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Three hours in class during accounting lessons with Mr Van  Hudevert  in the middle of the class same column with Reon sat Joseph quinn and his group of friends

Joseph sighing he says im bored this lesson is too long and we've only started i need something to make me entertained

His friend Alan Rickson a blonde guy with a vest and a jacket on he says well we need to find someone to torment on the next lessons to avoid boredom

Joseph smilling he taps Alan and says yo your right why did'nt i think of that? well who?

Alan looking around the class and notices Reon sitting alone at the front while listening to the lecturer so kinly and taking notes and he says what about that guy at the front? he looks like a fun target

Joseph and Alan looking at each other in amusement and fist pump

Three hours later Reon was in the hall soaking wet with an apple juice smoothie that Joseph and his friend poured at him wiping himself using Latti's handkerchief

Gray looking at Reon while sitting besides him he says dude i can escort you to go get changed i dont mind delaying class

Reon looking down he says well its ok Gray i will be fine with this set of cloth besides i only have one more lesson then i will be able to get cleaned up back at the apartment

Latti looking at Reon she dragged her hand on the table towards Reon but before she could touch him Reon stood up and walked away leaving the four of them there

Gray looking at Stacy he says well we did'nt expect him to smile after that

Reon was walking at the pathway heading for the classes while looking down on his tablet he then arrived at the assigned class as shown by the tablet

He entered the class and as he went to the front seat as usual he realised two of Morgan's friends that are always walking with her and George were busy kissing at the back of the class

He went on and sit and take his notebook and started reading the summary he made but when he was calculating on his notebook Latti entered the class and went to sit besides him

Reon noticing her he kept on calculating in his notebook and Latti just sat besides him untill the time was over and the class was almost full  thats when she told Reon  feel better ok

Reon looking at her he smiled and slide his notebook to her and she saw a smilling emoji with a thank you underneath

Latti smiled at him and she started going but on her way out she passed through the door the same time Morgan was getting in the class as usual holding an espresso and her cute blue eyes looking very sexy it almost felt like she was looking direct at Reon

As usual Reon was mistaken she did'nt even notice his presence and on top of that she was holding her hand with George

I hate to admit this but George looked very amazing in that black suit and well kept hair and as they walked across the class it was as if starring at the cutest couple that only appears in movies

Morgan and George went and sit at the back as usual and they sat looking at each other Morgan looking very happy as she smiled at George who always has the same serious face and the time he is happy is when he smirks but does'nt laugh honestly at this point i think he is just a cool and handsome looking guy no wonder Morgan is proud all the time

While Reon was busy admiring both Morgan and George he was interrupted by Joseph quinn who stood at the front of his desk and Alan trying to squeez himself to sit near me

Joseph puts his hand on the table and says i told you the girls wont be with you every where

Alan smilling evil at me

The concept of non violence to me is something i take serious but i never really have fear in my eyes so people always try to intimidate me with their mean words but never impress me so i just sit quit and do nothing

Joseph looking at me he says hey im talking to you asshole

Alan putting his hands around my shoulder he says the big man is talking to you

Well as they were busy scaring me all i thought was how Troy used to stand up to everyone and get into trouble and with his acts of violences made me not entertain that life

Joseph getting annoyed he puts his hands on my jacket and the whole class attention turned at the front looking at the scene

Joseph shouting he says stand up asshole

Well i stood up actually not looking to fight i say to him slowly do as you wish asshole

Joseph punched me on the stomach but instead of fighting him back i held my stomach and looked at him again

Joseph threw another punch on my face and my eye brow started feeling wet turns out it was bleeding

Joseph pushed me to my chair and he left smilling with Alan saying what a looser im still bored what freak takes punches without blocking

Reon sitting on the chair he took the handerchief Latti gave him and he rubbed the blood from the eyebrow

The lecturer entered and as he stood at the front before introducing himself he notices Reon and says are you okay boy

she was a madamme so she came near me and looked at me and says what happens is someone bullying you?

The entire class looking at the front Joseph talking slowly to Alan he says he is gonna talk that dirty snitch

Reon smiles at the madame and says no im perfectly fine i did'nt look where i was heading so i fell and hit my head on the table

The madame being shocked she says well you gotta be careful you could be seriously hurt

After that scene most of the people in the class were impressed

George looking at Morgan he says the stunted are crazy

Morgan looking at George sitting all alone at the front she says well he is very brave

The lecturer introduced herself as Madame Caltha Coleman and the lessons kept on


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