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Amara : Hmm , the moon is really very beautiful.

taehyung is admiring Amara just like Amara is admiring the moon....

Suddenly Amna said....

Amna : Tata , please keep me down , I wanna play with water and sand.

Amara : No , Amna . Your dress will be dirty.

Amna : eommaaaa , pleasee ( puppy eyes)

Amara : But-

Taehyung : Miss Amara , let her play naa? she is child , it's her age of playing. Right , Amna?!

Amna nodded her cutely...

Amara sighed and said..

Amara : Okay , fine but don't make your dirty, okay?

Amna : Okayyyyy ( happy voice)

Taehyung keeps her down and she started playing with sand and water... 

Suddenly Taehyung said....

Taehyung : Miss Amara , Can I ask you a question? If you don't mind......

Amara : Yeah , sure.

Taehyung : Have you any plan for your future?

Amara : Plan for future? ( confuse tone)

Taehyung : I mean  Do you have any plan for marriage ?

Amara : Actually , I haven't thought much of it yet.

Taehyung : Don't you wanna get married?

Amara : Actually I'm not interested  about it. I still love my husband so much though he is dead. 

Taehyung : Are you thinking of  living your whole life like a widow? But you are too young.

Amara : I don't mind in living like that. But My Eomma wants me to get married . She said , I am still too young , I should get a married . Live my life happily.

Saying that Amara sighed and again said...

Amara : But she don't know Amna is my life.How Can I live happily when Amna is not happy?

Taehyung : Why what's happen with her?

Amara : If I get married who will take care of my Amna ?

Taehyung : Obviously you . I think it will be good  If you get married because Amna is still little , She needs her father affection too.

Amara : Do you think anyone will accept my daughter ? Love her like her own daughter?

No , No One . No men accept other's men daughter and love him/her like his own child.

Taehyung : Why are you saying like this ? Not every man is same .

Amara : But I haven't seen anyone who marries a single mother and also accept her child  and love her child like his own child?

Taehyung : Maybe You have to look around properly I am sure You will find someone who loves you and also ready to accept your child as his own child. ( soft tone)

Amara : What? What you just said? ( confuse tone)

Taehyung sighed and said .....

Taehyung : Nothing... just leave it. (sad tone)

Amara : Hmm.

saying that they both become slient... now they can hear only the sound of waves....

Suddenly Amna comes near taehyung and started pulling his index finger with tiny hand while saying....

Amna : Tata....tata..( cute pout)

Taehyung chuckled seeing her cute pout and kneel down  in front of her and  said...

taehyung : What happen to my little princess? Do you need something?

Amna nodded her head cutely....

Taehyung : What my little princess need?

Amna : Ice cream... I want to eat chocolate ice cream.

Taehyung : Okay , princess , let's go , tata will buy you  lot of  ice creams.

hearing him Amara said...

Amara : , Mr. Kim. I am sorry for her behaviour ,You don't have to buy her ice cream.

and Amna why are you bothering your uncle? Let's go back to hotel. It's already getting late.

Amna : Eomma , pleaseee naaa. I want to eat ice cream.

Amara : But-

Taehyung : It's okay , Miss Amara . You don't have to be sorry . Just wait a little , I am coming back with her okay? ( looking at Amna)

Amna : Okay , let's gooo.

Then Taehyung pick Amna in his back again and started running towards ice cream shop....

Amara : Mr. Kim Run slowly lest you will fall with her ( says with shouting while laughing)

Mr. Kim: Don't worry , nothing will happen ( shouts back)

Amara : Mr. Kim is really crazy . I never thought he will be like this. I think he loves childrens .
(little smile)

At first Amara was feeling uncomfortable with taehyung but now she gets comfortable with him....

After sometime Taehyung come back with Amna holding a bag of ice creams......

Taehyung : Here is your ice cream... soon to be Mrs.Kim ( taehyung said the last part with low voice)

As taehyung said the last part with low voice that's why Amara didn't hear anything....

Amara : Ice cream ? For me ? But why ? You are suppose to buy ice cream  only for Amna then why?

Taehyung : Miss Amara , I already bought her a lot of ice creams , but this one is for you.Don't hesitate ,Take it as a little treat from your  new friend.

Amara : New friend?

Taehyung : Yeah , Can we be friends if you don't mind?

Taehyung forward his hand to shake with her...

Amara : Sorry Mr. Kim , I can be your friend but can't do hand shake with you because you are
Na Mahram.

Taehyung : Na Mahram ? What is Na Mahram?

Amara : Na Mahram means unknown for somebody or having no relation with that person . We may say that the Na Mahram person is just like the any person of world having no relation other than that of humanity.

Taehyung : Is it restricted in islam to shake hands with any other man ?

Amara : Mr. Kim , It's not only about hand shake , It's about touching any other man or getting touch by any other man other than your husband is Haram for Women.

Taehyung : Now what is this " Haram" ? ( confuse tone)

Amara : Haram means restricted .

Taehyung : Ohh I am sorry . I didn't knew about it. ( apologizing tone)

Amara : It's okay , Mr. Kim?

Taehyung : So , Friends?

Amara smiles and said...

Amara : Friends.

To be continue...

sorry guys for some issues , yesterday I can't upload new part. Hope y'all are liking my story.....

Take love from Ishika🇧🇩💜

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