Eyes don't lie

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Time skip...

At night...

Amara has just finished her Isha Salah..

She is reciting tajbih..

Suddenly Amara's phone is buzzing...

Amara picked the call..


Amara : Asslamualaikum..

Jimin : Hello..Amara..It's me..Jimin..

Amara : Ohh..jimin..

Jimin : Hmm..Actually I called you to inform that tomorrow we have to go Aman's office at 3 p.m and Sorry, I can't pick you because of some issues.. So can you come alone?

Amara : It's okay..jimin..I can come alone..don't worry...

Jimin : Okay...and don't forget to bring Samara with you..!!

Amara : Okay..Okay..I won't..

Jimin : Okay..then..I will talk to you later , bye!!

Amara : bye..

Amara sighed...

Amara : Allah..I am battling with my heart and mind...I just want my heart to win...

Taheer...I don't know what is truth or what is false....Today I saw your eyes...There is something in your eyes  which is saying that you are innocent...you didn't do anything...

people can lie...but "Eyes Don't lie"

Time Skip...

At Morning...

Amara went to Samara's House...

Amara knocked at their door...

Mrs.Aliya opens the door...

Amara : Asslamualaikum , Aunty...( smiles)

Mrs.Aliya : Walaikum Salam , Dear...How are you..?

Amara : Alhamdulilah I am fine..aunty..what about you?

Mrs.Aliya : Alhamdulilah..( smiles)...come inside dear...

Amara : Okay..aunty... btw Aunty where is Samara..?

Mrs.Aliya : She is in her room..wait I am calling her here...

Amara : No..aunty...no need..I am going to her room..

At Samara's room...

Amara : Samara..Can I come in?

Samara : Ohh..Appi..yes..come in.

Amara : How are you?

Samara : I am alhamdulilah fine..but what about you?

Amara sighed and said...

Amara :  Alhamdulilah I am fine.

Samara : Appi..I really feel bad about you...I can't even imagine taheer bhaiya can do anything like this....

Amara : It's okay , Samara...Everything was Allah's will and I have no objection about this...because Allah knows what is better for me....(smiles)

Samara : Appi...you are so positive..I like your this side so much..( hugging Amara)

Amara hugged her back and said..

Amara : Samara , I need your help..

Samara broke the hug and said...

Samara : Help..? What Help..Appi..??

Amara : Samara , you trust me..?

Samara : Hmm..Appi..but-

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