latti's past

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Rehina placed a comforting hand on Reon's back, urging him, "Yeah, get it all out." On his knees, Reon leaned over the toilet, the aftermath of his drinking escapade unfolding. Once the ordeal subsided, Rehina handed him a bottle of mouthwash, and he obediently rinsed his mouth.

Seated on the bathroom floor, a wave of nausea washing over him, Rehina gently inquired, "Is this your first time drinking?" Reon, still recovering, shook his head and admitted, "Yeah." With empathy, Rehina produced a pill from her purse, offering, "This should help with the hangover." As Reon took the pill, she added, "And you really should flush that toilet; it's quite unpleasant. I've never seen someone puke in front of me; it's oddly fascinating." Reon, mustering a bemused smile, quipped, "Puking in front of you is a flex, apparently." Rehina chuckled, acknowledging the oddity of the situation.

Meanwhile, in the tranquil garden, Latti found herself alone, gazing at the night sky painted with colors reminiscent of an aurora. The result of her overindulgence in alcohol became a kaleidoscope of lights. In the distance, a radio played a song that triggered a profound memory.

Transported back to a snowy Christmas night, Latti stood by the window, captivated by the enchanting glow of decorated houses. A cup of warm chocolate with marshmallows appeared in her hands, offered by her dark-haired and handsome boyfriend adorned in a festive red pajama. Overflowing with joy, Latti took a sip, a scene so vividly etched in her mind.

Noticing traces of chocolate on her upper lip, the boyfriend reached out affectionately, saying, "I don't want chocolate on my goddess's face." Blushing, Latti placed the cup on the table as he gently wiped away the sweet remnants. With genuine warmth, he declared, "This is the best Christmas ever." The embrace that followed, with his hands enveloping her, made Latti feel remarkably content.

Whispering with affection, Latti expressed, "I love you, my starlight." Her boyfriend reciprocated, "I love you too." As she revisited this cherished memory, Latti imagined the embrace, using her hands to recreate the comforting hug from that magical Christmas night.

After a prolonged hug, the boy tenderly kissed Latti's forehead and suggested, "What about we watch a Christmas movie together?" Latti, biting her lower lip with a smile, clad in a baggy jacket and pants, replied, "Yeah, sure, but we better cuddle; it's so cold."

With a grin, the boy pushed his hair back and enthusiastically jumped onto the nearby couch. He tapped the spot beside him, inviting Latti to join. Smiling back, she settled onto the couch, folding her legs beside her and laying on the boy. As she looked at him, he leaned in for a sweet kiss. Turning on the TV, a Christmas special began playing.

Expressing her excitement, Latti exclaimed, "Oh, I love this movie! It's the first one we watched on our first Christmas four years ago, right?" The boy, licking his lips, replied, "Yeah, we were pretty young back then. It's a miracle you still remember." Making herself comfortable, Latti reminisced, "How can I forget? It was my first time kissing you."

The boy smiled, recalling the memory, "Yeah, it was amazing. Your mom was away, and your sister was making out in the car with her boyfriend, leaving us alone in the sitting room." Latti chuckled, "Yeah, time really flies."

They continued watching movies, and after a while, Latti noticed the popcorn was finished. She playfully asked the boy, "Will you be a dear and add more popcorn in the bowl?" He eagerly agreed, saying, "Oh, yes, my sweets. Be right back."

As Latti lifted her head from his lap, he picked up the bowl and headed to the kitchen. The boy asked, "Which one do you want, vanilla-flavored or salty ones?" Latti replied, "The salty ones, please."

He took a sack, pouring the popcorn. However, as he did, a sudden dizziness overcame him. Trying to shake it off, he took the bowl and started heading back to Latti. It was then that weakness consumed him, and he collapsed, unconscious, the popcorn splashing everywhere.

Latti, noticing her boyfriend sprawled on the ground, leaped from the couch in a sudden surge of fear. She cried out, "Oh my God," several times, rushing to the boy, desperately attempting to wake him. Panic and tears filled the room as she saw no sign of him stirring.

Spotting the table phone in the room, she hurriedly made her way to it. With trembling hands, Latti dialed the emergency number. The line rang, and a woman's voice answered, "Hello, what's the emergency?"

Tears streaming down her face, Latti cried out in fear, "My boyfriend fell down unconsciously! Please send help, I don't know what to do."

The woman on the phone, maintaining a calm demeanor, reassured her, "Okay, what is your address?" Latti, still shaking and tearful, managed to provide the information, "Uh, it is 123 Main Street, Boston, MA 12345."

The woman on the other end replied soothingly, "Well, okay. Take a deep breath. We will send an ambulance right away." The gravity of the situation palpable, Latti clung to the reassurance offered through the phone, desperately awaiting the help that was on its way.

Latti, leaving the phone hanging, rushed beside her unconscious boyfriend, crying out as she held him, "Please wake up! This is not funny, please!" Her desperate pleas filled the room, her tears falling onto his motionless form.

Outside the house, red and blue lights flashed with sirens accompanying them. Two men in uniform, paramedics, swiftly entered the house. They saw Latti laying her head on top of him and gently said, "Miss, we need you to give us space, okay?" Without hesitation, they began checking his pulse and breath signs. One of the paramedics stated, "The pulse and breath are faint, but if we hurry, we can make it."

In the midst of her anguish, Latti, feeling a sense of urgency, asked, "Um, I'm coming with you." The paramedics nodded, and together, they rushed into the waiting ambulance. As they secured breathing aids on him and connected machines to monitor his heart rate, the vehicle sped towards the hospital.

Upon arrival, they rushed him into the emergency room, with Latti anxiously following. In a corridor, the doctor gently held her, saying, "This room is staff only. Please wait, and we will get back to you." Latti, still in distress, cried out, "Is he going to be okay?" The doctor assured, "I assure you, we will do everything in our power. Please sit." As the doctor entered the room, Latti found herself on a bench, overwhelmed with worry.

A compassionate nurse approached, recognizing the distress in Latti's eyes. She softly said, "I need some details about his family for our records." Latti, tears streaming down her face, provided the necessary information, each moment feeling like an eternity as she anxiously awaited any news about the person she held dear.

Sitting on the bench with red eyes from crying, Latti's world was momentarily disrupted as the father and mother of her boyfriend rushed into the hospital. Seeing Latti in distress, they hurriedly approached her, concern etched on their faces. The father asked urgently, "What happened? Is he okay?"

Standing up, Latti, still crying, hugged the mother tightly and uttered, "I don't know. He just collapsed. I'm scared." The mother, offering comforting words, said, "Oh, sweetie, it's okay. He will be fine. Let's just be positive, okay?" Meanwhile, the father rushed to the nurse seated by the counter, anxiety evident in his eyes.

"How is his progress?" the father inquired, his voice revealing the deep concern he held for his son. The nurse, maintaining a calm demeanor, replied, "He's been in the operating room for two hours now. I hope the doctors will inform us soon." The weight of uncertainty hung in the air as the family sat there waiting

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