blushie blushie

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Amara : Are you okay Mr.Kim?

When Amara said this to him he came back to his sense...

Taehyung : Aah , y-yes , yes . I am fine. What wil happen to me? ( Awkward laugh)

Amara : Ohh ( Awkwardly smile)

Rm : Whatever , guys let's go now . We are getting late...!!!

BTS and Amara nodded at his statemant...

Time Skip...

At L.A....

Rm : Miss Amara , help them to ready their speech as they can't speak English Properly...

Amara : Okay , Mr. Rm.

Amara teaches them their speech properly.

Now BTS concert is going to be start in few minutes so Amara go to the front seat of that stage from where she can watch their concert with Amna .

Amna : Wow , eomma , everything here looks very amazing ( facinating tone)

Amara : You like it?

Amna nodded her head cutely...

Amara chuckled at her behaviour and said...

Amara : Now come here and sit . We will enjoy their concert together okay..!!!

Amna : Okay!!!

Amara is really happy because of seeing  her daughter happy .

Amna don't the lyrics of their songs thats why she just node her with beat and rhythm...

time skip...

2 hours later...

The concert is going to be end soon...

BTS decided to end their concert with Taehyung's solo performance on Winter bear...

So Taehyung apears in the stage wearing  totally

white suit which makes him more handsome...

Taehyung's outfit...

Amna : Eomma , See tata is looking so good in this dress , isn't he?

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Amna : Eomma , See tata is looking so good in this dress , isn't he?

Amara : Hmm .

Amna : Eomma , I don't know what song is this but tata's voice is so beautiful.

Amara : Yes , You are right. I have to admit that, His voice is so deep , calming , peaceful . It feels so good to hear.

I know I shouldn't say like this but...

Ma Sha Allah ,  He is looking so handsome. I have never notice his facial features...

His siren eyes...

His nose...

His Boxy smile....

and His lips... Astagfirullah what I am thinking about a Na-Mahram Man .  Allah , please forgive me.

But I really have to admit , Allah made his every feature so perfect that's why his fans can't resist his charm...

Amara was really enjoying his song which is so calm and peaceful..

Play : Keu na Januk - Tahsan

When Taehyung is about to end his song , he glance at her ....

Amara was totally focused on his song while a pretty smile crept on her lips...

Seeing her smiling at him taehyung can't help but
blushing so hard...

Taehyung pressed his lips so that he could control his shy smile....

Taehyung pov....

Taehyung : Oh god , I can't control myself. Why

she is smiling that?? Aahh her beautiful smile...

I swear when she smiles I forget how to breath...

Your smile warms me in a
way the sun never could...

Amara Pov....

I didn't realize when the song was end...
When I started clapping for him I notice he was blushing so hard...

I don't know why he was blushing like that but he looks cute..

Time skip....

Back stage...

Amara : I really have to say , your concert was amazing. ( appreciating tone)

Amna : Yes uncle , eomma is right ....

Rm : Really? Did you enjoy it ?? ( bent down at Amna's level)

Amna nodded her several times...

Rm chuckled at her cuteness..

Rm : You are so cute ( pinch her cheeks)

Amna giggled...

Amna : Tata , tata ,  you know what I really loved that song , you sang in the last.

Taehyung : Really?

Amna nodded at his statemant...

Jimin : tata? did you just call him Tata??

Taehyung : Yes , Jimin. She calls me that from the day we met  and you know what I really found this cute.

Amna : He looks like the charecter tata from bt21 that's why I called him Tata.

Jimin : Amna , that's not fair. I also want a cute name like him.

Jimin whined like a child..

Everyone laughed at his behaviour....

Amna : Okay , okay , let me give you a name . ummm.....

Amna started thinking while putting her index finger on her cheeks...

Amna : Yeah , Chimmy , Can I call you chimmy???

Jimin : Chimmy , aww it is such a cute name , I loved it . Thank you , cutie pie...

Amna : welcome..!!

Jimin : Today Chimmy is so happy that's why chimmy will give you a lot of chocolates okay..??!!

Amna : Chocolates..!! Yaay ( Amna started jumping in excitement)

Everyone smiles hearing cute talks between Jimin and Amna .....

Time skip....

To be continue....

Thank you guys for loving this story...
I hope y'all keep supporting and loving this story....
Thank you❤🎀

Take love from Ishika🇧🇩💜

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