unrequited love

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Time Skip...

They are sitting inside their car for going Hawai...

It's a 10 seated car...

Rm , Jhope and Suga sits in the front part of the car...

Jungkook , Jimin and Jin sits in the middle part of the car .....

Now only 3 seats are left for Amara , Taehyung and Amna...

Play : Nazar Na Lag jaye - Ash King & Sachin - Jigar ( for better experience)

When other sits in their seat , Amara realizes that she have to sit with Taehyung , she started feeling uncomfortable....

Actually Amara is not comfortable with men other than her husband

but as she know taehyung is not that type of person , she decided to adjust with him...

Here Taehyung who is glancing at her time to time notice Amara's Uncomfortableness...

He understood the reason of her uncomfortableness...

Taehyung in mind...

Taehyung : Maybe she is feeling uncomfortable because she have to sit beside me. It's okay my love , I will make Amna sit between us so that you don't feel uncomfortable.

Taehyung : Okay , Miss Amara , go inside and sit beside window and Amna you will sit between us
, okay??

Amna : No , tata I want to sit beside window , you sit beside Eomma.

Taehyung : My little princess, listen to me , don't insist like this. You want chocolates?

Amna nodded her head cutely..

Taehyung : Then sit here , okay . If you listen to me then Tata will give you lots of chocalates. Okay..??

Amna : Okay , tata. ( cute smile)

Amara's uncomfortableness is gone hearing taehyung's words...

She smiles little seeing Taehyung's gentleman behaviour towards women..

Taehyung notice Amara's little smile...

Taehyung also smiles at the thought of making his love happy....

Taehyung in mind....

Taehyung : I love you that doesn't mean I have to do those things which can bring me closer to you but make you feel uncomfortable...

love , you are that person , I can spend my whole life while staring at .

Because I fall in love with your soul
not your body.....

Taehyung sits in the car while thinking about her....

Time skip....

Play : Mirrors- Justin Timberlake ( for better experience)

Taehyung was feeling so sleepy that's why he slept while leaning his head against car window...

almost everyone in the car is also sleeping because they had to wake up early in the morning but Amara is not feeling sleepy that's why she decided to enjoy the outside view of car...

Amna is watching cartoons on her eomma's phone....

Amara was enjoying light breeze suddenly she looked at the direction of taehyung,

when she looked at him , she saw he was sleeping
cutely while opening his mouth slightly...

The way his hair fluttered in the light breeze makes him look ethereal...

The way his hair fluttered in the light breeze makes him look ethereal

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Amara didn't realize that she was staring at him for so long.....

Amara pov..

Amara : He looks so innocent while sleeping .
Mr.Kim , you are the most perfect creation of Allah. Your honey tan skin , fluffy hair....
Ma Sha Allah , your everything is perfect...

Yaa Allah , you make his every feature perfect , But now I just pray to you for him so that you grant him hidayah and he could find his right path , find his real creator......

Amna was watching cartoons but suddenly she notice that Amara is staring at taehyung's sleepy angelic face...

Amna : Eomma , why are you looking at tata like that? ( little bit loud voice)

Hearing Amna's sudden voice , taehyung woke up from his beauty sleep...

Taehyung : What happen Amna ? ( says with sleepy voice while rubbing his eyes)

Hearing Amna's words she looked away from taehyung and started looking outside of the car....

Amna : Tata , actually eomma is staring at you deeply that's why I am asking her why she is looking at you like that...

Amara close her eyes because of embaressment...

Amara : Yaa Allah, why she is saying these things to him ??? I was just looking at him randomly,
see what this girl is saying to him..!!
Now what will he think about me..!!??

Taehyung : What?? ( being surprise)

Amara : A-actually Mr.K-Kim it's not like that the way she was saying. I-

Taehyung : Miss Amara , you don't need to give me explanation . I think she misunderstood you.

Amna : But tat-

Taehyung : Amna , end this topic here.

Amna : Okay ( sad pout)

Saying that taehyung also started looking outside of the car as he was blushing so hard...

Taehyung in mind...

Taehyung : So..madam was watching me when I was sleeping. I wish I could see how she was looking at me. ( shy smile)

Time skip....

To be continue...

Really I was laughing while writing that part when Amna was saying that Amara was looking at him deeply!! Like seriously this girl is exposing her mom like that..!! Thank you for reading my story....

Take love from Ishika🇧🇩💜

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