Mission finding out the real truth

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After Jimin Left...

Amara was crying sliently while sitting there...

Amara : Yaa Allah *sob*  What is happeninig with me..?? Whom should I trust and Whom not..? *crying*

I can't take this anymore.

Time skip..

Amara was feeding her eomma lunch...

Because her eomma don't want to eat anything....
she becomes a living stone because of Ara's death

Amara can't see her mother like this that's why she is trying her best to stay strong and taking care of her mother...

She already fed Amna lunch and now she is sleeping..

Amara was busy with her eomma..

suddenly someone pressed their calling bell...

Amara immeditely went near the door and open the door..

Mr.Ali : Hello...Amara..dear...it's me.

Amara : Oh Uncle..Asslamualaikum Uncle...

Mr.Ali : Walaikum Salam..dear..how are you..? Is everything okay??

Amara : I am Alhamdulilah fine..but I am so tensed about eomma..she doesn't want to eat anything...I make her eat forcefully...if I don't do this..soon she will become sick. Now she became totally quiet. I really feel hurt seeing her like this..

Mr.Ali : I can understand her pain..Amara.. It's not easy to bear own child's death. But slowly everything will be alright , hmm.. You need to just take a good care of her.

Amara : Hmm..uncle why are you standing outside? come inside..

Mr.Ali : Hmm..dear...actually I came here to talk with you and sister-in-law..

Amara : Ohh okay..uncle..please.. sit here.. What would you like to take tea or coffee..?

Mr.Ali : Thanks , dear..but I don't want to take anything for now..you just sit here..

Amara : Okay uncle..

Mr.Ali : Asslamualaikum..Sister-in-law..

Mrs.Ahmed : Oh..Ali..Walaikum Salam..Walaikum Salam...how are you? ( slow tune)

Mr.Ali : I am alhamdulilah fine , sister-in-law...what about you?

Mrs.Ahmed : Alhamdulilah..I am also fine..

Mr.Ali : So..sister in law...actually I want talk with  you and Amara..about some important topic..

Mrs.Ahmed : What topic Ali? ( confuse tone)

Mr.Ali : About Ara's case.

Amara : Ara's case?

Mr.Ali : Yes..dear...The day after tomorrow..there is a first hearing of this case..so we have to go court..
And don't worry I already hired a famous lawyer for Ara's case..

Mrs.Ahmed : Really..? Thank you so much..Ali..Just make sure my daughter get justice...I just want that monster to be hanged..
That monster hurted my ara so much..*crying*

Mr.Ali : Don't worry..sister-in-law...I will try my best to give our Ara justice..I promise you..

Hearing this Amara felt a pang pain in her heart..

How much she tried to hate him but she can't..

Mr.Ali : Okay..so..sister-in-law...I think I should take my leave..please take care of yourself..

And Amara..you also take care yourself and Your daughter..hmm.. btw where is your daughter..? I didn't seen her till now.

Amara : Actually uncle she is sleeping in my room..

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