A Beach Night

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Time skip....

At hotel...

Mia : Miss Amara , here is your room . Just Wait a minute , I'll be back pads , okay ?

Amara smiles and nodded....

10 minutes later....

Mia : Here is your pads and take these chocolates, it will help you to give you some relief.

Amara : Aah , thank you so much, Mia. Thanks for everything. I will always be grateful to you. Mia, if you had not come on time, I would have been embarrassed in front of everyone.

Mia in mind...

Mia : Don't thank me girl, it's all credit goes to Mr.Kim. He is such a gentleman. I don't about you but I think he loves you , I am very impress seeing his careness for you . I have to admit, you are such a girl . ( little smile)

Mia : No need to thanks me , amara . Being a girl , it's my responsibilty . For now go , change yourself and take rest, hmm. If you need anything more , then buzz the bell which is beside your bed, okay.

Amara : Okay..

Again time skip .....

At afternoon...

Taehyung at balcony...

Taehyung : The sea view is very beautiful from this balcony.

Taehyung is enjoying cold breeze from the balcony...

suddenly a thought came in his mind ....

Taehyung : I just thinking If amara is okay or not?
Maybe she is suffering from her period cramps.
I wish I could reduce her pain. She must be bearing lots of pain..

Taehyung : I don't know why I always think about Amara ? Why I can't see her in pain? Why her apearance gave me happiness and peace? 
I feel very good around her.

When he was thinking about her , a beautiful smile apears on his lips...

taehyung : I think.... I'm in love with her.

Time skip at evening...

BTS left for practise for their upcoming concert....

At Amara room....

Amara is taking rest as she is suffering from  period cramps badly...

Amna is watching cartoon on her eomma's phone...

After sometime she started feeling bored.....

amna : Eomma , eomma , wake up naaa.....
I am feeling so bored.... Let's go in the beach. I see there is beautiful beach here..( excited tone)

Amara : What beach?? At this hour!!! No , It is not good idea , dear.( sleepy tone)

Amna : Please , eomma let's go naa. pleaseee , pleaseee ( puppy eyes). I'm feeling sooo bored....

Amara sighed and said...

Amara : Okay fine. Wait , let me get ready .

Amna nodded cutely....

BTS Pov....

Rm : Guys , I think it's enough for today . We will practise again towmorrow , okay?!

BTS : okayyy..!!

Rm : For now let's back to the hotel and take rest.

BTS reaches to the hotel and everyone started getting inside in their rooms...

When taehyung is about to get inside his room......

he saw amara is going somewhere...

Seeing her taehyung calls her name from behind.....

Taehyung : Miss Amara , where are you going at this hour?!!

Amara : Actually, Mr.Kim , Amna wants to go in the beach near this hotel. She was insisting me so much as she was feeling bored in the room...

Taehyung in mind....

Taehyung : It's already 7 p.m

At this hour... I can't let them go in beach alone...

It will not be safe for them...

Taehyung : Miss Amara , Will you mind If I also join you? Actually I also wanted to go in beach but I was busy in practise... plus today is Full moon night , the beach will very beautiful in moonlight. So , Can I?

Amara was feeling uncomfortable because she didn't go anywhere with any boy other than her dead husband Sazzad....

But she didn't say no to taehyung because she didn't wanted to make taehyung upset....

Amara : Yes , you can. ( little smile)

Taehyung : Thank you ( showing his cutest boxy smile)

Amna : Yaayyy...!!!! It will be so fun!! Tata is also joining us ( Amna started jumping in excitement)

Amna : Tata , Can you give me a piggybank ride? I don't to walk. ( cute pout)

Amara : Amna , it's a bad habit. Why are you bothering your uncle??

Taehyung : Miss Amara , don't scold her. It's okay.

Saying that he looks at Amna and said....

Taehyung: You want to have a piggybank ride?

Amna nodded cutely....

Okay then come to tata . Tata will give you a piggy back ride.

Amna happily hold taehyung's Neck tightly while taehyung pick her carefully on his back....

Taehyung : Okay , then let's go.

Amara nodded.....

At beach....

The beach is looking etherial because moonlight.

As today is full moon night , the scenery of beach is looking very beautiful . The sound of wave also making this more pleasing....

Amara is amazed by this beautiful scenery....

Amara :  Oh my Allah, This beach is very looking beautiful (pleasing tone)

Play : Chaadni - Sachet Tandon , Parampara Tandon ( for better experience)

Amara was enjoying the scenery but here taehyung is admiring amara's beauty secretly....

Taehyung in mind...

Taehyung : I didn't knew Angel is also exist in this world until I saw you....

You are looking very beautiful in this moonlight.
( a beautiful smile crept on lips)

Taehyung : Miss Amara ? ( while looking at her)

Miss Amara : Hmm?

Taehyung : The Moon is  beautiful , isn't it?


(“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” means
I love you” in Japanese. It is used to express romantic feelings indirectly, which is the norm in Japanese culture.)

Amara didn't realize that taehyung confess his feelings for her indirectly........

To be continue...

Guys I'm very sorry today I wanted to give a long part but because of some diffuculties , I couldn't do it. Anyways.... Wishing you a  very happiest new year🎆❤

Take love from Ishika.....💜🇧🇩

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