missing you

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The next day, a heavy atmosphere hung over the conference hall as the first-year students gathered. Utopia, once a paradise, now felt like a courthouse. Reon, as silent and serious as when Gray first met him, entered with Gray, who remained quiet and still upset with Stacy.

Stacy and Latti walked into the hall, leaving Grover engrossed in conversation with another guy. Stacy, wearing a gloomy expression, seemed as if she had cried the entire night. Meanwhile, Latti chatted away with Damon as they strolled in.

Joseph, surprisingly calm but with a noticeable sadness, entered quietly. Unlike his friends who were immersed in lively discussions, Joseph looked as though he hadn't slept the entire night. The conference hall buzzed with tension, each student carrying their own emotional weight into the unfolding events.

Morgan entered the hall, a covered wound on her forehead drawing curious glances, especially from the girls. Tynab, her companion, reassured her, "It's okay, don't mind them." As they walked, Morgan spotted Reon in the distance, looking sad. Respectful of his mood, she chose another spot with Tynab, giving him space.

George, the center of attention, strolled in confidently with his signature black suit. As he moved leisurely, all eyes followed him, but he paid no heed. His hand casually in his pocket, he continued until finding a spot, seemingly unfazed by the attention. The atmosphere in the hall became more complex with each student carrying their own stories and emotions.Yuri: Bro, is this a good spot? Morgam is right in front of you.

George, glancing at Morgam: It's as good as any other.

Yuri: Alright, just trying to make you comfortable, bro.

The teachers filed onto the stage, and finally, the principal walked in slowly, surveying all the students before finding his seat. Morgan, glancing at Tynab, apologized, "I'm sorry for being a trouble. You're a second year; you shouldn't be here."

Tynab responded, "It's no problem. We're in this together." The atmosphere in the hall grew more solemn as the event unfolded.

Apologies for the oversight. Joseph looked into the distance, noticing George seated behind Morgan. A wave of sadness enveloped him, and he continued to look forward, keeping his emotions to himself. Behind, Latti and Gray sat behind Morgan and Reon, their strained relationship making the silence even more palpable.

Mr. Hudevert, taking control of the stage: "Now, you all wonder why you're here. I won't delve too deep into the matter, but the principal will address it. Since you first-years arrived, there's been disorder, a lack of cooperation, improper manners, and disputes. It seems you're too comfortable, forgetting the rules. It's unacceptable. Without further waste of time, I welcome the principal."

*Applause as the principal takes the stage, all eyes on him.*

Principal, addressing the students: "Well, as Mr. Hudevert summarized, it's come to my attention that there's a wave of bad behavior. I even heard the science department has drag races; apparently, their star is Mr. Blaze. Well, he's not the only one. In my hand, I have 63 students on the naughty list." *Coughs to prepare his voice.*

George, distracted, couldn't help but fixate on Morgan's back, concealed by her hair neatly tied in a bun. In his perception, time slowed, and a vivid daydream unfolded. In his mind, he found himself strolling towards her, a flower in his hand, with Morgan waiting at the end,her neck enclosed by a chain of his mansion keys.

In this dreamy sequence, Morgan was dressed in a captivating black gown, the fabric cascading elegantly to the floor. A netted hat adorned her head, revealing glimpses of her mesmerizing blue eyes. The backdrop transformed into a tranquil, white expanse, as if they were walking on a glass floor. George, donned in his refined black suit, couldn't suppress a smile as he reached her. He gently held her waist, offering the flower. The scene so romantic and peaceful

Morgan amidst the bustling crowd, my gaze is inevitably drawn to you. Your hair, a cascade framing the allure of your eyes, reflects an ocean of depth and mystery. In the midst of this sea of faces, your eyes stand out like a tranquil ocean, captivating and enchanting.

Your presence, a testament to the artistry of elegance, leaves me in awe. Your eyes, akin to an endless ocean, hold secrets and stories untold. In my eyes, you are not just the most gorgeous woman, but a living poetry, with each glance revealing a new chapter.George talking to morgan as they dance over the glass floor surrounded by white

Morgan sat in front of George, catching a whiff of his captivating fragrance. Lost in the moment, she found herself transported to a beach, the scent of the ocean in the air. She ran across the sand in her vibrant red bikini, heading towards George, whose well-built body was revealed in his pants.

As she approached, George turned, smiling, anticipating her arrival. Without hesitation, she jumped into his arms, and he expertly rotated with her. In a tender moment, their lips met in a passionate kiss. As they parted, George gently placed a flower in her hair, looking deep into her eyes and declaring, "I love you, Morgan, with every ounce of my blood."

In the real-time world, both George and Morgan found themselves breathing heavily, caught up in the intensity of the moment. George held Morgan close in her black dress, gently removing her hat to reveal her face. Looking deep into her eyes, he confessed, "I miss you, Morgan. I can't live without you," before sealing the sentiment with a passionate kiss. Their connection transcended the surroundings as they shared this tender moment.

Meanwhile, in Morgan's dreamy realm, after their shared kiss, she playfully reached her hand into the ocean and tossed some water at George. Laughing, he reciprocated, creating a delightful splash. Overwhelmed with joy, Morgan started running, but George swiftly caught up. They tumbled playfully at the shore, water passing underneath.

Breathing heavily, George found himself on top of Morgan, her blue eyes widened with affection. In a breathless moment, she confessed, "I miss you, George. My world is meaningless without you," and sealed her words with another deep kiss. The scene encapsulated a blend of love

Tynab, concerned, observed Morgan and asked, "Are you okay? You're breathing heavily and sweating."

Morgan, returning to reality, replied with an awkward smile, "Yeah, I'm good."

Meanwhile, Yuri, staring at George, expressed his surprise, "Dude, I've never seen you sweat before. Are you okay? It's pretty chill in here."

As George snapped back to reality, the dialogues unfolded amidst the lingering intensity of their respective daydreams.

The principal addressed the assembly, stating, "The school rules are accessible on the tablets provided to each one of you. Among the crucial guidelines are: Do not engage in any form of physical dispute, refrain from activities that may endanger others, and strictly avoid selling illegal substances on school premises."

As the principal continued outlining the rules, the students listened attentively, understanding the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment within the school.

The principal continued, "Now, the following 63 students, as I call upon your names, please step forward and make your way to the stage. Be hasty in this matter. Before leaving the hall, we will be scanning your IDs to identify the missing individuals. Those who won't be available at the hall won't be allowed for midterms but all that is after this gathering, which contribute 35 marks to your grading."

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