Make you mine

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Time skip..

At Amara's house...

Amara has just finished her packing .....

Amara : I think I should say to Raheela aunty that I am leaving seoul..

Saying that Amara went to her neighbour Aunty's house..

she knocked at Mrs.Raheela's door...

Mrs.Raheela opened her door...

Amara : Asslamualaikum Aunty I-

Mrs.Raheela : Amara you..???  How do you face people after doing these things with other man?? Don't you have shame? Shameless girl..!! I don't want to see your face !! I feel disgusted seeing you.Amara I thought you are a decent girl but you...

Just Get Lost..!!!

Saying that she closed her door..

She didn't give Amara any chance to speak..

Amara : I a-am i-inocent.. I didn't do anything w-wrong..( cracking voice)

Everyone is misunderstanding me..

Saying that she came back her home with broken state...

She wiped her tears and said...

Amara : Eomma is right , I shouldn't stay in this city....I will go far from this city and from taehyung....

Time skip...

Taehyung pov...

At home...

Taheer is performing Ablution...

Today he learnt from Mr.Ibraahim how to offer salah..

Now he is performing Ablution for offering Isha Salah..

After sometime...

taheer has just finished his salah...

Him in Munajat...

Taheer : Yaa Allah...I'm so grateful to you for giving me a worship you...

please forgive me for my past mistakes... are Al- Ghaffar , Ar- Raheem.. I ask forgiveness...please forgive your servent...

Allah if I'm asking much than my limit...if you wanna take away everything from me just make my princess mine... know na.. My princess is so hurt..she is broken...

please take care of her...No one can heal her except you... please make her calm....

Time skip...

The Next morning..

He woke up at fajar alarm and took a shower and got ready while wearing a punjabi..(kurta)..
which is given by Mr.Ibraahim...

then he left his house and went to that masjid...
to offer his salah as Mr.Ibraahim told him that it's obligatory for men to offer prayer with jamat..

After that he entered the masjid..

Taheer : Asslamualaikum , Mr.Ibraahim..

Mr.Ibraahim : Walaikum Salam.. Taheer..My child..

Ma Sha look so handsome in this outfit...

Taheer blushed and said...

Taheer : Thank you..Mr.Ibraahim

Taheer 's outfit..

Taheer 's outfit

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