What Am I suppose to do now?

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After sometime Amara reached to her work place......

Hybe Coorporation....

Amara : Good Morning , Sir . I am so sorry for late .( Apologizing tone)

Bang pd : It's okay ,Miss Amara. Okay but Don't do this next time. I don't like the people who are late.

Amara : Okay , Sir. I won't happen next time.

Amara was busy to talking with Bang pd but here

seeing her taehyung's heart skipped a beat...

Taehyung find himself unable to look away from her seeing her in that white gown.....

Taehyung : How can a person look that much beautiful only wearing just a simple white gown?
O god I don't know what is happening to me?
Am I going crazy? ( Taehyung in mind while admiring her)

Every member of BTS notice taehyung's sudden behaviour but they didn't said anything as they are in public.....

Amara Pov.....

Amara : Sir , here is my daughter , Amna. ( while pinching her cheeks with smile)

Amna : Asslamulaikum , Uncle. (  Flashing cute smile)

Bang pd nodded his slowly with smile as he didn't know how to reply her....

Band pd : Amara , your daughter is so cute , how old is she? ( little smile)

Amara : She is 5 years old , sir.( little smile)

Bang pd : Ohh, okay. So Miss Amara and boys , I think we should go.

When Bang pd , Amara and BTS are getting ready for leaving the place.....

Amna notice a familiar face which excites her very much.....

Amna : Tata , You are here??? ( Shout with excitement yet suprised tone)

hearing Amna's voice he started looking here and there .....

after sometime he notice Amna's cute running figure towards him...

Seeing Amna's running figure he forwards his hand for her so that he can pick her up in his arms....

After sometime When Amna reaches to him , he bend down and pick her up in his arms....

Amna : Hello , tata!! ( excited tone)

Amna wrapped her tiny hands around his neck .....

Taehyung : Hello , My little princess. What are you doing here at this time? ( Cute voice)

Amna : I am here with my Eomma .

Taehyung : Eomma ? Where is your eomma ?

Amna : There ( She points her index finger towards Amara)

When Taehyung looked at her finger's direction
he become shocked....

Taehyung in mind....

Taehyung : Wait?!! That's mean Amna is Amara's Daughter.  whom talked about that day?!!( Surprising tone)

Taehyung : Ohhhh , That's your Eomma . I know her .

Amna : You know her? How did you know her? ( cute questionable face)

Taehyung : Because she is employee of our company.

Amna : Employee ? what is employee ? tata ( confuse face)

Taehyung : Employee means she works for us , okay?!!

Amna cutely nodded....

Seeing Amna in Taehyung's arms other members of BTS come towards him.....

Rm : Taehyung, who is she? ( pinch Amna's cheek softly)

Jungkook : Wait , I maybe saw her somewhere? ( thinking face)

Taehyung : Jungkook, You saw her in angelina's wedding. Don't you remember?!!

Jungkook : Oh , yeah , she was that cute girl who was comes infront of us and then clapped for us cutely.

Jin : Ohh , but what is she doing here at this time?

Taehyung : Bro , She is Amara's daughter. Whom she talked about that day...

Jimin : Ohhh , what is your name , baby? ( asks with cute smile while ruffling amna's hair)

Amna : My name is Amna. what is your name , uncle?

Jimin : Ohhh, Amna . My name is Park Jimin. U can call me Jimin uncle , okay!!

Amna : okayyy ( cute tone)

After sometime Amara notice Amna is not beside her ....

When She started looking here and there to find her then she notice amna is in taehyung's arms...

Seeing her in taehyung's arms , she immediately go in front of  taehyung and apologize to him while saying.....

Amara : I'm really sorry , Mr.Kim. She maybe bother you , right?!!

Taehyung : Miss Amara , you don't have to be sorry. She didn't bother me. How can a cute princess like her bother me, hmmm?!! ( says while smiling)

Amara : But still Amna , you shouldn't come here. Why you are bothering them?

Amna : Sorry , eomma .

Amara : Hmm , now come to eomma , okay. We have to go na?

Amna : Okay , eomma . bye tata.

Taehyung put her in ground so that she can go to her eomma.

Amna goes to her and said cutely...

Amna : Eomma , eomma , you know what jimin uncle says that my name is pretty.

Taehyung chuckled at her cuteness and said...

Taehyung : Yes , little princess, your name is really pretty  just like your eomma .

Taehyung said the last part like a whisper so that Amara couldn't hear.

Amara : I guess , we should leave for the place.

Rm : Yes , she is right.

Jin : Okay then , let's go .

Suga : Hmm .

Then they all left for USA....

Time skip...


They reached in front of their hotel where they are going to stay......

They are getting out from their car so that they can enter into the hotel...

Amara is not feeling well from the time she sat into the car...

She is feeling hard pain in her stomach and also feeling something wet....

Amara : Why I am feeling like that ? Wait , what date is today?!!

She takes out her phone and check the date but she become shocked when she realize It's the date of her period...

Amara : O my Allah , Today is the date of my period . What am I suppose to do now?? I didn't  even bring anything for this as I totally forgot about my period !!! ( said with worried tone)

To be continue....

Now what will Amara do now? Can she save herself from getting embaress?!! If you want to know then wait for the next part.

Take love from Ishika🇧🇩💜

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