Eyes off her

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Taehyung Pov

Taehyung : Her hazel eyes , beautiful smile , She is wearing hijab which makes her more beautiful
She looks so different among everyone here . Her attire which is also look very beautiful . I don't know what gotten into me but I just can't take my eyes off her.

Taehyung : Wait who is that little girl with her ?
Is she married? Whatever I should focus on my performance instead of her but I can't see anything but her .

End of taehyung pov

Taehyung couldn't remember how long he had been looking at her like that. He didn't even realise when their performance is end . When Everyone started clapping then he come back to his sense.

Min yun shik : Thank you , guys . For this outstanding performance .

Rm : It's our pleasure and Thank y'all for loving our performance.

Suddenly a cute girl appeared before them and started clapping with her tiny hands.

Taehyung noticed that she was the same little girl who was there with the girl in hijab .

Taehyung chuckled at her cute behaviour and kneel down in front of the cute little girl and asked..

Taehyung : Baby , What's your name?

Amna : My name is amna.

Taehyung : Amna, do you know you are so much cute.

Amna : thank you , tata. hihihi ( cutely laughed)

Taehyung : Tata? Who is tata?

Amna : Tata is my favourite character from BT21.
You just look like tata. That's why I called you tata.

Taehyung chuckled and said...

Taehyung : Thank you , Amna for giving me such cute name.

Taehyung : Amna , Can I pick you in my arms?

Amna nodded cutely.

Taehyung picked amna in his arms.

Angelina Pov..

Angelina : Amara , why you are so late? I was waiting for you so long and you just show up right now

Amara : sorry , angelina . I was little busy with some works and you know na being a single mother is not that easy.

Angelina : Yeah , I can understand. Your life became so difficult after sazzad oppa's death.

Amara : Hmm , wait where is amna? Few minutes ago , she was with me but where is she now?

Angelina : Amara , look there . She is in taehyung's arms.

Amara : Oh my Allah, What is she doing there?

Angelina chuckled at her statemant and said.

Angelina : I don't know why but Taehyung and Amna look so cute together like a father and  daughter.

Amara glared at angelina.

Angelina : Sorry , sorry  bestie . Don't get mad I just saying it randomly.

End Angelina pov...

Amna notice her mom is glaring at her

Amna gulped seeing her mom's angry eyes and said

Amna : Tata  I need to go . My Eomma is waiting for me .

Taehyung : Wait, I have some chocolates for you.

Amna : Chocolate!! Yaay , I love chocolates .

Taehyung bring out some chocolates from his pocket and give her.

Amna : Thank u so much tata , you are so good .

Taehyung keep her in the ground as she wants go

Amna kissed on taehyung's both cheeks and said

Amna : Bye , bye tata

Taehyung smiled and said..

Taehyung : She is so cute.

Amara Pov...

Amara : Amna , why did you go there ?

Amna : Sorry eomma ( puppy eyes)

Amara : And who give you these chocolates?

Amna : Tata gives me these chocolates , he is so good .

Amara : Oh My Allah , Now who is that tata?

Angelina : Maybe she is talking about Taehyung. As she was in his arms. I know taehyung love childrens so much.

Amara : How did you know that he love childrens?

Angelina : O come on , Amara . Don't you know I am a huge BTS Fan? I know every single thing about them .

Amara  Rolled her eyes and said to Amna

Amara :Amna , Didn't I tell you not to take anything from strangers?

Amna : Eomma sorry but tata is so good . He picked me in his arms and give me these chocolates.

Amara : Amna , bu-

Angelina : Yaah , Amara , stop now . She is just a kid why are you scolding her that much?

Amara : Okay, fine. I won't scold her.

Amna : Thank you , aunty .

         To be continue

Guys hope you like my story, pardon my grammer mistakes. I know this  part  is so short but recently I'm little with my studies that's why soo....Hope you understand💜

Take love from Ishika♡🇧🇩

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