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Among the most admired, stood George. His wealth and good looks were renowned, his fashion sense unmatched. By his side, one of Utopia's most beautiful women, making them the talk of the town. But today, the atmosphere was different. News of their fight had spread like wildfire, turning the school into a stage for this unexpected drama. The tension was as thick as fog

One of the drama being morgan showed friendly interest to a stunted something that is against the rules of their social interaction

The classroom was buzzing with tension as Morgan and George, embroiled in conflict, entered at separate times. But the real shock came when Morgan, already under scrutiny for her association with Joseph, did something truly unexpected. She strode confidently to the front of the class and took a seat next to Reon - another individual deemed 'stunted' by Utopian standards. The surprise was even on Reon's face, and the classroom fell into a stunned silence. The drama in Utopia had taken yet another unexpected turn.

George, who usually hides his feelings, saw Morgan sit with Reon. He didn't say anything, but his friends knew him well. When he fixed his fancy shirt and showed off his expensive watch, they knew he was upset. Even though he didn't say anything, his actions spoke for him.

Joseph also got really mad when Morgan decided to sit with Reon. Both Joseph and George were now focusing on Reon, who was sitting there with Morgan.

Morgan apologized to Reon, saying she didn't know where else to sit. Reon, realizing this was a rare chance to sit with Morgan, didn't care about the stares. He told her he didn't mind and asked her to feel comfortable.

Classes end and Morgan, still feeling the tension, turns to Reon. "Hey Reon, would you like to go for a drive? I'm not ready to face the hall yet." Reon simply nods, "Sure, why not? Let's go." He quickly gathers his things and follows Morgan out.

Meanwhile, in the hall, Stacy, Grover, and Latti are huddled together. Grover glances around before asking Stacy, "Where's Gray?" Stacy shrugs, hiding the truth, "I'm not sure." Latti, observing their exchange, adds, "Gray and Reon seem distant lately. It's not like when we first met." Grover sighs, "I can't deny, I miss them."

Joseph is hanging out with Alan and a few other guys. Alan grins, "Jo, you're the buzz of the school! What's up with you and Morgan?" Joseph looks thoughtful, "Ever since I saw her with George, something clicked. I fell for her." One of the guys interjects, "Why'd she sit with that loser we beat up instead of you?" Joseph shrugs, "I don't know, but I need to sort it out before George swoops in." Alan nods, "You gotta do something to grab Morgan's attention." Joseph, a smile playing on his lips, says, "I think I have an idea."

George, a notable figure, didn't feel the need to join the crowd in the hall. Instead, he sought out a quieter spot. He found himself in the park of their department, a serene place with a man-made dam. Ducks swam peacefully in the dam, adding to the picturesque view. George took a seat, pulling out his sketchbook to draw the ducks.

Meanwhile, Tynab, a girl known to George and the daughter of the prime minister, spotted him sitting alone. They had known each other for a while and lived in the same avenue. Seeing him there, she decided to join him, taking a seat beside him in the tranquil park.

Once Tynab settled beside George, she broke the silence, "I know you prefer being alone, but I couldn't ignore your sadness." George, always the proud one, retorted, "Why would I be sad?" Tynab gently reminded him, "You and Morgan have a history. I know what you both went through to be together."

George smirked, lost in memories, "I remember those nights sneaking her out in my sports car. Her dad always thought I was a bad influence." Tynab chuckled, "You two were quite the pair. It's sad to see you fight. But knowing Morgan, she'll come back. She loves you too much."

George smirked again, "Yeah, but I hate it when we fight over other guys. Remember Derek?" Tynab rolled her eyes, "How could I forget that jerk? He tried to drug Morgan at my party. You came out of nowhere and threw him in the pool!"

George chuckled, "Back then, Morgan was just an innocent girl staying with us while her parents were on vacation." Tynab added, "Living with you, that's what made you two fall in love."

George agreed, "Yeah, true." Tynab, knowing George well, asked, "You're not one to let someone tarnish your name. What are you planning for Joseph and the other guy?"

George turned to Tynab, "Well, the other guy is just our tutor, so there's no drama there. But Joseph... let's just say it's personal."

Gray, being his usual self, decided the best way to get under a girl's skin was to make her jealous. His target? Elsa, a kind-hearted dreamer with aspirations of becoming a graphic designer. Elsa was a bit of an enigma, preferring her own company over the trivialities of makeup and gossip.

One day, Gray found her alone by the department's fountain. She was seated on a bench, engrossed in designing a character on her laptop. Gray approached her, ready to set his plan in motion.

Gray slid onto the bench next to Elsa, "Hey Elsa." She was taken aback, removing her headphones, "Hey Gray." Gray turned to her, "I've noticed you're often alone in class. I wanted to get to know you better."

Elsa shrugged, "Not much to know about me. But I've seen you too, sitting with Stacy and Grover." Gray scratched his head, "Yeah, they're my friends. So, to cut to the chase, would you like to hang out this Saturday? Maybe grab some dinner?"

Elsa, surprised, stammered, "Oh, wow, a date?" Gray, grinning, replied, "Yeah, it's one way to get to know a girl.

Morgan and Reon were in the car, Morgan sipping an espresso and nibbling a donut, while Reon chowed down on a hamburger. Morgan, surprised, commented, "A burger for breakfast? That's new." Reon shrugged, "I'm not really a breakfast person, it's a bit weird to me."

Morgan laughed, "Who doesn't have breakfast?" Reon replied, "Well, me I guess," and they continued to joke around. Morgan admitted, "I've never really laughed and talked this much while eating."

Reon asked, "Why not?" and she explained, "Because of my status, I have to be well-mannered. It's something that really annoys me, so I usually don't talk while eating."

Reon asked, "Not even with George?" and she replied, "Well, George is a rule-breaker like me, but we act high and mighty around others to not tarnish our family names."

Reon looked at her and admitted, "I've never made a girl laugh this much before. I didn't know I had it in me." Morgan responded, "Well, I find you fun," and they both laughed.

Then, something crossed Morgan's mind. She turned to Reon, "There's this party on Friday at St. Claire's Avenue. I'd feel more at ease if you were there with me. Will you come?"

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