfriend didn't sit right with him. He crossed the road, walked up to Joseph, and with a stern look, said, "You can talk to her, but don't ever put your hands on her if you're fond of keeping them."

Joseph stood up, looked George in the eye, and decided to avoid any conflict by leaving. George, with a sharp gaze on Morgan, smoothed his disheveled hair back and said, "Don't ever let anyone touch you." Across the street, Reon watched the scene unfold, utterly amazed.

Morgan turned to George, "You always act like I don't know what I'm doing. You don't own me, George. He was just helping me with a stain." George retorted, "I don't act like I own you, but I can't stand nobodies around you, including that one across the road," implying Reon.

Morgan, visibly upset, turned on her heel and strode off towards their car, which was parked a little distance away. George stood rooted to the spot for a moment, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. Eventually, he shook himself out of his reverie and started to follow her. Reon, who had been silently observing the entire scene, finally broke his silence, "How can you get mad at a girl like Morgan?" His voice filled with disbelief.

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