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Amara woke up early for making breakfast....

She also woke her daughter and her eomma...

After making them eat their breakfast...

Amara and her eomma got ready for the court..

Amara kept her daughter to her cousin..leena because she don't want to take her in court... because seeing these type of things will affect Amna's innocent  mind...

Everybody arrived on court in time...

The first hearing started right now...

police has just brought taheer to the accused box and make him stand there...

Amara saw taheer after 3 days...

Amara's heart clenched seeing taheer's miserable state...

his pale face...dark circles...his weak body..

Amara was feeling so bad for taheer...

but she was helpless...

Ara's family is the prosecutor team and taheer's team is the defense team..

Ara's uncle hired the famous lawyer Mr.Wang joseph  and Jimin hired his lawyer friend Mr. Aman Malik...

Mr.Wang bowed to the judge...

Mr.Wang : Your honour , I wanted ask some questions to Mr.Taheer...May I ?

The Judge : Permission granted..

Mr.Wang : Mr.Taheer where were you at the morning of your wedding day..?

Mr.Taheer : I went to the jewelery shop to buy a diamond necklace for my would be wife...

Mr.Wang : Ohh..if you went outside for buying a diamond necklace for your wife then who went near Ms.Ara?

Mr.Taheer : I don't know...

Mr.Wang : Your honour , we can simply assume something suspcious in his words because he is the one who went near Ms. Ara and brutally raped her..!!

Mr.Aman :  Objection..!! Your honour , he can't accuse him without any proof!!

The Judge : Objection ovverruled..

Mr.Wang : Mr.Aman , who is accusing him without proof ??? Your honour , I have a video  which can clearly prove that he is the guilty...

* he gave the video to the judge*

The judge started observing  the video...

Mr.Wang  : Your honour , We can easily say that Mr.Taheer is the culprit..

The Judge : Order..Order..Order...

Mr.Wang  , You can the time is start for the defense team..

Mr.Wang : Thank you , Your Majesty... ( again bowed)

Mr.Aman : Your Honour , I want call Ms.Samara to the witness box for some questions...

The Judge : Permission granted...

Mr.Aman : Ms.Samara , please come to the witness box..

Samara came and stood in the witness box...

Mr.Aman : Ms.Samara , you were the first person who discovered the dead body of Ms.Ara..right?

Samara : Yes...I am that person..

Ms.Aman : You are also that person who showed that video of Mr.Wang to everyone and  claimed that Mr.Taheer is Culprit..right?

Samara : Yes...because he is the real culprit..!!

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