unexpected twist

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Latti that night passed again and knocked at the door of Reon but was'nt responded and she left to her room

Reon was'nt in his room but in class studying but was also accompanied by a group of people who like to discuss while he sits at the front not minding their stuff

The next morning Reon was in class concentrating on a work given to them by mr Hudevert

The question was'nt that hard to him because he already solved it during his study hours but all other students were getting a hard time

Mr Hudevert walking with a pen he says well times up put the answer in the tab and send it on my email

when everyone sent their answers the algorithm assesed their answers and not a single one of them got it right except Reon

Mr Hudevert being impressed he says well Reon keep up the good work and for the rest of you i need you back class in the evening to discuss this topic again

The whole class exclaimed

Especially Joseph who felt Reon was the reason the teacher asked them to get back during after hours

The time of break when Reon was still sitting studying waiting for people to decrease in the hall

George and Morgan were heading out untill Morgan noticed Reon studying and she told George to head on she will catch up

Morgan came and stood infront of Reon and says hey stranger

Reon turning his attention to Morgan he says well hey

Morgan smiles and says today was impressive can i have your working?

Reon smiled and says yeah sure

He took the paper underneath the book he had and gave it to her

Morgan smilling she says thank you and she assesed the paper

After standing for a while she says oh no i left my answer in fraction which brings error unless in decimal

Reon while reading his book he says yeah but dont beat yourself up i figured that out after alot of fails during my studies

Morgan shaking her head she says well Reon i have an offer wanna hear it?

Reon shaking his head he says yeah sure

Morgan sits on Reon table she says well you are very smart so i and George would love you to come over at our place this saturday and give us a tutor we will pay you great money

Reon listening carefully he says well not interested sorry

Morgan smiles nervously she say look it will be worth your while i promise i know you dont want to be seen by the talls but we will be cooperative and do as you ask

Reon shakes his head and says well not interested

Morgan getting upset she puts Reon's paper on his table and starts walking away

As she got to the door she heard Reon say my tutor is'nt for sale but i cant mind helping a student seeking knowledge all you needed was to ask and i would willingly do it freely

Morgan smiles and turns to Reon and says so you dont want anything from us only helping out of free will?

Reon smiles and says yes but under one condition

Morgan raising her eye brow she says well what is it?

Reon puts his hand on his chin and says well instead of me coming at st claire to seek your mansions i would rather you come to my apartment

Morgan suprised she say are you serious we cant be seen on an apartment with..

Reon intercepted by saying a stunted right well i dont care about that all i take you guys is students as me who need tutoring aid

Morgan stuttering she says but George is royalty and iam from a wealthy family we cant guarantee our safety on that side

Reon replies to her by have you ever tried coming?

Morgan shakes her head and says no

Reon says then there's first time for everything im at apartment 16,room 515 see you soon

Morgan smiles and says okay mr Reon Stagfridd while she rotates her hair

When she left Reon exhaled and held his hair and says how am i gonna tutor that pretty face closer everytime.Im in trouble

That evening Reon was in a restaurant near his apartment holding the same espresso he normally see's Morgan with

Gray entered the restaurant and went to sit with him and say hi mate

Reon looking at the espresso he replies hey

Gray looking at Reon he says i have called,texted and come to your room and everytime you were'nt there and ignored my efforts is it because of Latti that you avoid me too?

Reon while looking at the espresso he says no mate i just did'nt want to let my issues stop you from hanging out with the girls

Gray still looking at Reon he says dude your my friend,you just cant ignore me for two weeks

Reon says well im sorry it was'nt fair of me

Gray smilling he says we all good bro but dont ever let romance break our bond alright

Reon shakes his head

After hanging with Gray Reon was on his bed laying looking up with the espresso cup on his chest as he imagined how Morgan rotated her hair and smile at him

He heard a knock and when he went to open the door it was Morgan and she jumped at him and kissed him

As Reon struggled to hold her he closes the door with his foot and lay on the bed and kept on kissing her as she took of his vest

Reon opens Morgan's shirt and looked at her stomach and slowly started kissing it

Morgan looking at Reon she turns him under and stay on top of him and take off her entire shirt and rushed back to kissing him

Reon took his hand into the drawer that was near the bed and took condom and kept it on his mouth as Morgan kissed his neck

Are you okay?

Reon coming to his senses he notices that the knock was from Latti as he was holding the door open

Reon sweating alittle bit he says yes am okay what are you doing awake at this hour?

Latti looking at Reon she says i couldnt get you in early hours and i really want to talk to you

Reon still not acting okay he says yeah sure whats on your mind?

Latti rushes to hug him.

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