Love is in the Air

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Amara POV...

Amara become shocked hearing Taehyung's words...

She immediately turned her gaze towards him and said...

Amara : What did you just say???

But then she notice taehyung was holding his phone near his ear...

Taehyung : Yes , hyunsik .... if you compliment your wife like the way I said , I bet you she can't be mad at you... You know what Girls like compliments.. If they get any compliment from their boyfriend or husband , they feel very happy... So I'm telling you try this trick... I guess this will work....

Amara : Aish!! He is talking with his friend... I thought he told me those things!!

Yeah , are so dumb , why would he tell you something like this??? ( She was talking to herself)

It is so embaressing for me !!

Meanwhile Taehyung pov...

(Taehyung in mind)..

Thank god , she didn't understand that I said those things to her...

My fake phone call idea worked so good , she didn't understand...

But seriously she was looking so dangerous , when she asked me what I just said!!!

Whatever I think I should end this drama...

Taehyung : Okay , hyunsik , I think you understand properly what I said , right !! So yeah , apply my trick and let me know about the result okay!! bye take care..

saying that he acted like he cut the call...

To look his fake plan more real , He decided to tease Amara...

Taehyung : Amara..

Amara pov..

(Amara in mind..)

Oh no!! Maybe he is going to ask me about that..

Amara awkwardly laugh and said..

Amara : Yes , taehyung?

Taehyung : What did you just said few minutes ago , I couldn't hear clearly , as I was in phone call...

Amara : O-oh t-that t-time , that time-

before Amara could say anything....

Annie from Kitchen...

Annie : AMARA!! Can you please come here?? I need your help...( shout)

Amara : I am coming.....

saying that she immediately leave...

Taehyung chuckled...

Taehyung : My cute Princess...(smiles)

After sometime...

Everyone is eating breakfast in dinning table ...

Amara and Amna are eating breakfast in their room...

Jungkook : Hobi hyung , Jin hyung and Suga hyung I want to tell you something...

Hobi : Yes , Jungkook?

Jungkook : Actually hyung Me and Annie ( do eye contact with Annie) both are in relationship...

Jin : What??

Jungkook : Yes , hyung . Actually I fell for her when I saw for the first time.. You can call it love at first sight... And Yesterday , we confessed...

Jhope : Really?? (excited tone)

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