Broken and beautiful

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Arriving at the beach, surrounded by energetic teenagers dancing and partying, George held Morgan's hand to navigate through the lively crowd near the pool, sands, and ocean.

Maya tapped Zayn, suggesting jet skiing. Zayn nervously declined, citing safety concerns. Derek teased, "Oooh, somebody's scared of the ocean." Zayn pushed Derek to look forward, saying, "No, I'm not."

Maya smiled and said, "Yeah, sure, Tynab, wanna go?" Tynab, holding a smoothie, replied, "Well, sure, let's go." Zayn, feeling a bit pressured, finally agreed, while Derek asked George and Morgan, "Oi, we're heading for jet skis, you guys coming?"

Morgan responded, "Uhm, no, I'm just gonna change from this suit." George also said, "Well, same here, you guys go ahead." The group split, with Maya, Zayn, Tynab, and Derek heading for the jet skis, leaving George and Morgan.

Morgan turned to George, saying, "Well, you can let go of my hand; I need to go to the ladies' room." George smiled, responding, "Well, sure," as he let go. Morgan pulled her hair back from the beach wind and walked away slowly, leaving George standing there.

Arriving at the ladies' bathroom, Morgan stared at herself in the mirror. Slowly, she started to take off the official suit she wore. After finishing, standing in her bikini, she heard George's comment, "Wow, you've been hiding that body in that suit."

Ashamed, Morgan turned, covering herself with her towel, and exclaimed, "Oh my God, George, what's wrong with you? This is the ladies' room." George, smiling, casually said, "So?" Annoyed, Morgan sighed, "Uughhhh, you annoy me so much," then grabbed her clothes and rushed out, leaving George standing there with a mischievous grin.

Morgan briskly walked towards the beach, but George caught up, following closely. "Leave me alone, George," Morgan insisted.

George, undeterred, replied, "I'm not doing anything. We're all just heading to the same place." Morgan halted and held George's chest to stop him. "Are you hitting on me? Is that what this is?" she questioned.

George, with a playful smile, responded, "What if it is? What if it ain't?" Morgan moved closer, staring into George's eyes. "That's not the answer," she said.

George, closing the distance, countered, "What if the question isn't about me but yourself? I know you watch me every time I turn away, and it's not just looking; it's like you want to rip me off and take a bite at everything."

Morgan smiled, teasingly remarking, "Wow, you're so cocky," and walked away towards the sea, where George's friends were enjoying themselves

Back in the present, Morgan and George were abruptly interrupted by the speaker's announcement to gather at the garden for the Beaumonts' special announcement. George and Morgan exchanged glances, and she inquired, "Why did you want me to tell our story?"

George stood up, a smirk on his face, and replied, "Maybe I have my reasons." Morgan pressed, "And what may that be?" George, still smirking, said, "I'll tell you when the story is done." He extended his hand for support, and together they headed to the garden.

Meanwhile, Latti and Damon had already arrived, standing together. Damon gently moved his hand, holding Latti, and she reciprocated by holding him tighter. They locked eyes, and Damon remarked, "What a night, huh?"

Latti smiled and replied, "yeah."then Damon adds . You know, I'm not a stalker, but I know what triggered you to get emotional tonight".

Latti gazed at Damon and asked, "What triggered me?" Damon replied, "I may have watched you talking to that boy. The way you looked at him, hung on every word, and your body movements told me one thing."

Curious, Latti questioned, "What's that?" Damon responded, "Well, you like him, don't you? But you fear being with him because you think it might betray your former boyfriend."

Latti, looking at Damon, admitted, "It's not far from the truth but doesn't make it entirely true." Damon empathetically said, "Whatever it is, it's not my place to ask or know, but I'm always here for you if you need me."

Latti smiled appreciatively and then laid her head on Damon's shoulder, finding comfort in his presence.

Reon and Rehina were deeply engrossed in kissing until they were startled by a voice announcing, "We are needed." They pulled away to see Auriele, and as they separated, Rehina nervously remarked, "Auriele, you scared us."

Auriele smiled, stating, "Always the defiant one, disobeying father's wish. But who am I to judge? Be careful; you don't put him in trouble as well." He walked away, holding his signature cane, wearing black gloves, a long coat, and a hat.

After the tension subsided, Rehina breathed heavily, and Reon looked concerned. Rehina reassured him, "Relax, I won't let them get in our way." Reon, pulling her closer, held her waist and replied, "I don't care. We better get going."

Blushing, Rehina agreed, "Okay, mister," as they continued on their way, Heading at the garden

Gray emerged from the shower, exclaiming, "Wooo, I got all the sands out of my butt!" Elsa, drying her hair, stopped, looking annoyed. Gray, noticing her expression, holding his phone and asked, "What's wrong?"

Elsa replied, "You got a message from an unknown number with tons of pictures of you and Stacy. It says I know you started seeing Elsa to hurt me, and I get it. I'm sorry, please reconsider. I miss you, I love you, and about John, I'll break up with him as soon as you do with her. Text me, an I love you back."

Gray, shocked, knelt near Elsa, pleading, "Please don't listen to her. I love you." Elsa, looking sad, asked, "Are you really, or are you using me as she said, as a means of revenge?"

Gray denied, "No, no, Elsa, it's not true. I love you, and I blocked her to focus on you, nothing else. Her speculation is baseless." Elsa, shaking her head and holding back tears, confessed, "I found it odd, out of nowhere, you came to me asking for a date. Being naive, I didn't take it into much consideration."

Gray, looking earnestly at Elsa, implored, "You're not really believing that text over me, Elsa, are you?"

Elsa removing Gray's hand from her, she says, "I don't know what to believe anymore, but in the meantime, I guess it's for the best if you leave and let me think for a while." Gray, standing up in pain, responds, "Well, yeah sure, no problem. But please don't let this be the end of us," taking his cloth and walking out of the room.

Meanwhile, Reon and Rehina arrived a little bit late, where everyone had already gathered at the garden. Morgan, holding George, notices them and can't help but stare at Reon, who looks absolutely handsome. After noticing how he kisses Rehina as they part ways, Morgan turns away. George, looking at Morgan's sad face, turns and notices Reon standing at the back.

Meanwhile, Damon also has his eyes towards Reon, while Latti is busy staring at the front.

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