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After George's eventful night by the bonfire, he returned to the quiet sanctuary of his home. Inside his room, he walked in with a sense of ease, shedding the remnants of the day.

Heading straight for the shower, he let hot water cascade over his body, washing away the salt and sand of the beach. Once refreshed, George donned a comfortable robe and strolled toward his bed. To his surprise, a small black box adorned with a note awaited him. With curiosity piqued, he picked it up, noting the familiar handwriting—Morgan.

George's joy manifested in a smirk as he opened the box. Inside lay a dazzling diamond necklace, featuring a central diamond embraced by a delicate sapphire. As he took it out, a realization dawned on him – it was the same necklace he had given Morgan years ago.

Carefully placing the necklace on the bed, George unfolded the note, eager to unravel the words penned by Morgan.

Dear George,

As I write this, memories flood my mind—moments we've shared, laughter echoing through these walls, and the love that has defined our time together. Life is a journey, and sometimes paths diverge.

I hope you understand the reasons behind my departure. It's not a farewell but a step towards new beginnings. The necklace you find in this box is a symbol of the enduring connection we've had. A diamond, strong and unyielding, much like the foundation of what we've built. The sapphire represents the depth of emotions and the vast sea of memories we've created.

Wear it with the knowledge that our story, though taking different turns, is etched in time. I appreciate the joy you've brought into my life, and I carry those moments with me.

Take care, George. May life lead you to happiness and fulfillment.

With sincere gratitude,

Seated on the bed, George's emotions swirled like a tempest as he read Morgan's letter. A cocktail of sadness and anger etched onto his face, he instinctively pulled at his hair in frustration. Turning his gaze, he noticed the key to his house, the one he had given her, resting beside the bedside lamp.

Reaching for it, he cradled the key in his hands, each groove and edge a tactile reminder of their shared history. Tears welled in his eyes, threatening to spill over. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions.

With a heavy exhale, George muttered to himself, almost as if trying to convince his own heart: "A man doesn't cry." The weight of the moment lingered, as he grappled with the raw and complex emotions that filled the room.

George took the necklaces into his hand, walking out of the room. He headed to his office, revealing a hidden safe behind a large portrait of Morgan. After adding the necklaces, he locked the safe, returning the photo to its place. As he left, he couldn't resist one last glance at Morgan's portrait.

The next day, dressed in a full black suit, George entered the exam venue. Instead of his usual affectionate gesture, he passed Morgan without a word. Intrigued, she couldn't help but stare at him as he sat at the back, taking out a golden rosary, circling it around his hand, and whispering a prayer.

Morgan, looking at the front, noticed a tear in her eye. She wiped it away, shaking her head, and took a deep breath. "I made the right choice, I hope," she whispered to herself.

Meanwhile, Reon found a red lipstick mark from Rehina on his hand, making him smile. As the papers were distributed, he kissed the mark and sighed contentedly.

Joseph, enamored and oblivious to the exam paper in front of him, played with his pen while stealing glances at Morgan. Whispers reached her as he wished, "Good luck, Morgan." She turned, smiling, "You too," and both sat ready for the exam.

After three hours of finance, the exams ended. Reon spotted Rehina waiting outside, holding two helmets. He smiled, closed his leather jacket zipper, and circled his arm around her waist, saying, "Gosh, you look beautiful. Let's go eat; I'm hungry."

George, silent and alone, walked to the parking lot, glancing at the filled back seat of his car. He sighed, "I guess I need a short break," started his car, and drove away without a word to anyone.

Morgan and Joseph walked together. She asked, "So, where are we going for lunch?" Joseph, smiling, replied, "My abuelita always made tasty tacos. How about a Mexican restaurant?" Morgan, smiling, agreed, "Well yeah, sure. I haven't had a lot of Mexican meals."

Reon and Rehina joined Gray and Elsa at a restaurant, sitting together, chatting, and smiling. Anonymous people in a black car captured photos of them, then drove away.

Reon, glancing at Gray, couldn't help but comment, "Dude, what are you wearing? Is that a scarf?" Gray looked at Reon and chuckled, "Dude, it sucks, I know, but I got a large love bite."

Rehina, casually taking a chip from the table, looked at Elsa and teased, "What, Elsa, you vampire?" They all burst into laughter, and Elsa rolled her eyes, saying, "Stop it, you guys. He gave me a lot too, but in places you can't see." Gray interrupted, laughing, "Don't add another word. You can't tell them where."

Reon, looking at Rehina, playfully added, "Are we the boring ones here? What are you guys doing, do you bite each other or something?" The laughter continued as they enjoyed their time together.

Grover tapped Stacy, whispering, "Look, is that Reon and Gray over there?" Stacy turned to look and Latti, turning from her seat, joined in. Stacy warned, "Hey, don't turn like that; they'll see you." Latti, looking away, apologized, "Sorry."

Grover sighed, saying, "Damn, they look so happy. Look at them laughing." Stacy agreed, "I know, right? Gray looks so happy, and he never even answered my text. Now I know why."

Grover, glancing at Latti, asked, "So, are you okay with Reon being with her? Don't be shy." Latti took a sip from her cappuccino and replied, "Well, yeah, I guess. I don't know, but all in all, Reon is the guy for me. So, he can have it anytime, all day. He's so cute and adorable."

Grover added, "He is. What's interesting is that you can never find him recording or taking pictures." Stacy explained, "It's because Gray told me he likes to be in the moment and not miss any second behind his screen."

Latti interrupted, "Well, girls, why are we talking about them? Come on, let's eat. I have a meeting with Damon later."

Stacy replied, "Yes, I'm with you, Latti." Grover laughed, clapping her hands, and teasingly said, "Wow, you two are heartbreaking. Way to fumble the dicks. I mean, they were at your knees at some point, and you had to play hard to get. Now, look who's hurting. So painful to look at you right now." Both Stacy and Latti quickly responded, "Shut up."

Morgan, engaged in conversation with Joseph, couldn't help but notice George had unfriended her on all his socials. Joseph, concerned, asked, "Are you okay? You look at your phone a lot." Morgan put her phone down, forced a smile, and replied, "Uh, yes, I am. Sorry about that. I'm just figuring things out."

Meanwhile, George arrived at the large gates of Utopia at the end of the bridge to the mainland. The gates opened, and he drove slowly, watching the dome of Utopia disappear from his side mirrors. Putting on his shades and playing some music, he passed a large sign that read, "You're leaving Utopia High."

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