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Reon walks across the hospital halls, feeling stupid, the world shaky, and looking sad. Latti, Grover, Stacy, and Gray are in the hospital checking on Morgan. Concerned, latti asks, "How are you feeling?" Morgan says im fine thanks she then adds, "Who are you?" They respond, "We are Reon's friends." Morgan says, "Oh, wow, thanks. Where is he anyway?" They all look down, and she says, "Is he okay?" Gray, trying to lighten the mood, says, "Oh, yeah, he's okay. By the way, your eyes are gorgeous." Stacy, realizing Gray's unseriousness, pushes him behind. The nurse enters, asking about the other boy who filled in Morgan's applications. Latti explains, "Oh, he left." The nurse turns to Morgan, saying, "He was so worried. He stayed here for four hours, insisting he couldn't leave without making sure you wake up. Too bad he's gone. He's a keeper," as she leaves.

Morgan, realizing Reon left, asks, "Why?" Grover explains, "He felt responsible for you being hurt, so he's punishing himself." Worried, Morgan tries to stand, saying, "I need to talk to him. It's not his fault; it's George's and Joseph's." Latti holds Morgan, saying, "You better rest. Knowing Reon, he won't understand reason, but in time, he will get over it."

Meanwhile, George is at his house without a shirt, sitting in his room, lost in thought. After the elevator , he rushed out and experienced a panic attack, falling down and struggling to breathe. Tynab rushes out with the driver to help him as he continues to struggle for breath as he kept on saying i hurt her over and over again untill he was unconcious

Joseph receives a warning, being told that if a similar incident occurs again, he will face repercussions. Walking slowly to his Mustang, he reaches inside, sits for a moment, then yells while hitting the steering wheel. Finally, he turns on the car and drives away.

Reon walks by the side of the road, feeling down. All he can think of is how he spent the night with Morgan—laughing, smiling, cuddling, and hearing her say, "I'm scared, Reon," as he assures her that nothing can happen to her when she's with him. In his hands, he clutches the cloth he used to wipe Morgan's blood.Maybe im better off being alone that way i can avoid being the cause of anyones pain he says to himself

Latti sits outside Morgan's hospital room, staring at the bench where Reon sat with her. She can't help but remember the sadness in Reon's eyes as he worried about Morgan. To herself, she says, "He really cares about her so much."

Gray sits beside Morgan, talking about Reon, when Stacy approaches and says, "Uh, Gray, can I talk to you?" Gray tells Morgan to hold on and heads to Stacy. Stacy, holding her hands, says, "Uh, I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't find the courage to do so. But now, I guess I can." Gray looks at her and says, "Yeah, what's up?" Stacy, looking down, says, "Uh, Gray, I know you and I had a thing, and we were pretty happy. Then you found me with John, he choked you, and ever since, we haven't had time to talk and have been avoiding each other. All I'm trying to say is I'm sorry. I shouldn't have given you mixed signals.

Gray folds his hands and says, "Uh huh." Stacy admits, "But honestly, I'm not happy with us not talking. It kills me inside. Can we at least be friends?" Gray, thinking, responds, "Stacy, I can never be your friend. I just can't pretend to sit down and laugh with you while deep down I have feelings for you. It's just impossible." Stacy asks, "Well, what should I do? Run away every time I see you?" Gray replies, "Well, no. You don't need to do that because I will be the one doing the running."

Stacy looks at Gray and asks, "What should I do then to turn things back the way they were?" Gray suggests, "For starters, you can break up with Rhino and be with me." Stacy hesitates and says, "I can't do that." Gray questions, "Why not? I mean, I'm in the process of being with Elsa, but I'm willing to lose her for you because I can choose you anytime. Why can't you do the same for me?" Stacy explains, "It's not that simple." Gray insists, "So you're saying I can sacrifice anyone for you, but you can't for me?" Stacy clarifies, "No, that's not what I mean. It's just that John, he's good to me, and it won't be fair if I break up with him out of the blue without any good reason."

Gray says, "Well, until you make up your mind whether to break up with him, I won't ever be in your life. And in case you wonder why you're not seeing me in your pages, it's because I will have blocked you. So, leave me alone, okay?" He then heads back to sit with Morgan. Stacy, standing there, feeling sad, walks out of the hospital room and sits on the bench, starting to cry. Latti notices her crying and asks, "What's wrong?" Stacy replies, "Gray hates me, and I can't take it." Annoyed, Latti enters inside and tells Gray, "Not cool," and then leaves.

Morgan asks Gray what happened, and he says, "Well, I don't know their deal. Maybe it's that time of the month." Morgan smiles and responds, "Low blow, dude," and they both share a smile.

Joseph arrives at a restaurant, the same one where he met Morgan and shared an espresso. He sits there and orders the same espresso, looking visibly sad.

Meanwhile, George is in his mansion, looking terrible. His butler informs him, "Sir, you've got a visitor." George asks, "Who is it?" The butler replies, "Morson Monsoon, the prince." George, looking down, says, "Tell him to go away." However, Morson enters and remarks, "I'm afraid he can't do that. Well, you look terrible." George looks at him and asks, "What do you want?" Morson says, "Just giving you a heads up. Tomorrow, there will be a meeting for first-year students with the staff and the principal. It turns out all you first years have issues, not only in your Department of Business and Arts but also on the science side. A guy called Blaze is raising havoc."

George says, "Yeah, what about it?" Morson adds, "You see, the principal being in a meeting means terrible news like expulsion. But with my power, I talked to him and made him reconsider. You see, 63 students were going home tomorrow, including you and Joseph, leaving Morgan with a warning. But me being a kind lad, I said no, give them a warning since they are first years after all, and he accepted my proposal." George responds, "So you came here to rub it in on me."

Morson smiles and says, "You're as emotionless as they come, but no, I didn't come to rub it in. But, tell you what's going on at this school. If a fight happens against the Talls, we can turn a blind eye. But if a Tall and a Stunted... well, it's hard to turn a blind eye because it will be termed as this ugly word, unfair. Makes me wanna puke by just saying it. But, my friend, whatever is going on with you and Morgan with the Stunted, you better get out of it. Because if not, I can't be able to help you next time. Instead, if Joseph persists, come and meet the Tall Board, and we will have a word with the principal, and he will be immediately expelled." George looks at Morson and says, "I can't be the cause of his expulsion. I refuse. As much as I despise lowlives, I won't be a party in making their lives more miserable." Morson says, "Suit yourself, but it's an option. So, do with it as you please. And do attend tomorrow because students who don't attend are not allowed to do midterms." As he leaves.

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