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Amara : A rose petal?

Play : Sorry - Maahi ( for better experience)

suddenly  she notice the rose petals started raining....

Amara : Oh my Allah? Am I dreaming? Or It is happening for real?

Seeing the raining of rose petals Amara became so happy....

Suddenly she noticed someone outside her balcony holding a placard  and hiding him/her face with it....

Amara : Who is there? Wait something is written on that placard..!!

Amara started reading that writing of the placard...

"Amara...The Queen of my heart...I am sorry..
I am sorry for fall in love with you..."

Amara became totally confuse...

she couldn't figure who this person could be...

Within a second the person removes the placard from his face and showing her  his handsome face...

Amara : Kim Taehyung?

What is he doing here? Oh Allah , What should I do with this guy?? 

Wait he is showing another placard...!!

"But Sweetheart, you don't know how much crazy you made this guy for you..!! "

Amara : Yaa Allah , This guy is totally crazy. One day He will definately put me in trouble. If Anyone see him outside of my house doing these things , they will surely misunderstood me. I have to make him stop doing these things.

Amara signals taehyung to leave this place...

But taehyungie is too stubborn , he decided not to leave this place until Amara forgive him...

Amara : Taehyung , please stop doing this and leave this place ( shouting).

Taehyung : Amara  I won't leave until you forgive me ( shouts back)

Amara giving him a wtf look...

Amara : I will never forgive you.

Taehyung : Okay , then I  won't leave this place too.

Amara : Taehyung please!!

Taehyung: First you say you forgive me!!

Amara :........

Taehyung : Say you forgive me.....

Amara : Taehy-

Taehyung : Say you forgive me...


Taehyung : Promise?


Taehyung : Thank you , love . I love you. ( give her a flying kiss)

Amara : La Haula Wala Quata Illah Billah...

saying this she immediately entered inside her room...

Taehyung also leave that while laughing at Amara's reaction...

Amara sat on her bed and started thinking about taehyung's craziness..

Amara : Yaa Allah , Please grant this crazy boy Hidayah...

Amara was lost in her thoughts..

suddenly she noticed that a cat barged into her room...

Amara : Aww...this cat is so cute.. Ma Sha Allah...
wait there is something on her neck..

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