Nostalgia 2

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In the opulent sitting room of the castle, the air was saturated with elegance, and the plush couches cradled George and Morgan as they settled in. George, a mischievous glint in his eyes, turned toward Morgan, an unspoken curiosity lingering in the room.

George: So, Morgan, what became of Reon, your plus one?

A moment of hesitation danced in Morgan's eyes before a charming smile emerged.

Morgan: Oh, I thought spending time with you was a better idea, so I suggested he find another diversion.

George, ever perceptive, caught the fleeting uncertainty and responded with a knowing smirk. Undeterred, they sank deeper into the luxuriously comfortable cushions.

George: You know, Morgan, concealing the truth isn't exactly your forte.

A nervous chuckle escaped Morgan, but George, undaunted, skillfully redirected the dialogue.

George: Do you recall how we fell for each other?

Surprised by the abrupt turn, Morgan couldn't suppress a smile.

Morgan: George, this is quite random.

George, undeterred, moistened his lips, a spark of mischief in his gaze.

George: i just want to know if you remember thats all.

Morgan: Well, yes, I do recall.We arrived at my company you led me to my office.

The dialogue and pacing unfolded a tale that resonated with readers, capturing the essence of George and Morgan's shared moment of reflection and nostalgic reverie.

In the well-appointed office, George and Morgan entered to find Tynab, Derek, Maya, and Zayn engaged in lively conversation. Morgan, turning to George, voiced her concern.

Morgan: George, this is my office. Please ask your friends to leave.

George, wearing a charming smile, moved closer to Morgan and whispered in her ear, his warm lips brushing against it.

George: Relax, princess. Today is your day off. Your father insisted I take you to the beach with my friends. He mentioned something about you working too hard without a break. It's not my call or yours, so let's go.

Entering the office, Zayn and Maya teased playfully, while Tynab sat casually on Morgan's desk. Derek, amused by Morgan, inquired.

Derek: George, when you said she'd be staying with you for a while, you forgot to mention the "smoking hot" part.

George, hands in his pockets, smiled and cautioned Derek.

George: Don't make her uncomfortable, Derek.

Derek, grinning, apologized, and George continued.

George: So, who's up for a ride?

George produced Morgan's blue Range Rover keys, catching Morgan off guard.

Morgan: Where did you get my keys?

George: I asked the driver, princess. Right when you went to talk to your secretary.

Morgan demanded her keys back, but George, looking at her with a smile, resisted.

George: You're adorable when you're mad.

Addressing his friends, he proposed heading to the beach, with Zayn, Maya, and Tynab enthusiastically agreeing. Tynab tapped George, reminding him to ensure Morgan joined.

Tynab: Make sure the princess comes too, pretty boy.

George, still smiling, glanced at Morgan, who was clearly displeased. Derek, passing between them, couldn't resist a wink.

Derek: You in a bikini would be fire.

As  he heads out Morgan scoffing and shaking her head she says are your friends always this jerks

George putting one hand in his pocket he says well my sweets you wont see the irony since you havent loosen up holding her hand with the other he says well lets go dont want you left behind Morgan slowly pulled by George hand as she follows him she says unhand me George smilling he says nope and by the way you better walk faster i dont want you falling.

Reon leaned against the wall, holding Rehina close, their faces inches apart, eyes locked in a tender gaze. With a soft intensity, Reon asked, "But why me? Out of everyone here."

Rehina met his gaze and replied, "Because when I saw you in the corridor, in pain, suffocating, I knew you were broken, just like me."

A hint of sadness crossed Reon's face as he questioned, "What if I'm the wrong choice for you?"

As Rehina's lips brushed against his with each word, she reassured him, "It takes broken people to understand each other. I won't judge you, and you won't judge me. So, what's holding you?"

Reon, his eyes holding back tears, confessed, "My whole life, I felt empty. When I stepped into this school, I thought maybe I would have someone to carry me from the dark water. Instead, I feel deeper than ever."

Rehina, empathizing with his pain, looked into his eyes and said, "Well, Reon, I may act unbothered, but deep down, I don't want people to see me the way I see myself."

Reon, recognizing her sincerity, asked, "How do you see yourself?"

A tear escaped from Rehina's left eye as she revealed, "Overthinking, alone, unhappy. I feel like my happy version died long ago, and I've been standing on my own grave ever since."

Moved by her vulnerability, Reon gently moved his hand from her cheek, wiping away the tear. The air between them thickened with shared pain, creating a heart-melting scene

Rehina gazed into his eyes, and with a determined conviction, she spoke, "The strongest feelings are always the negative ones. But believe me, if you learn to overcome them, life becomes easier. I know this firsthand, spending half of my life within confined walls, no friends, just me and my books. My brothers left anytime they wanted, while I prepared to be somebody's wife, chasing power and wealth. Then, I realized I didn't want to be the weak daughter, but the one who stands up for herself and seeks happiness."

She continued with a motivational fervor, "If I could achieve that alone, think about you – surrounded by friends and family. You're not alone in this journey. If we're lucky, we can be on each other's lists of happiness. So, let's face those negative feelings, let them fuel our determination, and pave our paths to a brighter future stop living your life for others but you and you alone"

Reon, amused by her words, stared into her eyes, a spark of admiration igniting within. Slowly, he moved his hand from her cheek to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. In a moment charged with passion, he kissed her so intensely that Rehina clutched his shirt tightly, feeling a rush of vulnerability.

Breaking the kiss, he looked into her eyes and whispered, "Pull me out of the water, and I will pull you from the walls." Their gaze locked, a shared understanding passing between them, and laughter bubbled up. In that intimate moment, they continued to exchange laughter, savoring the connection that had deepened between them. Slowly, they leaned in again, the world around them fading as they resumed their tender kiss.

Morgan sat in the car, irritation etched on her face as George drove, accompanied by Tynab, Zayn, and Maya singing karaoke. Derek, playfully shoving his head between the front seats, teased, "You need to lighten up; you'll wrinkle that perfect face."

George, his hand on the wheel, smiled as he commanded, "Derek, get your head to the back." Derek obeyed, and George resumed driving, one hand on the wheel, the other leisurely rubbing his mouth and chin. As his eyes met Morgan's in the front mirror, a playful smile spread underneath his hand.

Their eyes locked—Morgan's striking blue eyes meeting George's hazel perfection. George continued driving with a subtle grin, captivated by the moment. Morgan, feeling a mix of annoyance and shyness, looked away, her gaze escaping George's playful stare.

Morgan turned to her window, gazing outside, and rested her head on the mirror. A subtle smile played on her lips as a blush crept across her face. Meanwhile, George, stealing glances, continued driving with a hint of satisfaction.

Tynab, ever perceptive, noticed the tension between Morgan and George. With a mischievous grin.

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